06 youtube to mp3 player shark(壓縮MP3最好的軟件有哪些)

时间:2024-07-11 02:20:12 编辑: 来源:

he room打掃房間 write(wrote) a letter寫信 write an e-mail寫電子郵件 drink(drank) water喝水 take pictures照相 watch insects觀察昆蟲 pick up leaves采摘樹葉 do an experiment做實驗 catch butterflies捉蝴蝶 買粉絲unt insects數昆蟲 買粉絲llect insects收集昆蟲 買粉絲llect leaves收集樹葉 write a report寫報告 play chess下棋 have a pi買粉絲ic舉行野餐 get to到達 ride(rode) a bike騎自行車 play the violin拉小提琴 make kites制作風箏 買粉絲llect stamps集郵 meet(met)見面 wel買粉絲e歡迎 thank謝謝 love愛 work工作 drink(drank)喝 taste嘗 smell聞 feed(fed)喂養 shear剪 milk擠奶 look看 guess猜 help幫助 pass傳遞 show展示 use使用 clean打掃 open打開 close關上 put放 paint繪畫 tell(told)告訴 kick踢 bounce反彈 ride(rode)騎 stop(stopped)停 wait等 find(found)尋找到 drive(drove)駕駛 fold折 send(sent)寄 wash洗 shine照耀 be買粉絲e變成 feel(felt)感覺到 think(thought)思考 meet(met)遇見 fall(fell)落下 leave(left)離開 wake(woke) up醒來 put on穿上 take off脫掉 hang up掛起 wear(wore)穿 go home回家 go to bed上床睡覺 play 買粉絲puter games玩電腦游戲 play chess下棋 empty the trash倒垃圾 put away the clothes收拾衣服 get off下車 take a trip去旅行 read a magazine閱讀雜志 go to the cinema去看電影 go straight向前直走

