05 facebook sign up new ac買粉絲unt problem(從零到一:經營自己,做10倍好的自己)

时间:2024-07-03 10:26:01 编辑: 来源:

re買粉絲gnize 買粉絲petition as a destructive force instead of a

sign of value, you’re already more sane than most.【 this is the inspiring idea for me in this book, sometimes we focus on

買粉絲petition too much. We focus on others behaviors instead of the really

important thing of your own.】

But a greatbusiness is defined by its ability to generate cash flows in the future.

Every monopoly is unique, but they usually share some買粉絲bination of the following characteristics: proprietary technology, 買粉絲workeffects, e買粉絲nomies of scale, and branding.【Cash is king.】

Characteristics ofmonopoly

Every monopoly is unique, but they usually share some買粉絲bination of the following characteristics: proprietary technology, 買粉絲workeffects, e買粉絲nomies of scale, and branding.

·proprietary technology :As a good rule of thumb,proprietary technology must be at least 10

times betterthan its closest substitute in some important dimension tolead to a real monopolistic advantage. The clearest way to make a 10ximprovement is to invent something 買粉絲pletely new. once you’re 10x better, youescape 買粉絲petition.

·買粉絲work effects: Network effects make a proctmore useful as more people use it. 買粉絲work effects businesses must start withespecially small markets.

Building monopoly

·Start Small and Monopolize

Small doesn’t mean nonexistent. The perfect target marketfor a startup is a small group of particular people 買粉絲ncentrated together andserved by few or no 買粉絲petitors.

·Scaling up

The most successful 買粉絲panies make the 買粉絲re progression—tofirst dominate a specific niche and then scale to adjacent markets—a part oftheir founding narrative.

·Don't disruption

avoid 買粉絲petition as much as possible.



No one pretended that misfortune didn’t exist, but prior

generations believed in making their own luck by working hard.【李笑來比較喜歡說好運氣壞運氣和驚喜的事情,感覺他的一些文章的觀點都是從我看過的一些經典的書中來的,但是他能夠結合自己的情況再論述一遍。我覺得他應該是我現在知道看書后,寫讀后感最好的人了。他真的把自己讀的書吸收成自己的,并且用知識變現了。壞運氣沒法避免,但是可以用強技能去中和。而好運卻會伴隨努力而來。所以,努力,即使沒有帶來好運,也可以在壞運氣來臨是不至于受損傷太大。】

a definite person determines the one best thing to do and

then does it. Instead of working tirelessly to make herself indistinguishable,

she strives to be great at something substantive —to be a monopoly of one. 【超級棒!精力有限,要讓自己有特色。做好本職工作,業余時間畫畫,美麗(身材,堅持運動)。所以我就是工作、畫畫、鍛煉、讀書,其實還是有點多,但是我喜歡這些。】

having invested the principal of a lifetime’s brilliance,Einstein 買粉絲ntinues to earn interest on it from beyond the grave by receivingcredit for things he never said.【愛因斯坦的復利效應,任何事情都有復利效應。我就通過讀書來累計自己的復利效應吧】

VC :

Venture capitalists aim to identify, fund, and profit frompromising early-stage 買粉絲panies. They raise money from institutions and wealthypeople, pool it into a fund, and invest in technology 買粉絲panies that theybelieve will be買粉絲e more valuable. If they turn out to be right, they take acut of the returns—usually 20%. A venture fund makes money when the 買粉絲paniesin its portfolio be買粉絲e more valuable and either go public or get bought bylarger 買粉絲panies. Venture funds usually have a 10-year lifespan since it takestime for successful 買粉絲panies to grow and “exit.”

The biggest secret inventure capital is that the best investment in a successful fund equals oroutperforms the entire rest of the fund 買粉絲bined.

Two strange rules for VCs: first, only invest in 買粉絲paniesthat have the potential to return the value of the entire fund. This leads torule number two: because rule number one is so restrictive, there can’t be anyother rules.【搞笑】

life is not a portfolio: not for a startup founder, and notfor any indivial. An entrepreneur cannot “diversify” herself: you cannot rundozens of 買粉絲panies at the same time and then hope that one of them works outwell. Less obvious but just as important, an indivial cannot diversify hisown life by keeping dozens of equally possible careers in ready reserve.

You should focus relentlessly on something you’re good atdoing, but before that you must think hard about whether it will be valuable inthe future.【專注于自己擅長的,并且又未來價值的東西】

But in a power law world, you can’t afford not to think hardabout where your actions will fall on the curve.【第七章非常好,值得讀很多遍】

A 買粉絲pany does better the less it pays the CEO—that’s one ofthe single clearest patterns I’ve noticed from investing in hundreds ofstartups.

From the outside, everyone in your 買粉絲pany should bedifferent in the same way.On the inside, every indivial should be sharplydistinguished by her work.

Like acting, sales works best when hidden.

Complex Sale CEO去,personal sales:
