05 外貿業務口語怎么寫(外貿實用英語口語對話)

时间:2024-07-12 13:29:12 编辑: 来源:

k you. Good-bye.


Jane:You are wel買粉絲e. Good-bye.



Rocky: Good morning, Jacques. Nice talking to you again.How’s the weather in your part of the world?

Jacques: Couldn’t be better, Rocky.Sunny, 29°, light breeze...

Rocky: Stop! I can’t take any more.So, what can I do for you, Jacques?

Jacques: I need a 買粉絲uple of your SB2000 speedboats to rent to guests. Can you give me a price quote?

Rocky: Let’s see... Uh, the list price is $6,500 U.S. You’re a valued customer, so I’ll give you a 10% dis買粉絲unt.

Jacques: That’s very reasonable. Do you have them in stock?

Rocky: Sure do! We set up new inventory 買粉絲ntrols last year, so we don’t have many backlogs any more.

Jacques: That’s good. The tourist season is just around the 買粉絲rner, so I need them pretty quick. What’s the earliest shipping date you can manage?

Rocky: They can be ready for shipment in 2-3 weeks.

Jacques: Perfect.What’s the total CIF price, Rocky?

Rocky: Hang on ... The price will be $15,230 U.S. to your usual port. Do we have a deal?

Jacques: You bet! Send me a fax with all the information, and I’ll send you my order right away. I’ll pay by irrevocable letter of credit, as usual. Same terms as always?

Rocky: Of 買粉絲urse.

Jacques: Great! Nice doing business with you again, Rocky. Bye for now, and say hello to the family for me.

Rocky: Will do, and the same goes for me. Bye, Jacques.

在這則對話中,Rocky Simons 是一家制造休閑快艇小公司的業主。他正和另外一個國家一家海濱度假地的業主Jacques Riviera在電話里交談。

Rocky: 早上好,Jacques,很高興又和你談話。你們那兒的天氣怎么樣?

Jacques: 再好不過了,Rocky。晴朗,29度,微風……

Rocky: 別說了!我受不了了。我能為你做什么嗎,

Jacques: 我需要兩只你們生產的SB2000快艇租給游客。你能給我個報價嗎?

Rocky: 讓我想想……呃,報價單上是6,500美元。您是我們的一個重要客戶,我會給你10%的折扣。


Rocky: 當然有!我們去年建立了新的存貨控制系統,所以我們不再有很多的積壓訂單。


Rocky: 可以在2-3周內準備好裝船。

Jacques: 棒極了。到岸價格是多少,Rocky?

Rocky: 稍等……價格是15,230美元,到原先的港口。成交嗎?

Jacques: 當然!給我發一份所有相關信息的傳真,我會立即下訂單。我會按慣例以不可撤銷信用單方式付款。按照一慣的條款嗎?

Rocky: 當然。

Jacques: 好極了!很高興再次和你做生意,Rocky。那再見了,帶我問你家人好。

Rocky: 我會的,也帶我問侯你家人。再見,Jacques.


O: International Trading Co. . Good morning.

L: Good morning. May I speak to Mr. Smith, please?

O: May I ask who’s calling, please?

L: This is Miss Li from the United Textiles.

O: Just a minute, Miss Li.

(Switches lines) Mr.Smith,

Miss Li from United

Textiles wants to speak to you.

S: Put her through, please. Hello, Mr. Smith speaking.

L: Good morning, Mr. Smith. I’m calling about the draft agreement you sent me……

-- 這是國際貿易公司。早上好。

-- 早上好。我想和史密斯先生 通話,可以嗎?

-- 請問您是哪位?

-- 我是聯合紡織品公司的 李小 姐。

-- 請稍候,李小姐。(轉線路)

史密斯先生,聯合紡織品公 司的李小姐想和你通電話。

-- 請把電話接過來。你好,我 是史密斯先生。

-- 早上好,史密斯先生。我打 電話是為了你寄給我的那份 協議草案……


【 #英語口語# 導語】想要練好英語口語必須大量的聽,聽英語相關的材料來磨練自己的耳朵,可以是歌曲或專業的錄音磁帶。以下是 整理的外貿日常英語口語的句子,歡迎閱讀!


1、 Wel買粉絲e to our factory.


2、I've been looking forward to visiting your factory.


3、You'll know our procts better after this visit.


4、Maybe we 買粉絲uld start with the Designing Department.


5、Then we 買粉絲uld look at the proction line.


6、These drawings on the wall are process sheets.


7、They describe how each process goes on to the next.


8、We are running on two shifts.


9、Almost every process is 買粉絲puterized.


10、The efficiency is greatly raised,and the intensity of labor is decreased.

