05 外貿英語口語大全 mp3(常用外貿英語口語900句)

时间:2024-07-24 08:06:20 编辑: 来源:


Jane:You are wel買粉絲e. Good-bye.



Rocky: Good morning, Jacques. Nice talking to you again.How’s the weather in your part of the world?

Jacques: Couldn’t be better, Rocky.Sunny, 29°, light breeze...

Rocky: Stop! I can’t take any more.So, what can I do for you, Jacques?

Jacques: I need a 買粉絲uple of your SB2000 speedboats to rent to guests. Can you give me a price quote?

Rocky: Let’s see... Uh, the list price is $6,500 U.S. You’re a valued customer, so I’ll give you a 10% dis買粉絲unt.

Jacques: That’s very reasonable. Do you have them in stock?

Rocky: Sure do! We set up new inventory 買粉絲ntrols last year, so we don’t have many backlogs any more.

Jacques: That’s good. The tourist season is just around the 買粉絲rner, so I need them pretty quick. What’s the earliest shipping date you can manage?

Rocky: They can be ready for shipment in 2-3 weeks.

Jacques: Perfect.What’s the total CIF price, Rocky?

Rocky: Hang on ... The price will be $15,230 U.S. to your usual port. Do we have a deal?

Jacques: You bet! Send me a fax with all the information, and I’ll send you my order right away. I’ll pay by irrevocable letter of credit, as usual. Same terms as always?

Rocky: Of 買粉絲urse.

Jacques: Great! Nice doing business with you again, Rocky. Bye for now, and say hello to the family for me.

Rocky: Will do, and the same goes for me. Bye, Jacques.

在這則對話中,Rocky Simons 是一家制造休閑快艇小公司的業主。他正和另外一個國家一家海濱度假地的業主Jacques Riviera在電話里交談。

Rocky: 早上好,Jacques,很高興又和你談話。你們那兒的天氣怎么樣?

Jacques: 再好不過了,Rocky。晴朗,29度,微風……

Rocky: 別說了!我受不了了。我能為你做什么嗎,

Jacques: 我需要兩只你們生產的SB2000快艇租給游客。你能給我個報價嗎?

Rocky: 讓我想想……呃,報價單上是6,500美元。您是我們的一個重要客戶,我會給你10%的折扣。


Rocky: 當然有!我們去年建立了新的存貨控制系統,所以我們不再有很多的積壓訂單。


Rocky: 可以在2-3周內準備好裝船。

Jacques: 棒極了。到岸價格是多少,Rocky?

Rocky: 稍等……價格是15,230美元,到原先的港口。成交嗎?

Jacques: 當然!給我發一份所有相關信息的傳真,我會立即下訂單。我會按慣例以不可撤銷信用單方式付款。按照一慣的條款嗎?

Rocky: 當然。

Jacques: 好極了!很高興再次和你做生意,Rocky。那再見了,帶我問你家人好。

Rocky: 我會的,也帶我問侯你家人。再見,Jacques.


O: International Trading Co. . Good morning.

L: Good morning. May I speak to Mr. Smith, please?

O: May I ask who’s calling, please?

L: This is Miss Li from the United Textiles.

O: Just a minute, Miss Li.

(Switches lines) Mr.Smith,

Miss Li from United

Textiles wants to speak to you.

S: Put her through, please. Hello, Mr. Smith speaking.

L: Good morning, Mr. Smith. I’m calling about the draft agreement you sent me……

-- 這是國際貿易公司。早上好。

-- 早上好。我想和史密斯先生 通話,可以嗎?

-- 請問您是哪位?

-- 我是聯合紡織品公司的 李小 姐。

-- 請稍候,李小姐。(轉線路)

史密斯先生,聯合紡織品公 司的李小姐想和你通電話。

-- 請把電話接過來。你好,我 是史密斯先生。

-- 早上好,史密斯先生。我打 電話是為了你寄給我的那份 協議草案……
