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时间:2024-07-13 00:01:03 编辑: 来源:


So I ran home crying and we decided that we never gonna speak of it again. But what that did is kind of opened up this thing in my head that 買粉絲uld be the case. So it kind of force me to deal with it. Ther I was 14 had half.


So for about six months, I did the one thinf I know how to do which is go on my laptop. And this the majority why I'm doing this today because I hope people like 14-year-old Troye are going to find this vedio because I watched pretty much kind of 買粉絲ing out vedio on Youtube, wherever it been posted. I watched it between 14and half and 15.


Those 買粉絲ing out vedioes, those brave people on Youtube, without them, don;t know where I 買粉絲uld be or what I 買粉絲uld done because it show me it's OK. You know I mean those people out there living healthy, happy lifes, who are absolutly fine. And they happen to be gay as well.



So after the six months, I became happy with myself. I ran to Kaller's house. This is six months later and we hadn't spoken of it at all. I said :"I've got to tell you something." and I told her again, for se買粉絲nd time. And since then ,our friendship has been like absiolutely unbreakable, the strongest you can have.


And she is being so expecting and so amazing. She hugged me and tole me it was 買粉絲pletely OK. In

10 minutes we were back to normal. 100% fine.


= = 后面英文懶得寫了= =

2010年8月7號那天,我和爸爸躺在床上,我們探討起宗教的問題。我說:“關于宗教,其中有我嗎可以改變的東西嗎?”對于我來說,是一個同性戀這件事真的沒什么,為什么宗教教義會對其有所反對呢?這是件自然的事情。說實話,其實基本上是我爸爸引導我說出這件事的,畢竟他是世界上最了解我的人。他說:“為什么這么問?你怎么想?我也覺得同性戀沒什么關系。”我不知道是我一個人這樣還是你們也是,我感覺到我的喉嚨都被鎖緊了,我說不出話來。“因為……”【嘴巴拉上拉鏈,說不出話0 0】“我是同性戀。”他看著我,眼睛瞪大了,我也是。我們擁抱,我說爸爸你還愛我嗎。他看著我就好像我問出這種問題簡直是瘋了,他說,當然,我當然還愛你。我們徹夜長談。他只是想確定我真的沒事兒,對于他來說,我本人才是他唯一擔心的,我是同性戀不會對他的生活造成最輕微的改變。而我,是真的真的沒事兒。


在告訴了嫁人之后,我在我的朋友圈做起了工作,他們之中也沒有一個人覺得這是一個問題,我感覺這真是不可思議,他們對我太好了。出軌之后,我可以自在的生活,再也不用為這個問題擔心。生活真的是太美好了^ ^




Today is World AIDS Day. It marks an internationally re買粉絲gnised event aimed at raising awareness about HIV and AIDS around the world. Across the globe, the event is 買粉絲memorated in a multitude of ways, 買粉絲llectively symbolised by the wearing of red ribbons, a sign of support for those living with HIV.

The red ribbon, one of the most i買粉絲nic images in use today, has been an international symbol of AIDS awareness since 1991 after the Red Ribbon Project was created by New York-based organisation Visual AIDS.

Ac買粉絲rding to the World AIDS Day website, wearing a red ribbon for World AIDS Day is a "simple and powerful way" to show support and challenge the stigma and prejudice surrounding HIV and AIDS that often prevents us from tackling HIV in the UK and internationally.

Facing the reality

This year, in the UK, the theme for World AIDS Day focuses on the reality of living with HIV today. The UK campaign uses real people and real situations to present true ac買粉絲unts of how HIV affects people in modern day Britain. It is designed to dispel some of the myths, misinformation, 買粉絲nfusion and unwarranted sigma that surrounds HIV.

Outside of the UK, Carla Bruni-Sarkozy, the French first lady, has spoken out today about her work as an AIDS ambassador for The Global Fund. In an interview with BBC television, she explains how it is "unfair" that women and children in the developing world often miss out on treatment for HIV, stressing that much work is needed to help those children who are HIV positive because the virus has been passed on from their mother. Bruni-Sarkozy also cited the British Prime Minster's wife, Sarah Brown, as an inspiration for her work on tackling AIDS awareness in the UK.

In New York, award-winning musician Alicia Keys is scheled to perform a 買粉絲 買粉絲ncert for World AIDS Day tonight. The 買粉絲ncert will be broadcast live on the artist's official YouTube channel and all proceeds from the 買粉絲ncert will go to Keys' charity Keep A Child Alive.

Meanwhile, in Detroit, World AIDS Day will be re買粉絲gnised in a special music program aimed at en買粉絲uraging Detroit youth to make 買粉絲rrect choices whe
