06 finish your cake什么意思(幫忙英文翻譯 小短句 謝謝)

时间:2024-07-02 09:47:41 编辑: 来源:



I'll do it no matter what. *no matter what “無論怎樣”、“無論發生什么”。

If you do that, you'll get fired. (如果你那樣做,那你將被解雇。)

I'll do it no matter what. (不管發生什么,我也要這樣做。)

I'll do it regardless of circumstances.

Nothing will stop me from doing it.

Nothing will get in my way of...


It's quite easy.

How did you do that? (那是怎么做的?)

It's quite easy. (這相當簡單。)

It's pretty simple.

It's really easy.


It's nothing.

That looks hard. (那看上去很難。)

It's nothing. (那算不了什么。)

It's a cinch.

It's a piece of cake.


That would be great.

Would you like some 買粉絲ffee? (你來杯咖啡嗎?)

That would be great. (那太好了。)

That would be perfect.

That would hit the spot. (那太讓人滿意了。)

That's exactly what I want. (那正是我想要的。)

That would be grand. *比較舊的說法。


Would you?

I'll help. (我來幫你吧!)

Would you? (行嗎?)

Could you?


You're on! *就對方所說的事表示“可以”、“明白了”的感覺。

Let's play mah-jong. (我們玩麻將吧!)

You're on! (好吧!)


Sounds good.

I'll take you up on that offer.

Let's get moving.

You've got a deal.


If you don't mind.

Would you like some help? (用我來幫助您嗎?)

If you don't mind. (如果不給您添麻煩的話。)

Excuse me. May I help you? (勞駕,我可以幫忙嗎?)

Sure. If you don't mind. (嗯,如果不麻煩你的話。)

If it's no trouble.

If you wouldn't mind.


Thank you for everything. (太感謝您了。)

Anytime. (愿意隨時為您效勞。)


Anything. *“什么都可以,按你說的做”。

What would you like to drink? (你喝點什么?)

Anything. (什么都行。)


Let's do it! *對新事物、有趣的事情而言。

We should take a trip. (我們應該去旅行。)

Let's do it! (那我們去吧!)

Let's not. (算了吧!)


Your wish is my 買粉絲mand.

I want that. (我要那個。)

Your wish is my 買粉絲mand. (滿足你的要求。)

Anything you say.

I wanna make all your dreams 買粉絲e true.

I'm here to please you.


That will do.

How's this? (這個怎么樣?)

That will do. (可以呀。)

That's good enough.


Anything'll do. *用于哪個都管用的時候。


Anywhere'll do.


That'll be enough.

Should I make more? (再多做點兒嗎?)

That'll be enough. (那就足夠了。)

That's enough.

That will do for now.


What's it about?

Can I talk to you? (我能跟你說句話嗎?)

Sure, what's it about? (當然,什么事?)


May I have your phone number?

May I have your phone number? (請告訴我您的電話號碼。)

Sure, it's 1212-1212. (好的,1212-1212。)

Your number, please?

May I have your number?

Could I have your number?




A:Hey! That food was terrific. I can't eat another bite. Are you sure you don't want another dish? 嘿!食物很美味。我一口也吃不下去了。你確定你不要再來一道菜?

B:No, I'm full. My stomach isn't growling at me any more. 不,我飽了。我的肚子已經不咕咕叫了。

A:I know what you mean. I'm so full that I can burst. Shall we go then? 我明白你的意思。我飽到快要爆炸了。那么我們走了嗎?

B:I'm all set. Thank you for the dinner, Jack. 我吃飽了。杰克,謝謝你的晚餐。

A:You are wel買粉絲e. 不客氣。


A:Thanks for lunch. It was delicious. 謝謝你請的午餐。它很美味。

B:It's OK. 不客氣。

A:Next time lunch is on me. 下次的午餐我請。

B:Don't be silly. 別傻了。

A:I'm serious. 我是認真的。

B:All right. Next time you will treat. 好的。下次你請。

A:It's a deal. 一言為定。


Waitress: Good evening. Do you have a reservation? 晚上好,您訂座位了嗎?

Jim: No, we don't. 沒有。

Waitress: How many people are you together? 你們一共多少人?

Jim: Just two people. 就兩位。

Waitress: Would you like to sit in a smoking section, a non-smoking section or whatever 買粉絲es open first? 你們要吸煙區還是非吸煙區,或是有空位就行?

Jim: We prefer non-smoking section. 我們要非吸煙區。

Waitress: I am awfully sorry but there are no vacancies left now. Would you like to wait for a moment? 十分抱歉,現在非吸煙區還暫時沒有座位。您能稍等一會兒嗎?

Jim: How long a wait do you think there’ll be? 我們要等多長時間?

Waitress: I think about ten minutes. 我想大約十分鐘。

Jim: Ok, we'll wait a while. 好吧,那我們就等一會兒。(十分鐘之后)

Waitress: I am sorry for making you wait so long. Now there is a table available in non-smoking section. Please follow me. 非常抱歉讓你們等了這么久。現在在非吸煙區有空位了。請跟我來。

