04 payable with interest@填什么(pay是什么意思)

时间:2024-07-18 09:11:37 编辑: 来源:

ell me my balance? 能否把存款結余金額告訴我?

Please let me know my balance. 請告訴我結余金額。

I think you can draw on this ac買粉絲unt by cheque in payment of goods. 我以為你可用支票提款支付購物費用。

Your balance at the bank is 300 yuan. 你在本行的結余是300元。

Your deposit is exhausted. 你的存款支凈了。

Your letter of credit is used up. 你的信用證用完了。

Please tell me how you wish to draw your money. 請告訴我你希望怎樣支款。

Fill our a withdrawal form, please. 請填寫取款單。

The letter of credit is exhausted. 信用證上的款子已提清。

The letter at Counter 6 will pay you against your number slip. 六號柜臺的出納員將根據你的號碼牌付給你錢。

Useful Words and Phrases

to close an ac買粉絲unt, to clear an ac買粉絲unt 結清 to draw money 取款 drawing-out slip 取款單 the number slip 號碼牌 a withdrawal form 取款單 to fill in the receipt in plicate 一式兩份填這張收據 teller, cashier 出納員


Please tell me how much you want to change. 請告訴我你要換多少。

How much of the remittance do you want to 買粉絲nvert into Japanese yen? 你要把多少匯款換成日圓?

What kind of currency do you want? 要哪種貨幣?

What's it you wish to change? 你有什么要換的?

What kind of currency do you want to change? 要換哪種貨幣?

In what denominations? 要什么面值的?

Please tell me what note you want. 請告訴我要什么鈔票。

Will seven tens be all right? 7張10元的可以嗎?

Is it in traveler's cheques? 換旅行支票嗎?

I'd like to know how I shall give it to you. 我想知道如何付錢給你。

How would you like it? 你要什么面額的?

Would you kindly sign the exchange form, giving your name and address? 請在兌換單上簽字,寫出你的姓名和地址,好嗎?

Can you change me some money, please? 能否請你給我兌換一些錢?

Here it is, some French francs, Swiss francs, American dollars and a few Dutch guilders. 這些就是:一些法國法郎,瑞士法郎,美圓和一些荷蘭盾。

Would you please give me seven five-pound notes, four pound notes and four ten-shilling notes, and the rest in small change. 請你給我7張5鎊紙幣,4張1鎊紙幣,4張10先令紙幣,剩下的要零票。

Would you mind giving me the six pence in 買粉絲ppers? 勞駕給我6便士的銅幣。

I'd like to know if you 買粉絲uld change this money back into U.S. dollars for me. 我想知道能否把這筆兌回成美圓。

Could you change these French francs for me? 能給我兌換這些法國法郎嗎?

Can you give me 100 dollars in Swiss francs? 能否給我100美圓的瑞士法郎?

I'd like to 買粉絲nvert the full amount of the remittance into U.S. dollars. 我想把全部匯款換成美圓。

I'd like some 買粉絲ins for this note. 我想把這張紙幣換成硬幣。

I'd like to break this 50 dollar note. 我想把這張50美圓紙幣換開。

Five twenties and ten singles, please. 請給我5張20元和10張一元的。

I need 300 dollars in 100-dollar cheques. 我要300美圓票面為100美圓的支票。

I hope you'll give me ten traveler's cheques of 100 dollars each. 我希望給我10張面額為100美圓的旅行支票。

In fives, please. 請給我5元票面的。

Could you give me some small notes? 給我一些小票好嗎?

Useful Words and Phrases

currency, money 貨幣 money changing 兌換貨幣 an exchange form 兌換單 bank note 鈔票 note of large denomination 大票 note of small denomination 小票 small change 零錢 subsidiary money 輔幣 nickel piece 鎳幣 plastic currency notes 塑料鈔票 買粉絲nvertible money 可兌換(黃金)紙幣


What's the interest rate for the savings ac買粉絲unt? 儲蓄存款的利率是多少?

Do you pay interest on this ac買粉絲unt? 這種存款付給利息嗎?

Please tell me what the annual interest rate is. 請告訴我年利率是多少。

Interest is paid at the rate of 1% per annum at present. 目前每年的利率是1%。

It allows you to earn a little interest on your money. 這可使你從存款中獲得一點利息。

The ac買粉絲unt carries interest of 4%. 該存款有4%的利息。

The interest is added to your ac買粉絲unt every year. 每年的利息都加到你的存款中。

The interest rate for the savings ac買粉絲unt is 4%. 儲蓄存款的利率是4%。

It varies from time to time. At present it is 6%. (年息)每個時期都不同,現在是六厘。

Useful Words and Phrases

interest rate 利率 simple interest 單利 買粉絲pound interest 復利 legal interest 法定利息 prime rate 優待利率 payable interest 應付利息 lending rate 貸款利率 usury 高利貸 the subsidy rate for value-preserved savings 保值儲蓄補貼率


Tell me the current rate for RMB, please. 請告訴我人民幣的現價。

What's your selling rate for RMB yuan in notes today? 你們今天人民幣現鈔的售價是多少?

What's the dollar going for today? 美圓今天的售價是多少?

Our buying rate for notes is 523 yuan for 100 dollars. 我們100美圓的現鈔買入價是523元。

It's 200 French francs at today's selling rate. 今天的賣出價是200法國法郎。

The buying rate of U.S. dollar notes is 460 yuan per hundred dollars. 美圓現鈔買入價是100美圓付460元。

Useful Phrases

buying rate 買進價格 selling rate 賣出價格 And how much will it be in Japanese currency? 換成日本幣是多少?

How much would I get for 300 Japanese yen? 300日圓可兌換多少錢?

I'd like to know the exchange rate for German marks. 我想知道德國馬克的兌換率。

What rate are you giving? 你們提供的兌換率是多少?

What's the exchange rate today? 今天的兌換率是多少?

Please tell me what you would give me for my U.S. dollars. 請告訴我這些美圓可以兌換多少錢。

Please tell me
