02 you are my disney英文歌(幫我看看哼唱的這首英文歌名叫什么名字)

时间:2024-07-18 04:06:02 编辑: 来源:

ney, got thrown in the locker

Your shit wasn't polished, my flow is too proper

Say something now Mr. Jones

Ooh, what you gotta say now Mr. Jones

What you gotta say now Mr. Jones

Ooh, what you gotta say now Mr. Jones

What you gotta say now Mr. Jones

Ooh, what you gotta say now Mr. Jones

What you gotta say now Mr. Jones

Ooh, what you gotta say now Mr. Jones

Niggas jumpin' in cause the bars low

Fuck it, I been starvin' yo, weak ass niggas I'ma target those

Do not approach wit a sorry flow, I'll chop you into particles

I'm on the pedestal that you are below

I ain't heard a mutha'fuckin' thing that's remarkable

Dissin' me just won't work out, no cardio

Wel買粉絲e to the ill rap carnival

Bout to blow your mutha'fuckin' brains out quick with my arsenal

Uh, nigga stop with the 買粉絲upe charades, not in the mood to play

You goin' to school today

You put a single out, pocket then loot in change

Nigga your jewelry is not gonna boost your fame

You too lame, bottom of the food chain

The poop stain, I'm Bruce Wayne, I'm too trained

There ain't no way to rece pain, when I throw blows

If I ain't hot, God damn, I don't know

Say something now Mr. Jones

Ooh, what you gotta say now Mr. Jones

What you gotta say now Mr. Jones

Ooh, what you gotta say now Mr. Jones

What you gotta say now Mr. Jones

Ooh, what you gotta say now Mr. Jones

What you gotta say now Mr. Jones

Ooh, what you gotta say now Mr. Jones

One more time, what you gotta say now Mr. Jones

Ooh, what you gotta say now Mr. Jones

What you gotta say now Mr. Jones

Ooh, what you gotta say now Mr. Jones

What you gotta say now Mr. Jones

Ooh, what you gotta say now Mr. Jones

What you gotta say now Mr. Jones

Ooh, what you gotta say now Mr. Jones

Mr. Jones where you at man?

When you gon' blow up man?

When am I gon' start hearing about you, it's been years man?

You been rapping for over a decade and you haven't made one move buddy

Shit, I know why you haven't made one fucking move

Nigga you suck


Emotions 瑪麗亞·凱莉是流行樂界唱海豚音的高手,能有八度變化,音符跳躍,甚至可以在她的海豚音里聽到歌詞。

Har On - Samandar Samandar是烏茲別克斯坦的歌手前奏出現的電話鈴聲就有讓你繼續往下聽的欲望,曲風真的很特別,節奏感稍強,不吵,也不是很靜

SuicideIsPainless - Lady&Bird 這音樂給人溫暖陽光下瑟瑟發抖的感覺,溫柔女聲和恒久不變的合唱,沙沙的聲音,想起牧場,以及遠處的山,記憶夏天的花,一般覺得似乎童聲的合聲很好聽

A Little Inspiration - Jo De La Rosa 這是一首屬于夜晚的歌兒,只有夜里的寧靜才配得上這樣的旋律,讓一天的浮躁得以平靜,女聲有那種吟唱的感覺,中間的鋼琴切合的很好,聽著很入耳很舒服

it´s amazing - Jem 開場的鋼琴聲很吸引人,很喜歡她的聲音,有特色,音色令人迷醉,沙沙的磁性,慵懶中卻透露著一股淡雅,很舒心

brand new day --rydan star 這首是Lie to Me片頭曲,節奏經快,R的聲音很有磁性,配樂也很有質感,特別是歌曲中間階段的那段天籟之音

Beautiful Soul--杰西麥卡特尼Jesse McCartney ,這個大男孩,他的歌曲真的棒,對各種類型音樂兼容并蓄,杰西的唱腔與創作含括了搖滾、靈魂、流行與舞曲等等不同風格

Take Your Sweet Time--杰西麥卡特尼這首《慢慢來》,特別喜歡聽,總感覺像是回旋式,好像緊張的心情,就被撫平了,雖然又是一首情歌,深情并茂,我只想舒服的躺著,聽著這首歌,依戀著這樣的感覺。

Whatever this town--eskobar這是一首英倫的歌曲,它訴說著,對人生的感觀,對世界的靜默,期待,希望,依靠誰,也許只有自己,喜歡這樣的調調,雖然憤世嫉俗,但是卻別有格調


找一首英文歌,歌是 你是我心中的太陽,唯一的太陽!

歌名:you are my sunshine


專輯:《you are my sunshine》


You are my sunshine

my only sunshine

You make me happy

when skies are gray

You'll never know dear

how much I love you

Please don't take

my sunshine away

The other night dear

as I lay sleeping

I dreamed I held you

in my arm

When I awoke dear

I was mistaken

So I hung my head and cried

You are my sunshine

my only sunshine

You make me happy

when skies are gray

You'll never know dear

how much I love you

Please don't take

my sunshine away

So Please don't take

my sunshine away
