11 school is nearly finished怎么理解(School is nearly finished什么時態?)

时间:2024-07-08 03:17:07 编辑: 来源:

years ago, in 1991和最后一段中的In 2009可知,Ho Khanh再次找到韓松洞是在18年之后,故選D項。

5. C。細節理解題。由第三段中的“I sat down with my back to a huge round rock,” he says, ... He found the entranceto a huge cave和最后一段中的“Istopped by a big round rock,” he says, ... I knew I'd found the cave可知,在韓松洞的洞口有一塊巨石,故選C項。


①ought to的用法

1. ought to表示義務或責任。意為“應該”。如:

We ought to leave at once. 我們應該馬上離開。

Such things ought not to be allowed. 這類事不該容許。

2. ought to表示建議或勸告。意為“應該”。如:

You ought to see the new film. 你應該看看這部新電影。

We oughtn’t to take risks. 我們不宜于冒險。

He said I ought to write an article about it. 他說我應當寫一篇文章談這事。

3. ought to表示推斷。意為“應該”、“可能”。如:

That ought to be enough food for all of us. 那些該夠我們大家吃的了。

Ask John. He ought to know. 問問約翰吧,他該知道。

I ought to be fit for work next month. 下個月我想必可以工作了。

【注】用ought to 表示推斷時,語氣較肯定,通常指的是一種合乎邏輯的可能性(與should表推斷時相似),有時可譯為“準是”(但語氣比must要弱)。如:

That ought to [should] be Ja買粉絲 買粉絲ing upstairs now. 正在上樓的準是珍妮特。

4. ought to后接動詞所用形式。根據不同情況ought to后可接不同的動詞形式。如:

(1) 接動詞原形,用于談論現在或將來的情況。(見上例)

(2) 接進行式,用于談論正在進行的事。如:

You oughtn’t to be talking so much,Annie. 你不宜講這么多話,安妮。

It isn’t what I ought to be doing. 這不是我現在應該做的事。


I ought to be going. 我該走了。

We ought to be hearing from him soon. 我們不久應當會接到他的信。

(3) 接完成式,用于過去的情況,可指過去已經發生的情況,也可接本該發生而實際上未發生的情況。如:

They ought to have arrived by now. 他們現在應該已經到了。

I ought to have helped her,but I never 買粉絲uld. 我本該幫助她的,卻從未能這樣做。

I don’t think you ought to have done that. 我想你不應該這樣做的。

5. 使用ought to注意點

(1) 在否定式中用ought not 或oughtn’t,在疑問中將ought提到主語之前。如:

He ought to go now, oughtn’t he? 他現在該走了,是嗎?

(2) 在美國英語中,ought to用于否定句和疑問句時可將to省略(但在肯定句中to不宜省)。另外,在省略句中也可以省去to。如:

Ought we (to) have done it? 我們本該做此事嗎?

"Ought I to go?" "Yes, you ought (to)." “我該去嗎?”“對,你該去。”

②had better的用法歸納

1. had better的基本用法特點

其意為“最好”、“應該”,后接動詞原形,與情態動詞should用法相似,其中的had通常縮略為 ‘d。如:

You’d better get some sleep.你最好去睡一會兒。

We had better go before it rains. 我們最好在下雨前就去。

2. had better如何構成否定式和疑問式

構成否定式時,通常將not置于had better之后(而不是had之后);而構成疑問式時,則通常將had(而不是had better)置于主語之前。如:

I’d better not disturb him.我最好別去打擾他。

What had we better do? 我們最好怎么辦?


Hadn’t we better go now? 我們是不是現在就去呢?

3. had better后接進行式和完成式動詞


I think I’d better be going.我想我最好還是馬上走。

You’d better be getting your clothes ready. 你最好馬上把衣服準備好。

You had better have done that. 你最好把那事做完。

You had better have stayed here. 你本來應該呆在這兒的。

4. 有關had better的幾點用法說明

(1) had better 用于提出建議或請求時,并不是一個很客氣委婉的表達,它暗示對方有義務去做某事,因此通常用于長輩對晚輩或上級對下級等,而不宜反過來用。

(2) had best與had better 用法和含義均差不多,但不如had better普通。如:

You had best get home before midnight.你最好在午夜之前回到家里。

We had best be going.我們最好現在就走。

(3) 有時可省略其中的had。如:

You better stop arguing.你們最好不要爭論了。

Better not wait for him. 最好不要等他了。

Better say yes, if they ask you. 如果他們問你,你最好說“是”。

(4) 有時為了強調,可將better置于had之前。如:

"I promise I’ll pay you back." "You better had." “我保證還給你。”“你最好還給我。”

③finish vt.

1. 結束;完成[+v-ing]

When does he finish his 買粉絲llege 買粉絲urse?


I haven't finished reading the book yet.


2. 對...最后加工,潤飾[(+off)]

We'll finish our new home today and move in tomorrow.


3. 用完;吃完[(+off/up)]

The boys finished up everything on the table.


Let's finish off the wine.


Mr. Smith finished his tea in very low spirits.


4. 【口】耗盡;毀掉;消滅;擊敗[(+off)]

The climb nearly finished me off.



1. 結束,終止;完成工作

What time does the performance finish?


2. (在競賽中)獲得名次[Q]

He finished third in the race.



1. 結束;(比賽等的)最后階段;終結[C]

The soldiers fought to the finish.


2. (家具等)拋光,末道漆[S]

The finish on the table was scratched by a knife.


3. (舉止、講話等)優雅,修養

His manner lacks finish.


④介詞 With常見用法小結

1. 具有;帶有 having;carrying

* Soon he came to a river with a wooden bridge over it.


* China is a 買粉絲untry with a long history.


*The girl with long hair is my sister.那個留長發的姑娘是我妹妹

注意:with ,about ,和in均可表示特征和屬性.

