03 訂閱 英文縮寫是什么字母(周日到周六的英文縮寫是什么字母?)

时间:2024-07-30 03:22:56 编辑: 来源:

MS ,Pre-menstrual Syndrome,來大姨媽前不舒服或心情不好的癥狀。


AQ:Adversity Quotient,逆商,挫折商

MQ:moral/mo買粉絲ary/mental/memory Quotient,德商/錢商/心商/記憶商

IQ:intelligence Quotient,智力商數,智商

EQ:Emotional Intelligence Quotient,情商

WQ:Will Intelligence Quotient,志商,意志智商

SQ:Spiritual Quotient,高靈商


BFF不是best friend forever,而變成Best Friend Fell,

BTW不是by the way,而變成bring the Wheelchair,

POS不是pos機,而變成piece of shit/parent over shoulder(我粑粑麻麻看著呢!)

LMDO: Laughing My Dentures Out假牙都笑掉了。

OMSG: Oh My! Sorry, Gas。菊花嘆氣了!

ROFLACGU: Rolling On Floor Laughing And Can't Get Up  ,rofl進階版。
