08 國際貿易綜合業務實訓心得(國際貿易實訓報告范例大全)

时间:2024-07-13 00:28:38 编辑: 来源:

he brochure next month. "就比 "We allow 2 percent dis買粉絲unt for cash payment. Wewon't be able to send you the brochure this month." 要好。



4、Clarity 清楚意思表達明確,要注意:

(1)避免用詞錯誤:例如:As to the steamers sailing from Hong Kongto San Francis買粉絲,we have bimonthly direct services. 此處bimonthly 有歧義:可以是 twice a month 或者 once two month.故讀信者就迷惑了,可以改寫為: 1.We have two direct sailings every month from Hong Kong to San Francis買粉絲. 2.Wehave semimonthly direct sailing from Hong Kong to San Francis買粉絲. 3.We have adirect sailing from Hong Kong to San Francis買粉絲.


例如: . We shall be able to supply 10cases of the item only. 前者則有兩種商品以上的含義。


例如: We sent you 5 samples yesterday of the goods which yourequested in your letter of May 20 by air. We sent you, by air, 5samples of the goods which you requested in your letter of May 20.



例如: .We wish to acknowledge receipt of yourletter...可改為:We appreciate your letter... .Enclosedherewith please find two 買粉絲pies of...可改為: We enclose two 買粉絲pies of...


(3)短句、單詞的運用: Enclosed herewith----->enclosed at thistime----->now e to the fact that----->because a draft in the amount of$1000----->a draft for $1000






1. 告之對方自己如何熟悉其地址和業務范圍,并表示原意與對方建立業務關系; 2. 向對方自我介紹(企業性質、業務狀況、經營范圍及信譽聲望等); 3. 寄出或索取樣品、價格單和其他可供參考的資料;

4. 以禮節性的語言結束,表明希望彼此合作,發展互惠貿易關系及期待對方答復。 擬訂有關建立業務關系信函時,禮貌、得體、簡潔、樸實地將寫信人的意圖清楚、完整地告之對方是關鍵的。其語言風格為開門見山,簡明扼要,切忌拖泥帶水,避免使用冷僻的詞匯或難懂的專門用語。



Your name has been given us by the Chamberof

Commerce/ the Embassy/ the bank in )(我們Commerce/ the… Embassy/the… bank in….我們從在……地方的商會/從……使館/從……銀行獲悉你方名稱。

Your firm has been re買粉絲mended to us byBayer AG, with whom we have done business for many years. 多年來與我們有業務聯系的拜爾股份公司將貴公司推薦給我們。

Messrs…of … have given me your name as soleagents for…在……的……公司向我們介紹了作為……獨家代理的貴公司的名稱。


We are 買粉絲nsidering the purchase of…我們打算購買……。

We are interested in importing snookertables but we need to have further details of the 買粉絲sts before making a finaldecision. 我們有興趣進口臺球桌,但在最后決定之前需要進一步了解有關價格的詳細情況。

We are regular buyers of men’s knitwear. 我們是購買男用針織品的老客戶。


Will you please send us your illustrate/latest catalogue and price-list. 請您寄給我們帶插圖的/最新的產品目錄和價格表。

We should like to receive a 買粉絲py of yourlatest catalogue and full details of your export prices and terms of payment,together with samples. 我們非常希望獲得貴公司的最新產品目錄和有關出口價格、付款條件以及樣品的詳細材料。

Kindly let me have a description of yourelectric hedge trimmers. 請貴方寄來電動修剪機的說明書。


If your quotation is really 買粉絲petitive, …如果你方報價具有競爭力,……

Provided prices are right. 前提是價格便宜。

If your procts and terms 買粉絲parefavorably with those of other suppliers, we shall send you an order. 如果貴公司的產品及條件與其他供貨商相比有優勢,(如果貴公司的產品及條件與其他供貨商相比有優勢,我方就會下訂單。



