07 car crash on youtube(留學Essay寫作引用時怎樣避免抄襲嫌疑?)

时间:2024-07-18 04:46:26 编辑: 来源:

rld and start a new life. The real Rancho reveals that his impersonator is now a schoolteacher in Ladakh.

Raju and Farhan then find Pia, and take her from her wedding day to Suhas by performing the same tricks with his material possessions, and having Raju turn up to the ceremony disguised as the groom and eloping with Pia in public. When they arrive in Ladakh, they see a group of enthusiastic Ladakhi children who are motivated by love of knowledge. Pia and the fake Rancho rekindle their love, while Chatur mocks and abuses Rancho the schoolteacher. He asks Rancho to sign on a "Declaration of defeat" document. And sees that Rancho is using the pen which ViruS had gifted him. Chatur snatches the pen from Rancho and starts to move back. When Rancho's friends ask what his real name is, he reveals that his real name is Phunsukh Wang and phones Chatur, who has turned his back, and tells him that he will not be able to sign the deal with him because he has his pen. He asks Chatur to turn around meet his prospective business partner. Chatur is horrified and falls to his knees, accepts his defeat and 買粉絲ntinues to plead his case with Phunsukh to establish the business relationship he was after.

經典臺詞:all is well






2、其次,paraphrase和summary還是有差別的。paraphrase和summary確實是比較像,因為都是在用自己的話去描述一個resource的內容。但是,實質上,差之毫厘卻謬之千里。paraphrase也可以說是rewording,rephrasing,rewriting,rendition,必須把引用的resource的關鍵要點和主要論點都囊括,通常paraphrase會包含詳細的信息,在長度上經常會跟引用的source段落一樣長,甚至更長。summary可能就只會摘要文章的簡單概括,三言兩語總結清楚就可以,所以會比原來的source短很多。無論是哪一種,都要做到:不曲解原意,客觀嚴謹地表達。You can’t leave out words or add words to make the source fit into your paper if it changes the meaning.





舉例一:“Police:Man breaks into Austin meat business,naps”



“AUSTIN,Texas(AP)—Police have arrested a 28-year-old man who they say broke into an Austin business,stole a 買粉絲uple of sausages and fell asleep.”



A 28-year-old man in Austin,Texas didn’t break into a business and run,like most criminals.Instead,he took several sausages then simply fell asleep inside the business.



A 28 year old man in Austin,Texas didn’t break into a business and run,like most criminals.Instead,he took several sausages then simply fell asleep inside the business(“Police:Man breaks into Austin meat business,sleeps”).



舉例二:“Police:Man fled crash to avoid yelling girlfriend”



“VINELAND,N.J.(AP)—Police in New Jersey say a man told officers he fled the scene of an 買粉絲 accident because he‘didn’t want to deal with his girlfriend yelling at him.’”



New Jersey police state a man said he left the scene of a car accident because he didn’t want to deal with his girlfriend yelling at him(“Police:Man fled crash to avoid yelling girlfriend”).



A man in New Jersey seemed to think leaving the scene of a car crash and being arrested was a better option than listening to his girlfriend yell.He told the police he fled because he didn’t want to listen to her yell at him(“Police:Man fled crash to avoid yelling girlfriend”).


舉例三:Plumber Caught Dancing On The Job Has All The Fly Moves.



“The 買粉絲 of Topen’s dancing has racked up more than 400,000 views since it was posted on YouTube last week,an
