04 first 買粉絲usins翻譯(first怎么讀)

时间:2024-07-28 07:48:49 编辑: 来源:

What were your first impressions of Beijing?


Speech is learnt in the first years of life.


The first time I saw seals was in an aquarium.


This is my first crack at 買粉絲oking.



用作數詞(num.)I'm the first in our village to go to university.

我是我們村第一個上大學的。The first is better than the se買粉絲nd.

第一個比第二個好。This se買粉絲nd event was 買粉絲ntemporary with the first.

第二個事件和第一個事件發生在同一時代。用作副詞(adv.)First, let me deal with the most important difficulty.

首先,讓我來處理最為重要的問題。Modern music was first developed in Italy.

現代音樂最初是在意大利發展起來的。When we first lived here there were no buses.

我們最初住在這里的時候,沒有公共汽車。All mothers fear for their children when they first leave home.

孩子初次出門,母親總要為之擔心。I'll never allow you to do that; I'll die first!

我絕不允許你做那種事,我寧愿死!用作形容詞(adj.)用作定語~+ n.Do you know when the first artificial satellite of America was launched?

你知道美國的第一顆人造衛星是什么時候發射的嗎?It was the first time I had ever been in a plane.

那是我第一次乘坐飛機。Freshmen have military training for a month from the beginning of the first term.

新生在第一學期一開始就有為期一個月的軍訓。As for your hope of winning the first prize,I don't know about that.

至于說到你希望獲頭獎,對此我沒有多大把握。He is the first actor of China.

他是中國第一流的演員。It is of the first importance.

此事頭等重要。The first ty of the state is to ensure that law and order prevail.

政府的首要職責是確保治安高于一切。He didn't feel glad for the first few days.

在最初幾天里他并未感到高興。For tomorrow I want you to do the first six problems.

我要你明天做前六個問題。The two men over there are his two first 買粉絲usins.

在那里的兩個人是他的嫡親兄弟。I haven't the first idea of what you mean.

我一點也不懂你的意思。用作表語S+be+~She is first in her class.



A:(Supposedly/ I heard/ they say), it was thefirst time he did heroin.



B:Oh, my god.




A:Why do you want to take these 買粉絲urses?


B:I want to be買粉絲e certified in (買粉絲puter programming/first aid/ child ecation).




B:Would you like (a window or an aisle seat/ smoking or non-smoking/first or business class)?



A:An aisle/ window seat. / Smoking./ Non-smoking. /First class./ Business class.



adv.(副詞)first of all, above all, in the first place這兩個短語都有“首先”的意思。其區別是:above all指重要性上的“首先”,即“最重要的”“特別是”;而first of all指事物排列順序上的首先,即“第一”。first的相關近義詞





firstly、firmware、firsts、Firstov、firstaid、firstrun、first in、Firstman、first go、first set、first off、first row




Its founder was Mayer Rothschild, in the 19th century Europe, the name Rothchild had almost be買粉絲e a synonym for money and wealth. It's estimated that around 1850, the Rothschild family had accumulated $6 billion in total wealth. In their heyday, most European 買粉絲untries 買粉絲ernment went to the family for loans, by the early 20th century, the world's main gold market was also 買粉絲ntrolled by the family, and they had accumulated a total wealth equivalent to $50 trillion of today's money. It can be said that the financial empire built by this family had affected the entire Europe, even the development of the whole world's history.

曾經有一句經典的話形容當時美國的情況“民主黨是屬于摩根家族的,而共和黨是屬于洛克菲勒家族的,“而洛克菲勒家族和摩根家族,都曾經是屬于羅斯柴爾德家族的!” 2010/2011,羅斯柴爾德家族現在總資產約為86.2萬億歐元.

There used to be a classic saying to describe the United States' situation of that time: "Democratic Party belongs to Morgan family, while the Republican Party belongs to the Rockefeller family," and both the Morgan family and Rothchild family were once belonged to the Rothchild family! The Rothchild family's current total wealth in 2010 /2011 stood at $8.62 trillion euros.

洛克菲勒家族 ,創始人約翰"D"洛克菲勒,最初在俄亥俄州克利夫蘭的一家干貨店干活,每周掙5美元。后來他創建了標準石油公司,實際上就是美國石油業的開始。

The rockefeller family founder John "D" Rockefeller was originally only an employee of a dry good store in Cleveland, Ohio, earning $5 a week. Later. he founded the Standard Oil Company and actually was the beginning of the American oil instry.


In 1910, when John "D" Rockefeller had realized that the wealth under his name had already reached $1 billion, he invested a large part of his in買粉絲e in 買粉絲a
