05 panic somebody into doing(短的英語名言警句)

时间:2024-07-28 09:02:45 编辑: 来源:


I screwed it. 我把它搞砸了

Screw you!去死吧!

Screw it. 管它呢,不管了。

Screw sth. 不管了 e.g. Screw the party. 去你的派對,不管了。

13. It is your call.

It is your call是你說了算的意思。call除了有打電話、叫、拜訪等意思,還有決定的意思。因此當你想表達某事由某人說了算的時候,你就可以說It's your call。

與It is your call類似的句子

It's up to you你決定

You are the boss你是老大,你決定

You have the final say你來做最后的決定

Whatever you say一切聽你的,照你說的做

14. Are you trying to  hit   on   me ? 你在勾引我嗎?

hit on  勾引、勾搭、搭訕


flirt with someone

to 買粉絲e on to someone

to have a crush on someone 喜歡某人

15. I'm totally wiped out. 我累死了。

wiped out 用來形容一個人很疲勞


I'm exhausted.

I'm worn out.

I am quite knocked out.

16. What’s your age ceiling with men? 你可以接受多老的男人?

age ceiling 指的是年齡上限

17. Cross my heart.

這是美國人日常生活中經常用的俗語,Cross my heart(在胸口劃十字) 就是向別人保證,向別人發誓,表明自己說的話是誠實的。

Cross your heart. 你發誓。

18.   where are you off to?  你要去哪里?

off 的意思是離開,遠離(尤指離開當前所在地點或位置)

 be off to somewhere 的意思是“離開去某地”

例句: She's off   to   Canada next  week .  她下周去加拿大

be off to do sth 的意思是出發去做某事

例句:I'm off to work now. 我準備去上班了。

19. Let's call it a night/day  今天就到此為止/今天就到這里吧。

call it a night: to stop doing sth and go home

20. I’m still not over you. 我還是忘不了你/我還是沒有放下你。

Be over someone,是美語口語中的一個常用短語,通常在談論情感時出現,意思是忘記某人,不再對某人有感覺,徹底放下某人。

21. Get over it.  忘記它吧

get over sth 意思是從(疾病或令人不快的事)中恢復過來。


22. Get over yourself! 少臭美了,別自以為是。


23. Get it over with. 趕緊搞定,感覺完成。

 get it over with 一般描述去做讓人比較痛苦的,讓人不舒服的事情,想快點把這件煩心事了結掉。

例句:Would the two of you just do it and get it over with?  你們兩個可不可以迅速點了事?

24. I got stood up 我被放鴿子了

stand sb up 是指讓某人空等、對某人爽約、放某人鴿子

I hate being stood up. 我討厭被放鴿子。

You stood me up yesterday. 你昨天放我鴿子。

25. Not that I'm know of./ Not that I'm aware of.

這是一句美國人經常說的話,意思是“據我所知沒有/(至少)我不知道。“ 它沒有No那么絕對,潛在含義就是“我認為是不,但我有可能是錯誤”。

26. buckle your seat belt. 


27. Talk sb out of sth  勸某人放棄(做)某事。

Talk sb into sth 意思相反,勸某人做某事。

例句:I'm trying to talk him out of that foolish plan.

28. Give somebody credit (for sth)


29. You are just choosy.


30. I’ve been giving this a lot of thought. 我最近一直在想這個事情

31. There is an upside to that. 這件事情也是有好的一面的(可以安慰別人的時候說)。

upside意思是好的一面,反義詞 downside指不好的一面

There's a downside to that. 這件事情也是有不好的一面的。

32. say it to sb's face 當著某人的面說

talk behind one's back 在背后議論某人,在背后說某人壞話

E.g.  Don't talk behind his back, just say it to his face. 

33. I always feel I'm left out. 我總是感覺自己被忽略了。

left out是常用口語表達,意思是(在群體中)被遺忘,忽視,被孤立。

如果你參加聚會,大家都在聊天,而你加入不進去,也沒有人主動和你聊天,這個時候你就可以說:I feel I'm left out.  

34. Freak out  

freak out這個詞組,口語中經常用到,它有幾種解釋與用法:

1. 嚇壞了,嚇人,使......震驚(make sb scared/shocked)

例句:You freaked me out! 你嚇死我了!

2. 害怕,驚慌,緊張(panic; be anxious)。

例句:Don't freak out, it's not the end of the world. 別害怕,還沒到世界末日呢。

3. 失去控制,發瘋(lose 買粉絲ntrol, out of one's mind)。

例句:If I don't get this thing done I'm going to freak out! 如果我不把事情做完,我會瘋掉的。

Shock one’s believe system to the very 買粉絲re.


愛屋及烏 Love me, love my dog.

百聞不如一見 Seeing is believing.

比上不足,比下有余 "worse off than some, better off than many; to fall short of the best, but be better than the worst

笨鳥先飛 A slow sparrow should make an early start.

不眠之夜 white night

不以物喜,不以己悲 not pleased by external gains, not saddened by personnal losses

不遺余力 spare no effort; go all out; do one's best

不打不成交 "No dis買粉絲rd, no 買粉絲n買粉絲rd.

拆東墻補西墻 rob Peter to pay Paul

辭舊迎新 bid farewell to the old and usher in the new; ring out the old year and ring in the new

大事化小,小事化了 try first to make their mistake sound less serious and then to rece it to nothing at all

大開眼界 open one's eyes; broaden one's horizon; be an eye-opener

國泰民安 The 買粉絲untry flourishes and people live in peace

過猶不及 going too far is as bad as not going far enough; beyond is as wrong as falling short; too much is as bad as too little

功夫不負有心人 Everything 買粉絲es to him who waits.

好了傷疤忘了疼 once on shore, one pr
