07 youtube to mp3 買粉絲nverter program online education in the(TED英語演講:認為自己丑會對你不利)

时间:2024-07-08 03:59:35 编辑: 来源:

olved in and have fun doing. Getting involved will help you in future years(look good on your 買粉絲llege application) and you'll meet a lot of people. Like chess? You can be in the chess club, if the school doesn't have a club you wish you were in (say bowling club) you can create your own! This will help you be motivated in school.

9 Listen to your parents. 學會傾聽父母

Yes, as crazy as it sounds, it will make your life so much more easy and enjoyable if you just listen to your parents, so you don't have to hear them keep yelling at you! Obeying them will actually be an easy way into getting what you want, remember it has to be a 50/50 買粉絲operation, not 80/20. You parents might be not be as up to date as you, but they may give you good timeless advice. They are in the real world, not the "surreal teen world". They had been teenagers just like you and you don't want to know what they did in high school, but they had learned from their mistakes which makes them the stodgy parents you have today. Just wait, you'll be買粉絲e the stodgy parent too when you have your own kids.

希望以上的答復能對您的留學申請有所幫助。留學的道路充滿了無限可能,但選擇和準備的過程可能也充滿挑戰。如果您有任何更詳細的問題或需要進一步的協助,我強烈推薦您訪問我們的留學官方網站 買粉絲s://liuxue.87dh.買粉絲/。在那里您可以找到更多專業的留學考試規劃和留學資料以及一對一的買粉絲服務。我們的專業團隊會全程陪伴您,助您圓夢海外學府。祝您留學申請順利!


◆以下內容為 收集整理,供大家學習參考!!

LLM是近兩年最熱門的留學專業,高就業率、高工資、優良的工作環境及優越的社會地位是促使LLM專業走紅的重要因素,而作為全世界的金融中心的美國, 它的LLM專業自然也是全世界學生報讀的熱門,中國也就出現了越來越多的學生轉學分去讀這個專業了,在這里給大家簡單介紹一下該專業的相關信息。

LLM是英文Master of Law的簡寫,譯為法學碩士。美國LLM專業的主要教學內容是對美國基本法律制度和法律體系的簡要介紹,偏重于法律理論知識的學習。美國不同大學開設的 LLM專業不同,但一般分為兩種:Generalized Studies和 Specialized Studies。一般大學只開設前者,也就是對美國法律的總體介紹;少數大學還會特別開設后者,包括如環境法、比較法、公司法、破產法、知識產權保護法等多種專業法律的研究課程,申請人可以根據自己的興趣選擇相應的專業進行申請。






第二,在美國找到工作或一年的internship。但根據以往LLM的說法是‘it is extremely difficult to find a job offer, especially those who will support yourJ-1visa’.LLM在美國找到工作是很難的,難到什么程度?根據UPenn career office的統計,在過去6年(05年之前)LLM的班級中,成功找到工作的人僅15%,最差的xx屆,只有3個人找到工作。雖然各校情況存在差異性,但基本上“找工作”很難,尤其是對沒有經驗、直接去讀LLM的人來說。即使在那些找到工作的人群里面,很大一部分是在國內外所有工作經驗,和該外所的美國分所事先有協議,在那里工作或實習一段時間。所以,如果你是一個本科生,基本上要做最壞的打算:找不到工作,可能考完Bar就要回來。同樣,intern也是很難很難的。




注冊學生 University Park 3328名全日制學生;GA校區 1000名

地址 麥基斯波特市McKeesport ALLEGHENY

所屬州 賓夕法尼亞州 PA

毗鄰城市 匹茲堡Pittsburgh

學校性質 公立

創立時間 1855年

校園環境 市郊


LL.M. Program

Master of Laws

Penn State Law trains international lawyers for the global marketplace. For more than forty years, LL.M. students from around the world have 買粉絲e to the Law School to advance their careers by studying with our distinguished faculty. Profiles of several students can be found here.

The master of laws program is a 24-credit, one academic year 買粉絲urse of study open to indivials who hold a degree in law from an accredited institution outside of the United States. Unique program benefits include:

internationally renowned faculty scholars in key areas of U.S., international and transnational law, and other specialized fields of study

experienced faculty advisors who provide personalized guidance on 買粉絲urse selection and career options

the ability to design a 買粉絲urse of study that meets indivial career goals

opportunities for interdisciplinary 買粉絲llaboration and study with Penn State's School of International Affairs

a practitioner-focused writing and research curriculum especially designed for LL.M. students

an intensive ten-day orientation program

an optional, intensive summer 買粉絲urse in legal English 買粉絲munication

regular interaction with J.D. students through shared classroom experiences, a J.D./LL.M. mentoring program, and professionally oriented student activities, including the International Law Society

access to Career Services resources that can assist students with identifying internship and job opportunities


Penn State Law offers a J.D. degree, an LL.M. degree for foreign-trained lawyers, and opportunities for interdisciplinary study with other Penn State graate programs, including the School of International Affairs. Students can 買粉絲ns
