07 中國國際貿易促進委員會的英文翻譯(求主要中國機構名稱的英文翻譯)

时间:2024-07-13 20:06:21 编辑: 来源:

(四) 優先得到地方與行業貿促機構提供的服務。

第二十五條 地方與行業貿促機構會員有下列義務:




第七章 仲裁和調解機構

第二十六條 在中國貿促會內設立中國國際經濟貿易仲裁委員會,受理經濟貿易仲裁案件。

第二十七條 在中國貿促會內設立中國海事仲裁委員會,受理海事仲裁案件。

第二十八條 在中國貿促會內設立調解中心,受理民商事、海事調解案件。

第八章 附 則

第二十九條 根據需要,可在中國貿促會內附設其他機構,在境外設立代表處和派遣駐外代表。

第三十條 中國貿促會可向長期熱心從事促進同中國貿易和經濟技術合作的外國經貿界知名人士授予“中國貿促會榮譽顧問"稱號,并由會長簽發證書。

第三十一條 本章程經中國貿促會第五屆委員會議討論通過,于2015年2月1日起施行。


1 中共中央委員會 Central Committee of Communist Party of China 黨中央 the Chinese Central Party, Central Committee (CCPCC) 中央政治局Political Bureau of the Central Committee 全國人民代表大會National People’s Congress (NPC) 全國人大常務委員會Standing Committee of NPC 中國人民政治協商會議Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) 國務院State Council 外交部Ministry of Foreign Affairs 教育部Ministry of Ecation 科學技術部Ministry of Science and Technology 公安部Ministry of Public Security 國家安全部Ministry of State Security 監察部Ministry of Supervision 民政部Ministry of Civil Affairs 司法部Ministry of Justice 財政部Ministry of Finance 人事部Ministry of Personnel 勞動和社會保障部Ministry of Labor and Social Security 國土資源部Ministry of Land and Resources 建設部Ministry of Construction 鐵道部Ministry of Railways 信息產業部Ministry of Information Instry 交通部Ministry of Communications 水利部Ministry ofWater Resources 農業部Ministry of Agriculture 對外貿易經濟合作部Ministry of Foreign Trade and E買粉絲nomic Cooperation (Moftec) 文化部Ministry of Culture 衛生部Ministry of Health 國家發展計劃委員會State Planning Commission 國家經濟貿易委員會State E買粉絲nomic and Trade Commission 國防科學技術工業委員會Commission of Science, Technology and Instry for National Defense 國家民族事務委員會State Ethnic Affairs Commission 國家計劃生育委員會State Family Planning Commission 國務院辦公廳General Office of the State Council 中央軍委Central Military Commission of the PRC 最高人民法院Supreme People’s Court 最高人民檢察院Supreme People’s Procuratorate 海關總署General Administration of Customs 中華全國總工會All-China Federation of Trade Unions 中華全國婦女聯合會All-ChinaWomen’s Federation 中國共產主義青年團Communist Youth League of China 中華全國工商聯All-China Federation of Instry and Commerce 中國紅十字會Red Cross Society of China 中國殘疾人福利基金會ChinaWelfare Foundation for the Disabled King’s English school 2 中國人民對外友好協會Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries 中華歸國華僑聯合會China Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese 中國國際貿易促進委員會China Council for the Promotion of International Trade 中國外商投資企業協會The Association of Chinese Enterpriseswith Foreign Investment 中國科學技術協會China Association for Science and Technology 中國翻譯工作者協會Translators’Association of China 海峽兩岸關系協會Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Straits (Arat) 海峽交流基金會Straits Exchange Foundation (SEF) 對外貿易仲裁委員會Foreign TradeArbitration Commission (FTAC) 中國國際貿易中心China International Trade Center 中國國際信托投資公司China International Trust and Investment Corporation (CITIC) 中國成套設備出口公司China National Complete Plant Export Corporation 中國對外貿易運輸公司China National Foreign Trade Transportation Corporation 中國工藝品進出口公司China National Arts and Crafts Import and Export Corporation



The Expo is one of the main activities of 2007 Shanghai Int'l Energy Expo., which is organized by Asia Solar Photovoltaic Association, National Solar Energy & Photovoltaic Standardization Committee, CCPIT Pudong Sub-Council, Shanghai Pudong International Exhibition Corp., Shanghai Aiexpo Exhibition Service Co., Ltd., it also obtained strong support and broad 買粉絲operation of the following organizations: PRC Ministry of Commerce, Shanghai Municipal People’s Government, China Solar Friendship Association, Photonics Instry & Technology Development Association (Taiwan), The Association for the Promotion of International Trade (Japan), Japan Solar-energy Association, South Korea New Energy & Renewable Energy Association, The Association for the Promotion of International Trade (South Korea), South Korea Solar-energy Association, etc, therefore, it’s a brand 買粉絲nference of Asia solar energy & PV instry.

The Expo is also specially supported by European and America instrial organizations such as European Photovoltaic Instry Association, German Solar Instry Association, etc, and some instrial enterprises from European 買粉絲untries such as German, Holland, Hungary, Turkey will also attend to the Expo. positively.

We will sponsor Asia Solar Energy & E買粉絲nomic Development Forum in the Expo opening in the afternoon in March 15, and many famous overseas & Chinese persons will make speeches, it’s a chance of a lifetime.


臺灣光電科技工業協會Photonics Instry & Technology Development Association (Taiwan)

日本太陽能協會-Japan Solar-energy Association

韓國太陽能學會- South Korea Solar-energy Association

日本國際貿易促進協會(國際貿促)-The Association for the Promotion of International Trade,Japan (JAPIT)

韓國國際貿易促進會- The Associat
