10 download from youtube y2mate(從A到Z的英語縮略語)

时间:2024-07-07 05:40:37 编辑: 来源:


tbd = to be done 待完成

tel = telephone 電話

tgif = thank god it's Friday 感謝神,周五啦!

tho = though 盡管,雖然

thx/tx/thks = thanks 謝謝

tia = thanks in advance 先謝謝

tm = trust me 相信我

tmb = text me back 回我短信

tmi = too much information 信息量太大

ttyl/ttul = talk to you later 待會兒再和你聊

ty = thank you 謝謝你

tyvm = thank you very much 非常感謝你


u = you 你

ur = your 你的

u r = you are 你是

u2b/utube = youtube 國外視頻網站


vg = very good 非常好


w8 = wait 等等

wb = wel買粉絲e back 歡迎回來

wan2 = want to 想要

wca = who cares anyway 誰在意呢

wdys = what did you say? 你說什么?

wdyt = what do you think? 你怎么認為?

we = whatever 不管什么樣

wknd = weekend 周末

wot/woot/w00t/wut = what 什么?!

wru = where are you? 你在哪?

wtf = what the f**k 媽蛋

wuzup/sup = what's up 怎么樣?有什么事兒嗎?


X = cross 交叉

xlnt = excellent 出色的

Xmas = Christmas 圣誕節

xoxo = hugs and kisses 親親抱抱

xu = kiss you 親吻你


y = why 為什么

ya = you 你

yep/yup = yes 是的

ynk = you never know 你永遠不會懂

yolo = you only live once 人生只有一次

YR = Yeah, Right 嗯,對


zc = zone center 區中心

zh = zero hour 零時

