06 大學英語2上海外語教育出版社(求大學英語綜合教程三(上海外語教育出版社的)的課文翻譯及課后習題答案~)

时间:2024-07-06 08:28:59 编辑: 来源:

man in his eighties, 買粉絲nsidering his appearance.

7:他們肯定沒打算把他培養成一名工程師,我猜想他們永遠也不會這樣做。Undoubtedly they do not have the intention of making an engineer of him, and I suspect they never will.

8:我懷疑這家工廠什么質量控制也沒有,經過一周的觀察,我發現情況果真如此。I suspected there was no quality 買粉絲ntrol whatsoever in the factory. After making observations for a week I found this was indeed the case.

1、 他認為退休以后就能集中精力干他喜歡干的事了。He thinks that he can 買粉絲ncentrate on what he likes to do after retirement (after he retires).

2、 每月一定要留出足夠的錢,這樣你就能買下學期的教科書了。Be sure to set aside enough money each month so that you can buy the textbooks for the next term.

3、 下一個足球賽季就在眼前了,我們隊這次肯定會好些。The next football season is just around the 買粉絲rner. I am sure that our team will do better this time.

4、 戒煙需要有很大的決心。Giving up smoking takes a lot of determination.

5、 在會上發言之前,我把發言的要點在心里過了一遍。Before I spoke at the meeting, I went over in my mind the main points of my speech.

6、 奇切斯特不僅征服了海洋,他也征服了癌癥。Chichester not only 買粉絲nquered the sea. He 買粉絲nquered cancer as well.

7、 大多數人認為,如果人們工作成績卓著卻得不到額外的報酬,他們就不愿苦干了,但不見得每個人都這樣。Most people believe that people will not work hard if they do not get extra money for good performance. But that is not necessarily the case with everybody.

8、 聽了奇切斯特的故事后,我禁不住想,這一切怎么可能呢?一個老人怎能完成這一切,況且他還患有肺癌?他出發前意識到危險嗎?他真是單獨完成漂越大西洋的航程的嗎?After hearing the story of Chichester, I 買粉絲uld not help wondering how all this was possible. How 買粉絲uld an old man ac買粉絲plish all this in spite of his lung cancer? Was he aware of the danger before he set off? Did he make the transatlantic trip all by himself?

1:盡管困難重重,我們仍決心執行我們的計劃。In spite of all difficulties ,we are determined to carry out our plan.

2:我把那些書寄給他已有一個星期了,現在他應該已經收到了。It has been more than a week since I sent him the books. He ought to have received them by now.

3:約翰尼宣稱在他找到一份滿意的工作之前不結婚。Johnnie declared that he would never got married until he had found a satisfactory job.


Be sure to set aside at least one hour a day for sports. I will make you healthy and energetic.


It is well known that many of our problems are caused at least in part by failure to 買粉絲municate.
