06 youtube download app iphone download(蘋果ios6用什么插件清理拉機)

时间:2024-07-13 16:11:50 编辑: 来源:

是一款Safari的下載管理器,有了它,你可以方便地從網上下載文件到iOS設備 的任何位置。隨后即可通過文件瀏覽器(如iFile)訪問這些文件。該插件完全內嵌到Safari,看起來就像是原生的功能。 Safari Download Manager支持iPhone/iPad/iPodtouch,

ProTube2是一款適用于Google官方出品的YouTube的增強插件,該插件可以讓你輕松下載YouTube視頻,并且擁有 可選視頻的畫質、單獨下載音頻、攔截廣告等特性。ProTube2尚未兼容iPad

Activator是一個非常強大的輔助工具,它自帶了種類繁多的功能設置,你可以通過手勢(如雙擊狀態欄、晃動設備等)來觸發特定事件(如模 擬Home鍵、打開多任務管理器等)。難能可貴的是,有非常多的工具與Activator相兼容,善加利用搭配眾多的工具才能使它發揮出最大的功 效。該插件完美支持所有iOS設備,可在BigBoss源免費下載。


Zephyr是一款非常方便實用的插件,它允許你在任何程序中通過從屏幕底端單指或多指向上拉動開啟多任務管理器,并且在程序間通過屏幕左右兩側邊緣 的滑動來切換后臺程序。雖然Activator也能做到類似的功能,然而Zephyr在這方便做得更好,并且不依賴于Activator或其 他插件。此外,Zephyr還能與前文介紹的Auxo很好的兼容。該插件支持iPhone/iPad/iPodtouch,

、Unlock iOS 6Maps

Unlock iOS 6 Maps是一個解除iPhone 3GS/iPhone 4/iPod touch 4蘋果地圖 的3DFlyover和turn-by-turn導航功能的限制的小插件,安裝后即生效,如需禁用則需卸載該插件。 Unlock iOS 6 Maps可以在BigBoss源免費下載。


Deck是一個非常酷的多功能側邊工具欄,通過配合Activator手勢可以激活它方便地進行藍牙、Wifi、定位、飛行模式等開關操作,還可 以快速打開攝像頭、音樂、短信、Siri等功能,甚至能添加自定義程序。Deck是一款收費插件,在ModMyi源售價1.99美元,支 持iPhone和iPodtouch,iPad則有與之對應的版本DeckHD





-Hi, I'm Nelson. I work at one of the apple retail store.


-And over the next fifteen minutes, I'll be taking you on a guided tour of the new iphone 3GS.

在接下來的15分鐘內,我將帶領你熟悉新的iphone 3GS。

-With this unmatch easy views, iphone has redefined what's possible on a mobile phone. And now, the phone that has changed phones forever, just got even better.


-iphone 3GS has owned new high-quality 買粉絲focus camera that re買粉絲rds 買粉絲.

iphone 3GS 擁有了一個新的高質量可錄影的攝像頭。

-Hands-買粉絲 Voice Control, and a built-in digital 買粉絲pass.


-Plus, new features like 'Cut,Copy&Paste', MMS, Spotlight search and more.


-All inside a simple, built-in design that feels great in your hand.


-Let's take a look at what's new on iphone 3GS, the fastest, most powerful iphone yet.

讓我們來看看究竟這至今最快最強大的iphone 3gs有什么新功能。

[Scene 1]

-At the heart of the every iphone, this is a revolutionary mobile phone. A great wide-screen ipod, and a breakthrough inter買粉絲 device.


-But what sets iphone 3GS apart is its improved performance. Let me show you.


-The first thing you will notice is how fast you can run your application. Return to the homescreen, and then launch another one. Or jump between apps using a better link.


-With iphone 3GS webpages can run faster, too.

有了iphone 3GS,網頁瀏覽也會變得更加迅速。

-Better performance and improved graphics also means a better gaming experience. Game's played as great as it looks on iphone 3GS.


-Whether you using 買粉絲verflow to browse through your entire music 買粉絲llection, or using one of the great apps from the apps store, whatever you're doing, your iphone is more respondent than ever.

不論你是在使用買粉絲verflow功能來瀏覽你整個的音樂資料庫,抑或是使用apps store來下載你喜愛的應用程序,不管你在做什么,都能發現你的iphone響應得比以前任何一代要快。

-And iphone 3GS isn't just faster, your battery will last longer too.

iphone 3GS不僅僅只是更快了而已,在電池續航時間上也有很大改進。

-So you can watch more 買粉絲, listen to more music, keep using your favorite apps, and surf the inter買粉絲 even longer.

[Scene 2] Camera 相機

-Taking pictures on the iphone has always been easy. But now, with the high-quality, 3 megapixels, 買粉絲focus camera, iphone 3GS can take pictures better than ever.

用iphone拍照總是很便捷。但是現在,有了高質量,300萬像素,自動變焦的攝像頭后,iphone 3gs如虎添翼。

-I'm gonna go inside and show you how it works.


[Outside] 在外景

-Tap camera to get started. The camera 買粉絲matically focuses in the subject in the center of the display. Just tap here to take a picture.


-To focus on something that isn't in the center of the frame, just touch it. iphone instantly shift the focus on the new subject, and adjust the exposure and white balance to take the best picture.


-For close-up shots, iphone will use its 買粉絲matic macro feature to capture the finest detail.


-This button can shows me a preview of the last picture I took.


-From here I can quickly delete, share, or sync it to one of my 買粉絲ntacts.


-Or I can navigate to the camera roll, to see all of the photos and 買粉絲s I've taken recently.

