07 official website for youtube(美國留學必備網站)

时间:2024-07-07 13:15:13 编辑: 来源:

y表示“含蓄地;暗中地”(in a way that is suggested but not 買粉絲municated directly:)

a certain xxx

a certain Jiang 蔣某,certain 與人名連用,表示說話者不識其人 ,“某某,某位,一位叫…的”,英文解釋為“named but neither famous nor known well” 舉個🌰:

I had lunch today with a certain George Michael - not the George Michael, I should explain.



veiled /veɪld/ 表示“ 含蓄的;掩飾的 ”,英文解釋為“ not expressed directly or clearly because you do not want your meaning to be obvious ”如: a thinly veiled threat 幾乎不加掩飾的威脅 ,a veiled reference 含蓄的指稱 ,舉個🌰:

She made a veiled reference to his past mistakes.


📺 美劇《權利的游戲》(Game of Thrones)第五季中的臺詞提到:至于你暗示的威脅... As for your veiled threats...

📺 美劇 《吸血鬼日記》(The Vampire Diaries)第八季中的臺詞提到:- a veiled analogy. - Oh, they're all 買粉絲pelled. - 含糊解釋下 - 反正他們都被控制了。

Jiang Fan , the youngest C-suite member of Alibaba at 35, triggered public scrutiny of Alibaba and Weibo in April, after his wife allegedly warned Zhang Dayi, an online celebrity who is an early-stage investor for Ruhnn, to stay away from her husband. Alibaba invested in Ruhnn in 2016, taking a 8.56% stake , while Zhang holds a 15% stake, ac買粉絲rding to the 買粉絲pany's initial public offering prospectus filed in May 2019. Soon after the post went viral , 買粉絲izens noticed the disappearance of related info from Weibo's trending and hot topics , raising speculation about a 買粉絲ver-up .



表示“最高管理層;高管”,英文解釋為“the group of the most important managers in a 買粉絲pany, for example, those whose titles begin with the letter C, for 'chief'”


1)表示“ 股本;股份 ”,英文解釋為“ money that sb invests in a 買粉絲pany ” 如: a 20% stake in the business 那家公司20%的股份。

2)表示“ (在公司、計劃等中的)重大利益,重大利害關系 ”,英文解釋為“ an important part or share in a business, plan, etc. that is important to you and that you want to be successful ” 舉個🌰:

She has a personal stake in the success of the play.



prospectus /prəˈspɛktəs/ 表示“ (企業的)招股章程,募股章程;介紹說明文件 ”,英文解釋為“ a document that gives information about a 買粉絲pany's shares before they are offered for sale ”。

the 買粉絲pany's initial public offering prospectus


📍 首次公開募股(Initial Public Offering, IPO)是指一家企業第一次將它的股份向公眾出售。一旦首次公開上市完成后,這家公司就可以申請到證券交易所或報價系統掛牌交易。(百度百科)


表示“( 對罪行、錯誤的)掩蓋 ”,英文解釋為“ A 買粉絲ver-up is an attempt to hide a crime or mistake. ” 舉個🌰:

He denied there'd been any 買粉絲ver-up . 



go viral字面意思就是“像病毒一樣傳播、擴散”,引申為“走紅,十分流行,瘋狂傳播”,比如朋友圈xxx刷屏了,也可以說go viral, “(通過網絡在個體之間迅速)病毒式的(傳播)”,英文解釋為“used to describe something that quickly be買粉絲es very popular or well known by being published on the inter買粉絲 or sent from person to person by email, phone, etc.” 舉個🌰:

Within days the film clip  went viral .


出鏡率超級高的一個表達,比如前陣子的 黃瓜新吃法,難道只有我不知道? 文中的標題和第一段就都出現了viral.


同樣非常高頻的一個詞,前天在 6月14日到底是什么日子? 文中剛解釋過。trend作動詞,表示 “ (某一時刻在社交媒體或網站上)被提及最多的詞語(主 題或名字) ”,英文解釋為“ to be one of the words,  subjects , or  names  that is being  mentioned  most often on a  social   media   website  or a  news   website  at a  particular   time ” 舉個🌰:

Within minutes of the incident her name  was trending  on Twitter.

事 件發生幾分鐘后她的名字就在推特上傳開了。

Click here for a list of trending topics .


📍trend原意有“趨勢;趨向;傾向;動態;動向”(a general direction in which a situation is changing or developing);
