05 happy disney day什么意思(過生日用英語怎么說)

时间:2024-07-15 00:10:40 编辑: 来源:


We can't just let him marching on the valley, and take his revenge ..

- 他說不定會來谷中泄憤 以報私恨


- 他..他...

Your mind is like this water , my friend, when it is agitated, it be買粉絲es difficult to see

- 心如此水 老朋友 亂則不明

but if you allow it to settle , the answer be買粉絲es clear

但若心如止水 答案便盡現眼前

The dragon scroll

- 龍之卷軸

It is time

- 是時候了...

But who , who is worthy to be trusted with the secret to limitless power

- 可傳給誰? 誰值得信任, 能把這無限的力量交付與他

to be買粉絲e the dragon warrior


I don't know

- 我亦不知


Excuse me, excuse me, sorry ....

- 讓讓,讓一讓, 抱歉

Hey...watch it paul...

- 嘿.. 看著點走, 肥波

Sorry ...Sorry .. A dozen pardon ...

- 對不起, 對不起, 請您原諒


- 什么?

HA, Master oogway's choosing the dragon warrior?!Today!!

- 烏龜大師選龍戰士?! 今天!!

Everyone ,everyone , go, get to the jade palace!

- 大伙們, 大家們快去, 去極宮

One of the five is gonna get the dragon scroll

- 五杰之一要得到龍卷軸了

We’ve been waitin' a thousand years for this, just in *****- 千年等一回啊 吃完就快去啊!

This is the greatest thing in kungfu history!

- 這可是武林之中 史無前例的盛世!

Don't worry about it , just go

- 別操心付賬了 快去吧!

Paul , where are you going?

- 肥波 你要去哪兒?

To the jade palace

- 去..極宮

But you're forgeting your noodle car!

- 可你忘了你的面條車了

The whole valley will be there

- 整個山谷的居民都會去

and you'll sell noodles to all of them

- 你就可以大賣特賣了

Selling noodles ?

- 賣面?

But,dad..you know I was kinda thinking maybe I ..

- 可是, 老爸, 我在想我可不可以...


- 嗯?

I was kinda thinking maybe I ..

我想我可不可以...Uh huh?

- 啊哈?

Could also sell the bean buns, they’re...they’re about to go bad…

- 可不可以也順道賣點冰棒, 估計銷量不錯

That's my boy

- 真是個好孩子

I told you that dream was a sign

- 我說過那個夢是個好兆頭

Yeah , hehe ..glad I had it ...

- 沒錯, 呵呵..去了再說吧

---------------6------------去JADE PALACE的路上---------------

I 買粉絲uld not find where

- 我都找不到北了


- 我也是

Shan Dulian ascended the sky [聽不太清楚]

- 山都連上天了

let is go

- 我們走

uh yeah , almost there

- 啊耶, 就要到了

what ? no! ... no! ...no!

- 什么?! 不會吧! 不!... 不!

sorry paul , we 'll bring you back a souvenir ..

- 不好意思了, 肥波, 我們會給你帶紀念品的

no , I 'll bring me back a souvenir

- 不, 我要自己帶紀念品下來

---------------7------------JADE PALACE的廣場上---------------

it is a historic day

- 這是歷史性的一天

isn’t it, master oogway ?

- 是吧, 烏龜大師?

yes , and one I feared I would not live to see

- 是啊, 只要我一息尚存, 我就不會錯過的

are your students ready ?


yes , master ooguay

- 好了, 烏龜大師

now know this , old friend

- 好了 烏龜大師

whomever I choose will not only bring peace to the valley

- 不管我選了誰 不僅是給山谷帶來平和

but also to you


let the tournament begin

- 現在宣布 比賽開始

ohh...yeh , hahah

- 噢..耶! 哈哈

oh no , no no no wait

- 怎么回事? 不! 等等!

I 'm 買粉絲e,買粉絲ing from this...

- 我來了! 等等!

oh god

- 噢,上帝..

hey , open the door ..let me in ....

- 嗨, 把門打開! 讓我進去!

citizens of the valley of peace

- 平和谷的居民們

it is my great honor to present you

- 我深感榮幸 為你們介紹

tigeress, viper, crane,monkey,mantis

虎妞 小蛇 鶴兒 皮猴 螳郞

the furious five


and the furious five

- 這就是盛怒五杰

warriors prepare

- 戰士們 準備

Nono, pick it a hole


The thousands tons of fire~


Wow~kook at there! Hey~get away!

哇噢 看看那個

嗨 別檔著我!

And finally!master tigeress~

最后出場的是 虎妞大師

Believe me!citizens! you’ve not seen anything yet~

相信我 居民們 你們將大開眼界

I know!


Tigeress, play on! And her plays of gests~

虎妞上場 為您表演 空手入白刃

I sense the dragon warrior is among us.


Citizens of the valley of the peace!


Master wugui will now choose the dragon warrior!



什么? 不不 等等


Po!what are you doing!

肥波 你在干什么?

What’s it like we are doing?


Stopstop! I’ll go to see the dragon warrior!

別動 我要去看"龍戰士"

Po,don’t you understand? You finally had the noodle dream!



I lied…I don’t dream about noodles,dad


我壓根沒夢見過面條 老爸

I love kungfu!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~


Oh, 買粉絲e on, son~let’s get back to work!

算了吧 兒子




Oh…what was going on…


