05 have the pleasure of doing造句(用have the pleasure of doing some thing造句)

时间:2024-07-28 05:00:42 编辑: 来源:

t with some opposition.他們最近提出了集中全力于初等教育的提議遭到了某些人的反對。

(2)。The first plan, attacking at night, was turned down.


5.Of 短語用作同謂語

The city of Rome 羅馬城 the art of writing 寫作藝術

The vice of smoking 吸煙嗜好


(1)。The news that we are having a holiday tomorrow is not true.


(2)。We are not investigating the question whether he is trustworthy.




1.The girl is improving remarkably. 這個女孩大有進步。



He speaks the language badly but read it well.


Naturally we expect hotel guests to lock their doors.




Shall we do the shopping today or tomorrow?

In China now leads the world.


There are plenty of fish in the sea.

She kissed her mother on the platform(月臺).


Because he was ill ,Tom lost his job.

I eat potatoes because I like them.

(4). 結果狀語,多由不定式、分詞和從句表示,常位于句末。

She woke(醒) suddenly to find someone standing in the doorway.

She spoke so softly that I 買粉絲uldn’t hear what she said.

(5). 目的狀語,多由不定式、介詞短語和從句等表示,常位于句末,強調時可以置于句首。

He ran for shelter(隱蔽處).他跑去避雨。

In order to get into a good school, I must study even harder.

(6). 條件狀語。多由短語和從句表示,常置于句末和句首。

We’ll be lucky to get there before dark.

If he were to 買粉絲e, what should we say to him?

(7). 讓步狀語,由短語和從句表示,常置于句末和句首。

For all his money, he didn’t seem happy. 他盡管有錢,但似乎并不幸福。

He helped me although he didn’t know me.


The lecture is very interesting.

To what extent would you trust them? 你對他們信任程度如何?


My train starts at six, arriving at Chicago at ten.

He stood there ,pipe(煙斗) in mouth.

