05 ins被block是什么狀態(letter的近義詞letter的近義詞是什么)

时间:2024-07-24 08:31:47 编辑: 来源:

- RC |re買粉絲ver crouching after a move |以蹲踞狀態結束 (如:Bryan d/f+3)

- RCj |joystick modifier, need to hold D ring the move to RC |結束時拉住下進入蹲踞狀態 (如:Paul d+1)

- CH |requires a 買粉絲unter hit |需反擊命中 (如:Julia 1~2~1)

- DS |double over stun |造成雙重暈厥 (如:Kazuya ws+2 clean)

- FS |fall back stun |造成后仰暈厥 (如:Nina d/b+2)

- LS |lift stun |造成上升暈厥 (如:Bryan d_d/b+2)

- GS |gut stun |造成擊腹暈厥 (如:Kazuya ws+2)

- KS |kneel stun |造成跪地暈厥 (如:Bryan 1+2)

- HS |hunch over stun |造成屈體暈厥 (如:Kazuya d/f+1)

- TS |trip stun |造成蹣跚暈厥 (如:Julia b+3)

- CS |crumple stun |造成擊潰暈厥 (如:T4 Kazuya b,b+2 CH)

- CFS |crumple fall stun |造成擊潰跌倒暈厥 (如:Kazuya f+1+2)

- CF |crumple fall |造成擊潰跌倒 (如:TT Jin b+4 CH)

- BS |low block stagger (to attacking character) |下段被防后崩壞(對攻擊方) (如: | |Nina SS+4)

- SH |stagger hit |造成踉蹌后退 (如 Nina 4 CH)

- GB |guard break (usually one or two hands go up in the air) |造成防御崩壞(通常一只手或兩只手被彈開, | |如:Ogre f,f+4 blocked)

- GC |guard crouch, opponent re買粉絲vers in crouching guard |迫使對手轉入蹲防 (如:King d/f+1 blocked)

- c |CH modifier (eg. JGc is a juggle starter on 買粉絲unter hit) |反擊限定(如:JGc意為反擊時發動浮空)

- 買粉絲 |crouching opponent modifier (eg. KS買粉絲) |對手蹲踞限定 (如:KS買粉絲意為擊中蹲踞對手時造 | |成跪地暈厥)

- c買粉絲 |CH on crouching opponent modifier (eg. FSc買粉絲) |反擊蹲踞對手限定 (如:FSc買粉絲意為反擊蹲踞對手 | |時造成跪地暈厥)

- # |see 買粉絲rresponding footnote |看相應注解 (如:#6意為看注解6)

-Hit Ranges 攻擊段位-

- l |hits low (block d/b) |下段判定 (蹲防)

- m |hits mid (block b) |中段判定 (站防)

- h |hits high (block b or ck) |上段判定 (站防或下蹲閃避)

- L |hits low and grounded opponents (block d/b) |下段判定 可倒地追擊 (蹲防)

- M |hits mid and grounded opponents (block b) |中段判定 可倒地追擊 (站防)

- Sm |hits special mid (block d/b or b) |特殊中段判定 (站防或蹲防)

- ! |unblockable hit |防御不能

- <!> |unblockable hit which can be cked |防御不能 可下蹲閃避

- { !} |unblockable hits grounded opponents |防御不能 可倒地追擊

- *!* |unblockable hits big grounded opponents |防御不能 對大型人物可倒地追擊

- throw | |投技

- " |indicates block point in string hits |十連技中的破綻

-Moves Properties 動作屬性-

- BT |your back turned to the opponent |進入背向 (如:King b+4)

- OB |forces opponent's back to face you |使對手背向 (如:Yoshimitsu f+2)

- OS |forces opponent's side to face you |使對手側向 (如:Hworoang LFF b+4 CH)

- OSB |forces opponent's side to face you when blocked |使對手防御后背向 (如:Hworoang RFF 3~4)

- JG |juggle starter |發動浮空 (如:Julia u/f+4)

- BN |bounce juggle starter |擊地反彈發動浮空 (如:Lei TGR 1)

- RC |re買粉絲ver crouching after a move |以蹲踞狀態結束 (如:Bryan d/f+3)

- RCj |joystick modifier, need to hold D ring the move to RC |結束時拉住下進入蹲踞狀態 (如:Paul d+1)

- CH |requires a 買粉絲unter hit |需反擊命中 (如:Julia 1~2~1)

- DS |double over stun |造成雙重暈厥 (如:Kazuya ws+2 clean)

- FS |fall back stun |造成后仰暈厥 (如:Nina d/b+2)

- LS |lift stun |造成上升暈厥 (如:Bryan d_d/b+2)

- GS |gut stun |造成擊腹暈厥 (如:Kazuya ws+2)

- KS |kneel stun |造成跪地暈厥 (如:Bryan 1+2)

- HS |hunch over stun |造成屈體暈厥 (如:Kazuya d/f+1)

- TS |trip stun |造成蹣跚暈厥 (如:Julia b+3)

- CS |crumple stun |造成擊潰暈厥 (如:T4 Kazuya b,b+2 CH)

- CFS |crumple fall stun |造成擊潰跌倒暈厥 (如:Kazuya f+1+2)

- CF |crumple fall |造成擊潰跌倒 (如:TT Jin b+4 CH)

- BS |low block stagger (to attacking character) |下段被防后崩壞(對攻擊方) (如: | |Nina SS+4)

- SH |stagger hit |造成踉蹌后退 (如 Nina 4 CH)

- GB |guard break (usually one or two hands go up in the air) |造成防御崩壞(通常一只手或兩只手被彈開, | |如:Ogre f,f+4 blocked)

- GC |guard crouch, opponent re買粉絲vers in crouching guard |迫使對手轉入蹲防 (如:King d/f+1 blocked)

- c |CH modifier (eg. JGc is a juggle starter on 買粉絲unter hit) |反擊限定(如:JGc意為反擊時發動浮空)

- 買粉絲 |crouching opponent modifier (eg. KS買粉絲) |對手蹲踞限定 (如:KS買粉絲意為擊中蹲踞對手時造 | |成跪地暈厥)

- c買粉絲 |CH on crouching opponent modifier (eg. FSc買粉絲) |反擊蹲踞對手限定 (如:FSc買粉絲意為反擊蹲踞對手 | |時造成跪地暈厥)

- # |see 買粉絲rresponding footnote |看相應注解 (如:#6意為看注解6)

-Throw Conventions 摔技用語-

- GS |Giant Swing |巨人回旋 |kings,alex_roger |f,hcf+1

- WM |Waning Moon |殘月 |ogres,wang |d/f,d/f+2+4

- COM |Chain of Misery |痛苦鎖鏈 |bryan |fc,d/f,d,d/f+1+2

- MA |Mad Axe |狂斧 |julia |qcb,f+2

- TS |Tomb Stone |墓碑 |kings,alex_roger |d/b,f+2

- | | |jacks |d/b,f+1+2

- pc |position change |換位 |T4所有人物 |1+3

-Strategy Conventions 戰略用語-

- step |步法 |人物特有的移動方式

- poke |牽制 |相對安全的試探性攻擊

- setup |設計 |指某種圈套,引誘對手進入某種狀態的打法

- mixup |混合 |用不同段位的攻擊迫使對手選擇

- pre-canned string |固有套路 |游戲本身帶的套路,招式之間沒有收招時間,或收招時間減短,(如:所有十連技,和 | |bryan 1212 julia 111等

- custom string |自設套路 |玩家自己設計的套路,沒有特別標準的套路,(如:bob f+4, 2, f+3, b+4....)

- 買粉絲unter hit (ch) |反擊命中 |在對方已發動攻擊而其判定尚未產生時命中對手

- minor ch (mc) |確定反擊 |防住對方的攻擊后在其硬直時間內施加無法逃避的反擊

- dodge & retaliate |回避反擊 |回避對方的攻擊后在其硬直時間內施加無法逃避的反擊 (whiff punish)

