04 國際貿易專業英語第四版電子書(外貿英語口語(提升國際貿易溝通技巧))

时间:2024-07-24 01:45:17 编辑: 来源:

銀行扣錢 是不講價的哦。 你只能讓他付銀行的中轉手續費, 少的錢讓他補款,不過對于大多數 老板來說都不會叫客戶補款的!這就慣壞了很多老外!! 如果自己有理,老外又通點人情! 可以把水單發給他! 讓他補款,或下次一定要打全款過來!! 還有 你說收到你的300美元! 我猜這是全款,但并沒有收到300美元,對吧? 一定要講 收到了具體的數據!是多少就說多少,不然老外會以為你收到了300美元(樓上的翻譯 就是這樣,會造成誤解!)

你可以這么說: pls check the attachment (付上水單), you can see that we have only received the 265USD(你收到多少就寫多少) , you know ,our profit is very little , 買粉絲uld you pls kindly pay full amount to the beneficiary ? you know the Bank charge levied by payer's bank and intermediate bank should be borne by payer so that a full payment can reach the beneficiary ' bank , Hope you can understand that ,my freind. Have a nice day !
