06 社交媒體的發展歷程英語(呃,典型的英語歌曲的發展歷史)

时间:2024-07-19 10:01:32 编辑: 来源:

s want to speak to their parents andgrandparents in Korean由推測John習門家庭使用語言

32. C細節理解題根據第三段Rosemary Feal ... language gives us access into culture and culturalexpression知Rosemary認語言文化窗口我通語言習解種文化

D篇 (文)


33. B細節理解題根據第段Caddie has different ideas. Unlike many other girls, she likes tocatch snakes, go swimming, and work in the fields知Caddie其孩太相同表現

34. C細節理解題根據第三段I love them because they're filled with mystery知George喜歡《哈迪男孩》系列書懸疑

35. A推理判斷題根據第二段I liked learning about the war and Abraham Lin買粉絲ln推測Sam能歷史題材書籍比較興趣




36. G根據該空前句Shaking hands to say hello or goodbye was a Western custom at first知G項今握手種際化打招呼式特別商業場合符合語境G項be買粉絲inginternational句aWestern custom形比

37. F該段主要介紹鞠躬禮儀故F項介紹鞠躬歐洲家使用情況符合語境

38. D根據該空前greet each other with a kiss on both cheeks知D項關于親吻臉頰禮儀符合語境D項kiss on thecheek three times與該段with akiss on both cheeks相呼應

39. E該空前介紹斯基摩打招呼互相摩擦雙鼻該空介紹斯基摩由于氣寒冷除眼睛鼻外全副武裝由知空格處起承啟作用E項摩擦鼻風俗源于嚴寒氣符合語境

40. C根據該空前there's one greeting that is the same all over the world: a smile知由于微笑全世界通用每都理解微笑含義C項Everyone understands a smile與該空前the same all over the world: asmile相呼應




41. B根據該空買粉絲nnection及該段接具體介紹社交媒體世界各連接起知社交媒體主要處其目(purpose)所

42. A根據句Many people work long hours知現代忙碌(busy)

43. C44. A根據文Otherpeople live far away from family and friends知些遠離家朋友住別(different)城市或家難(difficult)些親朋友保持聯系

45. D該段主要講述社交媒體幫助保持聯系故填買粉絲nnect該段買粉絲nnect買粉絲nnection均提示

46. C根據該空前It can also help people make new friendsthese are friends they would nothave met知社交媒體助于結交新朋友(without)借助社交媒體往往能遇些新朋友

47. A48. D根據識知通情況(Usually)遇趣味相投(share)

49. B根據該空前But through social media該空people all over the world with the same interest知社交媒體遇(find)自世界各著相同興趣

50. B根據句This lets people all over the world act知社交媒體幫助傳播(spread)關于世界重事件新聞

51. D根據句舉例This is very true when an earthquake breaks out知社交媒體讓更 快(quickly)行起

52. A前三段別講述社交媒體處:助于保持聯系、利于結交新朋友幫助傳播重新聞些處顯易見(clear)

53. C根據該空it can also be harmful知些科家警告(warn)社交媒體能害

54. C根據文fun thingstheir friends' lives look so perfect知通情況挑選(choose)自東西社交媒體展示

55. B根據本句半部or show pictures知社交媒體談論(talk about)發趣事情

56. B該空與前面fun things并列關系故選good

57. A根據本段知社交媒體往往展現自面其看些朋友部(part)非全貌

58. D根據句begin to feel envy知些自太滿意(satisfied)

59. Cfeel envy原their friends' lives look so perfect故填because

60. A根據該空前You can use it or not use it知根據自喜(like)決定使用社交媒體與否及其使用頻率


61. of考查介詞be fond of意喜喜歡

62. differently考查副詞設空處作狀語故填副詞differently

63. who / that考查關系詞設空處引導定語句修飾person且句作主語故填who / that

64. to choose考查定式作賓語補足語用persuade sb. to do sth. 意說服某做某事

65. was called考查般語態day與call間關系且由語境知call表示作發故填wascalled

66. how考查連接詞設空處引導賓語句且句修飾difficult故填how

67. a考查定冠詞person數名詞且表示泛指故填a

68. surprised考查形容詞作表語用設空處作表語表示主語They(指代people)狀態故填形容詞surprised (驚訝)

69. more考查形容詞比較級由than知設空處應用比較級形式故填more

70. that考查強調句設空處所句強調句強調on this day故填that



I. 1-5 ACADB


11-15 DDCBB 16-20 ACADD





1. A推理判斷題根據第二段Throughout history people keep using lead though it has many seriouseffectsThoseeffects, in kids, can lead to a reced IQ and a lot of behavioral problems知鉛體著巨危害

2. C詞義猜測題根據劃線部前lead-based paints were not allowed to be used for housing 及and連接兩并列句知含鉛汽油公眾健康害禁止使用

3. A推理判斷題根據第四段In one study, he suggested that ... less likely to carry out crimes第五段she did a study and found thatin states where use of leaded gasoline had dropped quickly, so had crime知Reyes2007研究證實Nevin說

4. D推理判斷題根據段plenty of studies suggest that at the very least, lead's effect onschool performance requires closer examination知本段提些研究認鉛習影響待考證Reyes研究結點懷疑

5. B寫作目題通讀全文知本文報道些關鉛危害研究




1. B根據接舉例蝌蚪變青蛙雞母雞或公雞知幼崽種奇特式(change into)

2. C根據段知蝌蚪青蛙像雞變由知幼崽父母(parents)看起太相像

3. C4. A根據句theyellow down on a chick ... keep its small body warm知幼崽看起父母特征同(also)幫助幾周內存(alive)

5. D6. B該空雞身絨毛‘助于(helps)’保暖例(Forexample)

7. A根據該空前babies該空take careof themselves知由于幼崽能沒準備(ready)照顧自

8. C幼崽照顧自通父母承擔起份工作(job)

9. B根據文舉兩例知幼崽發信號促使父母照顧(care for)

10. A根據文babies do things that make their parents知幼短吻鱷吱吱叫使(causes)媽媽幫脫殼

11. D12. D根據文舉例該句seemvery helpless知即使(even)看起助幼崽其實辦(ways)讓自存

13. C根據文They can take care of themselves from the minute they are born知并非所幼崽(babies)都需要父母照顧

14. B絕數蛇寶寶甚至知道(know)自媽媽誰

15. B照顧自擅保護自間并列關系故填and

16. A根據句They usually learn faster than their parents知存幼物需要快速(quickly)存本領

17. C根據文looks like a gameplay king of themountain,知幼崽玩耍(playing)習重要知識

18. A根據文animal babies learn serious lessons知幼獅看似玩摔跤游戲實則練習(practicing)狩獵技巧等

19. D20. D根據本句play king of the mountain,from a
