08 the pleasure of learning總結(散文我和北大圖書館英譯賞析)

时间:2024-07-07 04:13:52 编辑: 来源:

taking a chance by driving his car so fast. 他冒險把車開得這么快。

As for Tom, he did quite well. 至于湯姆,他做得不錯。




This kind of cloth washes easily.這種布易洗。

These novels won’t sell well.這些小說不暢銷。

My pen writes smoothly.我的鋼筆寫起來很流暢。

The door won’t lock.門鎖不上。

The fish smells good.魚聞起來香。

②當break out、take place、shut off、turn off、work out等動詞表示“發生、關閉、制定”等意思時。

The plan worked out successfully.

The lamps on the wall turn off.

③want, require, need后面的動名詞用主動表示被動含義。

④be worth doing用主動形式表示被動含義。

⑤在“be + 形容詞 + to do”中,不定式的邏輯賓語是 句子 的主語,用主動代被動。

This kind of water isn’t fit to drink.

The girl isn’t easy to get along with.

另外:be to blame(受譴責),be to rent(出租)也用主動形式表被動。

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