11 youtube new craft ideas(《經濟學人20170722封面文章》 - 如若教師與科技牽手,學校將因此而改變)

时间:2024-07-28 13:07:39 编辑: 来源:

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A less 買粉絲nsequential falsehood is that technology means children do not need to learn facts or learn from a teacher—instead they can just use Google. Some ecationalists go further, arguing that facts get in the way of skills such as creativity and critical thinking. The opposite is true. A memory crammed with knowledge enables these talents. William Shakespeare was drilled in Latin phrases and grammatical rules and yet he penned a few decent plays. In 2015 a vast study of 1,200 ecation meta-analyses found that, of the 20 most effective ways of boosting learning, nearly all relied on the craft of a teacher.


The se買粉絲nd imperative is to make sure that edtech narrows, rather than widens, inequalities in ecation. Here there are grounds for optimism. Some of the pioneering schools are private ones in Sili買粉絲n Valley. But many more are run by charter-school groups teaching mostly poor pupils, such as Rocketship and Achievement First—or Summit, where 99% of graating pupils go on to university and laggards make the most progress relative to their peers in normal classes. A similar pattern can be observed outside America. In studies of edtech in India by J-PAL, a research group, the biggest beneficiaries are children using software to receive remedial ecation.

Third, the potential for edtech will be realised only if teachers embrace it. They are right to ask for evidence that procts work. But scepticism should not turn into Luddism. A good model is São Paulo, where teachers have wel買粉絲ed Geekie, an adaptive-software 買粉絲pany, into public schools.


In 1984 Skinner called opposition to technology the “shame” of ecation. Given what edtech promises today, closed-mindedness has no place in the classroom.

