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时间:2024-07-12 23:51:18 编辑: 来源:

同樣,在傳統的方法不能奏效的情況下,出版商們便只有從源頭上遏制了。不知道國外關于此的爭鬧還會繼續多久,然而在中國卻又是另一種風景。眾所周知,現階段中國的版權保護制度和國外還有實質上的差距,這實際上使P2P技術的運用在相當長的一段時間內可以規避版權問題的困擾。按照國內我們的理解,P2P軟體提供的只是一個資源共享平臺,并不需要對其中傳播的內容負主要責任,只要適當地監督引導當然可以大膽運作。從這方面來說,國內的P2P軟體廠商處境要比國外的同行幸福很多,路已經有前人開好,又不必像國外的先行者如Napster一樣面臨官司的壓力。而我們面對現狀,一個形象的比喻是:你愿意揮汗如雨在天橋淘碟,還是愿意輕松愜意在家享受寬頻視訊下載? 網路傳輸這種傳播方式遲早有一天會取代傳統的以磁帶、光碟為載體的影視音樂發行渠道,從而成為人們獲取影音資源的主要渠道,這似乎已經成了一個不爭的事實。看看國外已經進行了多少年的爭端,能不能給我們一些啟示。在中國這樣一個走進任何一家音像店,你都可以用低廉的價格獲取幾乎與正版沒有任何區別的音像制品的情況下,利用新技術的無窮魅力與優勢建立一個全新的發行渠道,打破以往那種發行模式才有可能避免切膚之痛。或許,國內的P2P行業有可能比國外的同行更有優勢率先實現成熟的商業模式。




歌曲名是 Don't Push Me

I'm a love em and leave em

Touch and thease em kinda girl

I'm the perfect type for one wild night

Yeah I suffocate quick

Does that make me a bitch

I don't really care though

Well your roses were sweet really swept me off my feet

But I start to choke when you say let's elope

Yeah I suffocate quick

Does that make me a bitch?

I don't really care

No no no..................

Don't push me so hard

Don't push me so far

Don't cage me in

Don't tie me down

Don't push me so hard

Don't push me so far

Don't cage me in

Don't tie me down

Can we take a bubble bath have a drink and a laugh

Just enjoy what we have and then leave It to the past

Cause I don't give a damm if you're the perfect man

That's not how this story goes

You can write me fat checks, or buy diamonds for my neck

Buy me big fat rings I prefer Tiffany's

Cause I don't give a damn if you're the perfect man

That's not how this story goes

No no no..................

Don't push me so hard

Don't push me so far

Don't cage me in

Don't tie me down

Don't push me so hard

Don't push me so far

Don't cage me in

Don't tie me down

And I'm not trying to be giving you a bitter pill, no

And I don't wanna make you promises I can't fulfil

No I...............

Don't push me so hard

Don't push me so far

Don't cage me in

Don't tie me down

I'm a love em and leave em

Touch and thease em kinda girl

I'm the perfect type for one wild night

Yeah I suffocate quick

Does that make me a bitch

I don't really care though

Well your roses were sweet really swept me off my feet

But I start to choke when you say let's elope

Yeah I suffocate quick

Does that make me a bitch?

I don't really care

No no no..................

Don't push me so hard

Don't push me so far

Don't cage me in

Don't tie me down

Don't push me so hard

Don't push me so far

Don't cage me in

Don't tie me down

Don't push me so hard

Don't push me so far

Don't cage me in

Don't tie me down

Don't push me so hard

Don't push me so far

Don't cage me in

Don't tie me down


Sweetbox成立于1995年。最先由TinaHarris擔任主唱。95年推出首只單曲《Booyah Here We Go》,隔年發行第二張單曲《Shakalaka》,在紐約的舞曲榜3周冠軍。97年一首取樣自巴哈名曲《G弦之歌》的《Everything’s Gonna Be Alright》傳唱全球,在英國、全歐洲日本與美國告示牌都登上銷售排行。不僅如此,Sweetbox還贏得了日本葛萊美點播榜Top10中停留了8周之久。如此耀眼的成績,讓Sweetbox的專輯被全球47個國家發行,一共創下了3千萬張的絕佳銷售。


這是這首歌曲的 MTV 很經典的






01.Young Racer - Tearliner (第1集開頭恩燦送外賣時)


02.Tango Italiano - Milva (第1集恩燦和黃民燁比賽吃炸醬面)


03.Good Bye - The Melody(? ???) (第1集翰成回憶俞珠)(12集俞珠要去紐約在機場,這歌快成他倆的主題曲了)


04.Fly Me To The Moon - Julie London (第2集翰成回憶俞珠時,玩具小人唱的歌) (17集最后花絮鏡頭時BGM)


05.??(花盆) - LOVEHOLIC(????) (第2集翰成回憶俞珠)


06.Immaterial White - Free Tempo (第2集恩燦試衣)


07.????? - ??? (第3集恩燦和翰潔抱著兩大袋玩偶在雨中跑時的音樂)


08.??? ?? - ???? (第3集恩燦躲雨在翰潔家回憶爸爸的老唱片)

