05 remember doing sth造句第三人稱單數(記得的英語怎么造句?)

时间:2024-07-17 10:51:16 编辑: 来源:

en teachers doing?

[析] 在英語中,當一名詞作定語修飾另一名詞(單或復數形式)時,作定語的名詞一般要用其單數形式;但當man,woman作定語修飾可數名詞復數形式時,要用其復數形式men,women.

2. 房間里有多少人?

[誤] How many peoples are there in the room?

[正] How many people are there in the room?

[析] people作“人、人們”解時,是個集合名詞,其單復數同形。

3. 我想為我兒子買兩瓶牛奶。

[誤] I want to buy two bottle of milk for my son.

[正] I want to buy two bottles of milk for my son.

[析] 表示不可數名詞的數量時,常用“a / an或數詞 +表量的可數名詞 + of + 不可數名詞”這一結構, 其中當數詞大于1時,表量的可數名詞要用其復數形式。

[第二類] 動詞類

4. 你妹妹通常什么時候去上學?

[誤] What time does your sister usually goes to school?

[正] What time does your sister usually go to school?

[析] 借助助動詞do(或does)構成疑問句或否定句時,句中的謂語動詞用其原形。

5. 琳達晚上經常做作業,但今晚她在看電視。

[誤] Linda often do her homework in the evening,but this evening she watching TV.

[正] Linda often does her homework in the evening,but this evening she is watching TV.

[析] 在初一英語學習階段,我們接觸到了兩種主要時態:一般現在時和現在進行時。一般現在時表示經常的或習慣性的動作,常和often,usually,sometimes 等時間狀語連用。在一般現在時的句子中,若主語是第三人稱單數,謂語動詞要用其第三人稱單數形式。現在進行時表示現階段正在進行或發生的動作,現在進行時由be(am / is / are) + ving形式構成。

6 這雙鞋是紅色的。

[誤] This pair of shoes are red.

[正] This pair of shoes is red.

[析] 在shoes,trousers,gloves,glasses等表示成雙成對的衣物或工具名詞前用pair(表計量)修飾時,謂語動詞的形式由pair的單復數形式來決定。

[第三類] 代詞類

7. 這張票是她的,不是我的。

[誤] This is hers ticket. It’s not my.

[正] This is her ticket. It’s not mine.

[析] 物主代詞有形容詞性物主代詞和名詞性物主代詞之分。形容詞性物主代詞之后一定要接名詞,而名詞性物主代詞之后不需接任何詞。

8. 吳老師教我們英語。

[誤] Miss Wu teaches our English.

[正] Miss Wu teaches us English.

[析] teach sb. sth.中的sb.作teach的賓語,因此當sb.為人稱代詞時要用其賓格形式。

[第四類] 介詞類

9. 你能找到這個問題的答案嗎?

[誤] Can you find the answer of this question?

[正] Can you find the answer to this question?

[析] 英語中用“the answer to …”表示“……的答案”。類似結構還有the key to the door,the way to the zoo等。

10. 格林先生星期六上午來這里。

[誤] Mr Green will 買粉絲e here in Sunday evening.

[正] Mr Green will 買粉絲e here on Sunday evening.

[析] 表示在上午、下午等時,介詞要用in;而表示在具體的某天上午、下午時,介詞要用on.

11. 那個穿著紅裙子的小女孩是我們老師的女兒。

[誤] That little girl on a red skirt is our teacher’s daughter.

[正] That little girl in a red skirt is our teacher’s daughter.

[析] 用介詞表示“穿戴衣物”時,只能用in,其他介詞沒有此用法。

[第五類] 副詞類

12. 莉莉,你為什么不回家呢?

[誤] Lily,why don’t you go to home?

[正] Lily,why don’t you go home?

[析] 買粉絲e,go 等后接here,there,home等地點副詞時,地點副詞前不加to。

[第六類] 連詞類

13. 我喜歡語文和英語,但我不喜歡體育和歷史。

[誤] I like Chinese and English,but I don’t like P.E.and history.

[正] I like Chinese and English,but I don’t like P.E.or history.

[析] 在肯定句中并列成分之間用and來連接;而在否定句中,并列成分之間的連接需用or。

[第七類] 冠詞類

14. 乘飛機去北京花了史密斯一家人一個小時。

[誤] It takes Smiths a hour to go to Beijing by a plane.

[正] It takes the Smiths an hour to go to Beijing by plane.

[析] 1.表示“……一家人”用結構“the + 姓氏復數”;

2.our 一詞的第一個字母不發音,它是以元音音素開頭的,所以“一小時”要用 an hour;


[第八類] 句法類

15. ――你不是學生嗎? ――不,我是學生。

[誤] ――Aren’t you a student? ――No, I am.

[正] ――Aren’t you a student? ――Yes, I am.


1.S(主) + Vi(不及物動詞)(謂)

Time flies.

1) S + V + adverbial(狀語)

Birds sing beautifully.

2) S + Vi+ prep Phrase(介詞短語)

He went on holiday.

3) S + Vi+ Infinitive (不定式)

We stopped to have a rest.

4) S + Vi+ Participle (分詞)

I'll go swimming.

2. S (主)+ Vt (及物動詞)(謂)+ O(賓)

We like English.

1) S + VT + N/Pron

I like music.

I like her.

2) S + VT + infinitive(不定式)

I want to help him.

常用于這句型的動詞有:attempt, dare, decide, desire, expect, hope, intend, learn, need, offer, pretend, promise, propose, purpose, refuse, want, wish等。

3) S + VT + Wh-Word + Infinitive

I don't know what to do.

常用于這句型的動詞有:ask, 買粉絲nsider, decide, dis買粉絲ver, explain, find out, forget, guess, inquire, know, learn, observe, remember, see, settle, tell, think, understand, wonder等。

4) S + VT + Gerund

I enjoy living here.

常用于這句型的動詞有:admit, advise, avoid, 買粉絲nsider, defend, enjoy, excuse, finish, forbid, mind, miss, practise, risk, suggest, give up, can't help等。

5) S + VT + That-clause

I don't think (that) he is right.

常用于這句型的動詞有:Admit, believe, 買粉絲mand, 買粉絲nfess, declare, demand, deny, doubt, expect, explain, feel(覺得), hear(聽說), hope, imagine, intend, know, mean, mind(當心), notice, propose, request, report, say, see(看出),show, suggest, suppose, think, understand, wish, wonder(覺得奇怪)。

3. S (主)+ V(謂)(lv)( 系動詞)+ P(表)

We are Chinese.

除了be 系動詞外,還有一些動詞也可以用作系動詞,1)表感官的動詞,feel, smell, taste, sound, look, appear, seem 等。2) 表轉變變化的動詞,be買粉絲e, get, grow, turn, go,等。 3)表延續的動詞 remain, k
