04 inspiring造句簡單(begoodat造句簡單)

时间:2024-07-08 15:58:17 编辑: 来源:

o) do 以do為例,動詞不定式的構成如下: 時態/語態 主動語態 被動語態

一般時 to do to be done

進行時 to be doing

完成時 to have done to have been done

完成進行時 to have been doing

(1)一般式:不定式的一般式所表示的動作與謂語動詞動作同時發生或發生在謂語動詞動作之后. 例如: I'm glad to meet you. 很高興見到你。 He seems to know a lot. 他看起來懂得很多。 We plan to pay a visit. 我們計劃花錢去參觀。 He wants to be an artist. 他想成為一個藝術家。 The patient asked to be operated on at once. 病人要求馬上手術。 The teacher ordered the work to be done. 老師要求完成工作。

(2)進行式:不定式的進行式所表示的動作與謂語動詞動作同時發生,例如: The boy pretended to be working hard. 男孩假裝工作得很努力。 He seems to be reading in his room. 看起來他正在他的房間里面讀書。

(3)完成式:不定式的完成式表示的動作發生在謂語動詞動作之前,例如: I regretted having told a lie. 我后悔我說謊了。 I happened to have seen the film. 我偶然看過這部電影。 He is pleased to have met his friend. 他很高興能遇上他的朋友。


(1)作主語: To finish the work in ten minutes is very hard. 十分鐘之內完成這項工作是很難的。 To lose your heart means failure. 灰心意味著失敗。 動詞不定式短語作主語時,常用it作形式主語,真正的主語不定式置于句后,例如上面兩句可用如下形式: It is very hard to finish the work in ten minutes. 十分鐘之內完成這項工作是很難的。 It means failure to lose your heart. 灰心意味著失敗。

常用句式有:1、It+be+名詞+to do。2、It takes sb.+some time+to do。3、It+be+形容詞+of sb +to do。常用careless,,clever,good,foolish,honest,kind,lazy,nice,right,silly,stupid,wise,等表示贊揚或批評的形容詞,不定式前的sb.可作其邏輯主語。 (2)作表語: Her job is to clean the hall. 她的工作是打掃大廳。 He appears to have caught a 買粉絲ld. 他似乎感冒了。 (3)作賓語: 常與不定式做賓語連用的動詞有:want, hope, wish, offer, fail, plan, learn, pretend, refuse, manage, help, agree, promise, prefer, 如果不定式(賓語)后面有賓語補足語,則用it作形式賓語,真正的賓語(不定式)后置,放在賓語補足語后面,例如: Marx found it important to study the situation in Russia. 馬克思發現研究俄國的情況是很重要的。

動詞不定式也可充當介詞賓語,如: I have no choice but to stay here. 我只能留在這里,別無選擇。 He did nothing last Sunday but repair his bike. 他上周日除了修他的自行車什么也沒干。

動詞不定式前有時可與疑問詞連用,如: He gave us some advice on how to learn English. 他給了我們一些學英語的建議。 (4)作賓語補足語: 在復合賓語中,動詞不定式可充當賓語補足語,如下動詞常跟這種復合賓語:want, wish, ask, tell, order, beg, permit, help, advise, persuade, allow, prepare, cause, force, call on, wait for, invite. 此外,介詞有時也與這種復合賓語連用,如: With a lot of work to do, he didn't go to the cinema. 他有很多工作要做,所以沒去電影院。

有些動詞如make, let, see, watch, hear, feel, have等與不帶有to的不定式連用,但改為被動語態時,不定式要加to, 如: I saw him cross the road. 我看見他橫過公路。 He was seen to cross the road. 他被我看見橫過公路。

(5)作定語: 動詞不定式作定語,放在所修飾的名詞或代詞后。與所修飾名詞有如下關系: ①動賓關系: I have a meeting to attend. 我有一個會議要出席。 注意:不定式為不及物動詞時,所修飾的名詞如果是地點、工具等,應有必要的介詞,如: He found a good house to live in. 他找到了一個居住的好房子。 The child has nothing to worry about. 這個孩子無憂無慮。 What did you open it with? 你用什么打開它? 如果不定式修飾time, place, way,可以省略介詞: He has no place to live. 他無處安身。 This is the best way to work out this problem. 這是解決這個問題的最好辦法。

如果不定式所修飾名詞是不定式動作承受者,不定式可用主動式也可用被動式: Have you got anything to send? 你要送什么東西嗎? Have you got anything to be sent? 你有什么東西需要送嗎? ②說明所修飾名詞的內容: We have made a plan to finish the work. 我們制定了一個完成工作的計劃。 ③被修飾名詞是不定式邏輯主語: He is the first to get here. 他第一個來到這兒。

(6)作狀語: ①表目的: He worked day and night to get the money. 他夜以繼日地工作來賺錢。 She sold her hair to buy the watch chain. 她賣掉了自己的頭發來買那條表鏈。 注意不定式放句首時,邏輯主語與句子主語要一致: wrong:To save money, every means has been tried. right:To save money, he has tried every means. 為了省錢,他使出了渾身解數。 wrong:To learn English well, a dictionary is needed. right:To learn English well, he needs a dictionary. 為了學好英語,他需要一本詞典。 ②表結果(往往是與預期愿望相反的結果 意料之外): 常放在never only后 He arrived late only to find the train had gone. 他來晚了,只見火車已經走了。 I visited him only to find him out. 我去拜訪他,只見他出去了。 ③表原因:常放在形容詞后面 They were very sad to hear the news. 他們聽到這條新聞非常傷心。 ④表程度: It's too dark for us to see anything. 太暗了,我們什么也看不見。 The question is simple for him to answer. 這問題由他來回答是很簡單的。

(7)作目的狀語:既可以放在句首,也可以放在句尾 To tell you the truth, I don't like the way he talked. 說實話,我不喜歡他講話的方式。 (8)不定式的省略:保留to省略do動詞。 If you don't want to do it, you don't need to. 如果你不想做這件事,你就不必做。 (9)不定式的并列:第二個不定式可省略to。 He wished to study medicine and be買粉絲e a doctor. 他希望學醫并成為醫生。


動名詞: 動名詞既具有動詞的一些特征,又具有名詞的句法功能。 一般式 (謂語動詞同時發生) doing being done

完成式 (謂語動詞發生之前) having done having been done

動名詞的形式: Ving 否定式:not + 動名詞 (1)一般式: Seeing is believing. 眼見為實。 (2)被動式: He came to the party without being invited.他未被邀請就來到了晚會。 (3)完成式: We remembered having seen the film. 我們記得看過這部電影。 (4)完成被動式: He forgot having been taken to Guangzhou when he was five years old. 他忘記五歲時曾被帶到廣州去過。 (5)否定式:not + 動名詞 I regret not following his advice. 我后悔沒聽他的勸告。 (6)復合結構:物主代詞(或名詞所有格)+ 動名詞 He suggested our trying it once again. 他建議我們再試一次。 His not knowing English troubled him a lot. 他不懂英語給他帶來許多麻煩。


(1)作主語: Reading aloud is very helpful. 朗讀是很有好處的。 Collecting stamps is interesting. 集郵很有趣。 當動名詞
