07 上海外語教育出版社綜合教程2答案(大學英語綜合教程3(上海外語教育出版社的)的課文翻譯及課后習題答案!!!誰有??!)

时间:2024-07-18 03:03:46 编辑: 来源:



5他 竭盡全力試圖 去救那個溺水的男孩,但沒成功.in vain)


He  tried his best to  save the drowning boy, but in  vain. 

6.那個老婦人總是喜歡管別人的事情。interfere in)


That old woman is always interfering in other people's affairs. 

7.發表了幾篇有影響的論文后,他在學術界 頗有名氣。distinguished)



After having several influential papers published, he became quite

distinguished in the  academic world. 




(Pollution is so serious in this area that the villagers can hardly find any water) that is fit for drinking.




I packed a suitcase with  all the things that might be needed. 

10我們中國人往往把春節與家人團聚聯系起來。associate with)


We Chinese usually associate the Spring Festival with family reunion.
