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iffy / gray area/ where on earth/up to you…中文意思是?25種日常會話的英語表達!

iffy / gray area/ where on earth/up to you…中文意思 是?

《Speak English With Vanessa》講師 Vanessa 在 Youtube 上面列舉了25種日常會話的英文表達,一起來學習吧!

1、to look like 看起來像 = to resemble 相似于

例:I mostly look like my mom. 我長得像我媽媽。

例:It looks like it’s going to rain. 看起來要下雨了。

2、to a T = perfectly, exactly 完全地、準確地

例:Shelooks like her mom to a T. 她看起來完全像她媽媽。

例:You need to follow these instructions to a T. 你需要完全地跟著說明書指示。

3、off the charts 破表

more than expected 表示超乎預期、超出正常范圍

例:Her enthusia *** was off the charts.


例:Our heating bill was off the charts last month.


4、a gray area灰色地帶、灰 *** 域

not clearly defined 表示無法明確定義、無法界定

例:The area beeen childhood and *** hood is a gray area.


例:Sharing pictures of your child on social media is a gray area.

在社交媒體上分享你孩子的照片是一個灰 *** 域。

5、to be paid under the table 非法交易

to get money illegally 表示非法得到錢

例:I was paid under the table. 我私下被賄絡了。

例:Most odd jobs are paid under the table. 大多數零工都是非法交易。

6、the meat 多數

the majority 指大多數、大部分

例:The meat of our touri *** is nature. 我們旅游業大多是去大自然。

例:Selling pottery is the meat of the craft shop’s revenue. 賣陶器是工藝品店收入的主要來源。

7、to crash somewhere 擅自闖入(未經邀請)

to arrive rmally 指非正式地到達

例:We’re going to crash their vacation.


例:If you need somewhere to stay, feel 買粉絲 to crash at my house.


8、you can’t go wrong with 不會出差錯

it is always a good idea 表示通常是好主意,做壞決定是不可能的

例:You can’t go wrong with salmon. 鮭魚絕對是不會出錯的選擇。

例:You can’t go wrong with a beach vacation. 海灘度假絕對不會錯的。

9、to make it work 成功

to succeed despite difficulty 盡管遇到困難仍能成功

例:We made it work. 我們成功了。

例:Having a long distance relationship is tough, but we’ll make it work.


10、where on earth 到底、究竟

a shocked statement 表示發表一震驚的聲明,加強疑問的語氣

例:Where on earth did you hear that? 你究竟從哪聽到的?

例:Where on earth did this package e from? 這包裹到底從哪來的?

11、that’s it 就這樣、完了

the end 表示結束的意思

例:If he fails, that’s it. 如果他失敗了,那就這樣吧。

例:Alright, that’s it! See you next week. 好了,就這樣!下禮拜見。

12、up to 最多

a maximum of 表示最大值

例:They can stay in the air up to 10,000 miles. 他們可以在空中停留達10,000英里。

例:This car can drive up to 250 mph. 這輛車可以以每小時250英里的速度行駛。

13、some may argue that 有人可能會爭論說

a polite, indirect opinion 有禮貌的間接意見

例:Some may argue that the stuffing is better than the turkey.


例:Some may argue that Vanessa’s lessons are the best in the world.


14、to find that 發現

a somewhat formal opinion 表示發表有點正式的意見

例:I find that playing a sport helps me relax. 我發現參加運動有助于我放松。

例:I found that, after 3 months, the classes weren’t really helping me.


15、to (not) handle something 無法掌握、應付

to not manage or deal with 表示無法處理或應付某事

例:My body can’t han
