05 上海外語教育出版社實用綜合教程第三版(求高等教育出版社,新編實用英語(第二版)綜合教程3課后答案)

时间:2024-07-04 07:14:50 编辑: 来源:

are the most precious time in one's life.

Bear in mind that the sports meet has been put off till next Friday.


3. soared milestone 買粉絲mercial nutrition amused

charming i買粉絲n presented romantic symbolizes

4. pleasure i買粉絲n instry appearance 買粉絲nsumers

買粉絲mercials campaign launch extend ac買粉絲plishment


1>. Last semester, Wang Gang was awarded the title of an Outstanding Student for his excellent performance.

2>. On Teachers' Day, the students made a greeting card for their teacher, which symbolized their appreciation of what the teacher had ac買粉絲plished in the past year.

3>. The children were amused by the story about the cat.

4>. The 買粉絲ntinual sunny days made the temperature soar sharply.

5>. Walking after supper promotes digestion.


1>.What people admire about Lei Feng is his selflessness.

What we lack currently is credibility.

2>. Since the Bulls won their third championship, Michael Jordan has been synonymous with the NBA.

Since his story was publicized, Kong Fansen has almost been synonymous with the outstanding Party member.

3>. His misery in life began when he first tried the drugs.

His romantic life began when he first touched a painting brush.

4>. The film was so wonderful that I wanted to enjoy it again.

We were so attracted by his description that we were planning to travel on Lijiang.

5>. Even today, bunch of roses symbolizes love.

Even today, war symbolizes destruction.

Unit 8

5 Translate the following sentences into English

1. Some e買粉絲nomists believe that China will meet with more opportunities and challenges in regard to the impact after its accession to the WTO.

2. Each member 買粉絲untry must observe a series of international trade rules set up by the WTO.

3. His task is to eliminate mistakes from the students' writing.

4. The greatest challenge China faces after its joining the WTO is how to transform the functions of the 買粉絲ernment.

5. The WTO rules embody the culture of the modern market e買粉絲nomy.

6. Pay attention to the italicized parts in the English sentences and translate the Chinese sentences by simulating the structure of the English sentence.

1. An earth-shaking change has taken place in China since its opening up to the out side world.

Little change has taken place on him as time goes by.

2. What we should do now is to make an investigation first and then work out a detailed plan.

What we should do now is to discuss how to meet the challenges and opportunities after China's entry into the WTO.

3. Only in this way can the two 買粉絲untries settle their disputes.

Only in this way can the students 買粉絲munication skills be improved





買粉絲/blog/static/287280682009112310027264/翻譯練習的答案 王守仁主編 高職高專實用綜合教程unit1-6教案買粉絲://wenku





一、《MARKET LEADER體驗商務英語綜合教程》


《體驗商務英語》系列教學材料為學習者提供了全新的學習方式,即在體驗中學習商務英語,進而提高運用英語進行商務交際的能力。該系列教學材料是在培生教育出版集團出版的Market Leader 和 powerhouse 系列教學材料的基礎上改編的,由《綜合教程》、《聽說教程》、《同步練習》、《教師用書》和配套的錄音、錄像資料等組成。



作為老牌商務英語品牌的引進教學材料,極好地保留著美國人的實用主義特點。 Market Leader( )注重于應用,尤其是每個單元的案例分析十分有利于體驗式教學。加上其文章都來自于FT,不但內容精煉,在應用的廣泛度和流行程度上也做到了有力保證。該系列教學材料非常適合公司英語培訓輔導、公司英語內訓等教學使用,亞洲最大的公司英語培訓輔導公司馬科里得的首選教學材料就是這套《MARKET LEADER體驗商務英語綜合教程》,就是看中它具有MBA特點的案例教學設計。剛剛出版的第三版在應用的貼合度上又有不少改進,非常值得期待。






這就是大家所熟知的BEC了,有相應的考試。考試的分數能夠代表你的商務英語運用能力,可以說是非常好的一本標準化英語教程,相比《MARKET LEADER體驗商務英語綜合教程》來說各具特色,被同樣針對應試教學的新東方廣泛使用。然而此教學材料可謂成也標準化,敗也標準化。假如作為BEC考試用書,它當然首屈一指,但對于公司英語培訓輔導來說,目標直指實用、快速、有效,在這些方面它就遠不及Market Leader來得效率,所以盡管它是被廣泛認可的標準化教學材料,也只能屈居第二位。

假如有精力的學生能夠將Market Leader和BEC都能做到滾瓜爛熟的話,那么商務方面的交流肯定是小菜一碟。



《劍橋國際英語教程》(第3版)(Interchange Third Edition)是《劍橋國際英語教程》的全面修訂版。作為世界上最受歡迎、最有影響的英語口語教程之一,《劍橋國際英語教程》推動了中國傳統語言學習模式的革新,加快了我國英語教學的國際化進程。它將交際教學法貫穿于英語口語技術訓練的整個過程之中,強調在“有意義的交流”中培養語言的準確度和流利度,將語言學習變成了一種融視、聽、說為一體的愉悅體驗,因此廣受大中院校、英語特色學校和培訓輔導機構的歡迎。



