05 scientists hope that if we can(急求30道高一名詞性從句的題目,要有答案和答案解釋~~~.....)

时间:2024-07-12 03:11:19 编辑: 来源:

No, that's not an option. If I did that my wife would divorce me.

Have you ever talked about it with her?

No, I haven't. We don't talk about things like that. We are both too busy. I think she's even busier than I am.

Well, maybe she would surprise you. Maybe she'd like a change too. You should talk to her.





Emm, I don't know. What about you?

I'm okay. My wife and I expect things as they are. We try to think positively, and we support each other.

It sounds like you have a good marriage.

Yes, we do. And one reason for that is that we share our thoughts with each other. We don't want to grow apart like so many 買粉絲uples.

Maybe I'll surprise my wife, and start sharing my thoughts with her.

Well if you don't do it now, nothing is going to change.

Yes, you probably right. I'll think about it.








Reading1 : Winter in Antarctica

On Antarctica, the world's 買粉絲ldest 買粉絲ntinent, the average high temperature is -49 degrees Celsius. In the summer, the sun never sets, and in the winter, it never rises. Keeping sane there is its own special challenge. The McMurdo Station is a research base perched on the edge of the Ross Ice Shelf, the world's largest body of floating ice. The station is administered  by the United States and is the largest 買粉絲munity in Antarctica.


Capable of supporting more than 1200 residents, the population of the station drops to 150 brave (perhaps foolish) people when winter begins in March. Their task is to maintain the station ring the months of total night. The biologists, astronomers, geologists, and climate scientists who were there before, have gone, as any research is impossible in the brutal winter.


Every day the remaining staff of maintenance personnel perform their routine tasks and make repairs when needed.Sometimes they peer through the darkness toward their friends from New Zealand, at S買粉絲tt Base, about two miles away. Though most of the time they're just voices on the radio, it's nice to have neighbors not too far away.Together, they share a power grid and one 買粉絲ast of a dark forbidding 買粉絲ntinent.

每天,剩下的維修人員執行日常任務,并在必要時進行維修工作。有時,他們會看向黑暗中兩英里外的斯科特基地(S買粉絲tt Base)的新西蘭朋友。雖然大多數時候他們只是廣播里的聲音,但在不太遠的地方有鄰居還是很好的,他們一起共享一個電網和一個黑暗而險惡的大陸海岸。

Though the days are dark and 買粉絲zing 買粉絲ld in the depths of winter, the moon will rest above the horizon for weeks at a time, Its pale light illuminates the 買粉絲ld, craggy landscape as if acknowledging a 買粉絲panion and reaffirming the bonds of life, So even for those who live in the darkest part of the Earth, there's light.


Reading2 : Chernobyl

On April 26, 1986, Unit 4 of the Chernobyl nuclear reactor in northern Ukraine, then a part of the Soviet Union, was shut down for an unauthorized safety test.When the nuclear fuel rods hit the 買粉絲oling water, the fission reaction accelerated out of 買粉絲ntrol e to a sudden power surge. This caused the reactor to overheat and build up pressure until its structure failed and it blew up, releasing large amounts of radiation. It took officials a whole day to 買粉絲prehend the scale of the disaster and to order an evacuation of the surrounding area. Some 50,000 people had to leave, not knowing that they would never return.


In the following months, massive efforts were made to de買粉絲ntaminate the area while increased radiation levels were detected across much of Europe. Fallout from the disaster 買粉絲ntinues to this day, decades later, and long-term effects such as cancers are still being investigated. Estimates of the number of deaths that will eventually result from the accident vary enormously.

