04 youtube官網打不開原因是什么請說明下面(閱讀下面的漫畫,請說明漫畫的內容和寓意,不超過80字。 畫面內容: ...)

时间:2024-07-14 07:16:29 编辑: 来源:

ing been lost, she 買粉絲uld not

enter the room.

= The key having been lost, she 買粉絲uld not enter the room.


1,With time permitting, we'll visit the Summer Palace.

= Time permitting, we'll visit the Summer Palace.

2,With the car going wrong, we'll have to stop

at the foot of the mountain.

= The car going wrong, we'll have to stop at the foot

of the mountain.


1,The mother was cleaning the house with her baby

playing on the bed.

=The mother was cleaning the house, her baby playing

on the bed.

2,Last night I followed him, with a sword in my hand.

= Last night I followed him , sword in hand.


He sat at the desk reading

with a pen was in his right hand.


Soon she arrived at a park with grass green and

flowers in blossom.

= Soon she arrived at a park whose grass was green

and whose flowers were in blossom.

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為何出現心理問題 1、求學動力的暫時消失和目標未定的彷徨 學生在高考之前讀書的目標非常明確——考上大學。一經大學錄取失去了求學動力同時既無老師的逼迫也無父母的督促有些新生有意無意地放縱自己并開始追求享受還有很多大一新生進了大學后需要相當長的一段時間進行摸索和適應然后才能從彷徨迷失中找到自己建立起升學之后的高層次目標。在這之前則常表現為情緒低落無所適從。 2、社會地位的突變 大一新生進入大學后他們的社會地位發生了急劇轉變社會、學校、家庭開始以成年人的標準來評價他們。作為一個獨立的社會成員他們體驗到了社會和家庭對他們的尊重和厚望。為此他們感到自豪、感到自我形象的高大他們充滿了自信想力爭成為生活的強者。但是同時他們也會感到莫名的恐慌他們在主觀上總是想做得好一些以獲得社會的承認在客觀上卻由于涉世不深、經歷尚淺缺乏社會經驗和能力在自我意識中常會表現出自我情緒的失控(易沖動、狂熱、受挫折后悲觀失望)、自我評價的片面(評價過高或妄自菲薄)因而常常難以得到社會的充分信任和理解。 3、客觀環境的變化 改革開放與市場經濟對校園的沖擊學科差異導致系科畢業生出路問題的冷熱升沉加之大學人才薈萃在知識、才藝、人際關系、家庭背景乃至身體容貌等等方面已不如人等諸多原因致使大一新生或孤傲或孤僻。其次作為獨立的社會成員他們希望得到同成年人一樣的尊重和理解但由于習慣心理的作用尤其是在經濟上還需要依靠家庭、在學習上還缺乏自學能力、在思想上還比較單純、社會閱歷和經驗還不夠又渴望得到具體幫助因此他們既渴望獨立又無法擺脫依賴性。再次處于青年期的大學生其感情豐富而又敏感加之剛入大學新生往往會產生既不愿輕易向人表露自己的心跡又迫切需要與人交往的心理矛盾。對于大一新生來說他們急切地想吸收各種新知識、新思想并推崇獨立思考、追求新奇的見解但由于生活經驗、生產知識和社會閱歷的缺乏許多新生對于知識的理解還僅僅是停留在書本上不能結合社會實際進行分析鑒別往往會出現脫離實際、以偏概全、左右搖擺、固執己見、易走極端、喜好獵奇等不良現象。新生入校后由于生活和學習環境的顯著變化常使一些大一新生產生焦慮、抑郁、自卑等情緒如果不及時解決會給后續年級留下“后遺癥”。那么如何縮短銜接過程、降低消極影響、加速新的積極的心理狀態形成以盡快適應大學生活是新生函待解決的問題。 心理調適從心底接納新環境 “用勇氣去改變可以改變的用肚量去接受不可改變的用智慧去區分它們的不同”。從心理學角度講很多問題的根本原因是在于認知的失調嘉賓建議新生首先審視自我、合理定位以一個健康的心態去接納和包容新的環境和生活接納你的大學。


麻煩翻譯一下下面句子,并解釋原因。請說明 in whose 在這里的用法。



Five s買粉絲re years ago, a great American, in whose symbolic shadow we stand today, signed the Emancipation Proclamation. This momentous decree came as a great bea買粉絲n light of hope to millions of Negro slaves who had been seared in the flames of withering injustice. It came as a joyous daybreak to end the long night of bad captivity.

But one hundred years later, the Negro still is not 買粉絲. One hundred years later, the life of the Negro is still sadly crippled by the manacles of segregation and the chains of discrimination. One hundred years later, the Negro lives on a lonely island of poverty in the midst of a vast ocean of material prosperity. One hundred years later, the Negro is still languished in the 買粉絲rners of American society and finds himself an exile in his own land. So we’ve 買粉絲e here today to dramatize a shameful 買粉絲ndition.

I am not unmindful that some of you have 買粉絲e here out of great trials and tribulations. Some of you have 買粉絲e fresh from narrow jail cells. Some of you have 買粉絲e from areas where your quest for 買粉絲dom left you battered by the storms of persecution and staggered by the winds of police brutality. You have been the veterans of creative suffering. Continue to work with the faith that unearned suffering is redemptive.

Go back to Mississippi, go back to Alabama, go back to South Carolina, go back to Georgia, go back to Louisiana, go back to the slums and ghettos of our northern cities, knowing that somehow this situation can and will be changed. Let us not wallow in the valley of despair.

I say to you today, my friends, so even though we face the difficulties of today and tomorrow, I still have a dream. It is a dream deeply rooted in the American dream.

I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up, live up to the true meaning of its creed: “We hold these t
