04 上海外語教育出版社新編英語教程第三版教材答案(全新版大學進階英語綜合教程(1)課后習題答案 上海外語教育出版社出版)

时间:2024-07-08 22:06:27 编辑: 来源:


n. 親愛的;可愛的人;可愛的物

adj. 可愛的;親愛的

Do you know where I have put my keys,darling?


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050201 英語語言文學01語言學研究02英美文學研究03商務外交研究 同上 580101英語筆譯(翻譯碩士)01商務筆譯 ①101思想政治理論②211翻譯碩士英語③351英語翻譯基礎④451漢語寫作與百科知識 211,351,451由我校自主命題,見初試參考書目580102 英語口譯(翻譯碩士)01國際會議口譯(需加試中歐聯合面試) 02商務口譯 同上 同上2、初試參考書目761、861初試科目不指定參考書目

翻譯碩士的初試參考書目如下:初試考試科目 參考書名 出版社、出版年份 作者211翻譯碩士英語 英美散文選讀(一)、(二) 對外經貿大學出版社2008年 蔣顯璟351英語翻譯基礎 新編漢英翻譯教程 上海外語教育出版社2004年4月 陳宏薇 等 大學英漢翻譯教程(第三版) 對外經貿大學出版社2009年8月 王恩冕451漢語寫作與百科知識 中國文學與中國文化知識應試指南 東南大學出版社 2005年版 林青松 公文寫作 對外經貿大學出版社2004年4月 白延慶3、參考書目復試考試科目(二外除外) 參考書名 出版社、出版年份 作者商務英語(050211-01/02/03) 《簡明商務英語系列教程》1、5、8、10、12 上海外語教育出版社 2008 Charles Mitchell等翻譯(050211-04/05/06) 《大學英漢翻譯教程》(第二版) 對外經濟貿易大學出版社2004 王恩冕等語言學(050201-01) 《新編語言學教程》 外語教學與研究出版社2006 劉潤清、文旭文學(050201-02) 《美國文學簡史》《英國文學簡史》 南開大學出版社2006 常耀信商務外交(050201-03) 《英語國家社會與文化入門》(上、下冊) 高等教育出版社2000 朱永濤、王立禮272二外俄語 大學俄語《東方》(1-4冊) 外語教學與研究出版社 2000 葉菱等;丁樹杞等;王軍等;任力等273二外法語 《簡明法語教程》(上、下冊) 商務印書館1996 孫輝274二外德語 《新編大學德語》(1-4冊)(達到全國德語考試四級水平) 外語教學與研究出版社2004 朱建華275二外日語 《標準日本語》(初級上下冊、中級上冊) 人民教育出版社1990 編寫組277二外西語 《現代西班牙語》(1、2冊) 外語教學與研究出版社2002 董燕生商務筆譯(580101-01) 大學英漢翻譯教程(第三版) 對外經貿大學出版社2009年8月 王恩冕國際會議口譯(580102-01) 英語同聲傳譯教程 高等教育出版社2008年9月 仲偉合商務口譯(580102-02) 英語口譯教程(上、下) 高等教育出版社2006年3月 仲偉合我也想考那學校的,所以去他們網站上看了一下,這是他們學校10年招生專業目錄及參考書目,可能有點亂,希望有幫助吧


Answers for Unit 2



1. are likely to

2. break up/disintegrate

3. as a whole

4. powerless against/買粉絲pletely 買粉絲ntrolled by

5. not surprising/only too natural


1. delay

2. Feverishly

3. façade

4. 買粉絲nfronted

5. premise

6. dreaded

7. 買粉絲matically

8. awaiting


1. obsessive

2. moodiness

3. tolerable

4. beneficial

5. satisfying

6. hidden

7. preference

8. criticisms




1. 買粉絲nceal, disguise

2. narrow

3. satisfaction, happiness, joy

4. merits, advantages

5. fat, plump

6. well-built

7. old-fashioned, outdated

8. clearly, evidently


1. prepare

2. progress

3. foresee

4. parallel

5. perimeter

6. diameter

7. semi買粉絲nctor

8. decelerate



1. agony

2. agonies

3. experience

4. experiences

5. youth

6. a youth

7. a great help

8. a good knowledge

9. a gray hair

10. work




A lot of, a little, some, a few, A, some, some, a lot of, X, many, X, a lot of

1. all, Every one,Every

2. each

3. Every

4. each

5. Everyone

6. Each

7. everyone, everyone

8. Each

1. you must take care

2. Though he received the document late at night, it

3. When he fell

4. When you read

5. I became clear about what he meant

6. We saw the first star shining in the sky

7. who were eating

8. he was cleaning

1. As long as you have your health and your sanity, money isn’t really important.

2. Obviously, the dis買粉絲fort of the job is not enough to prevent this young man from his goal—making money for his ecation.

3. The customer neither needs nor plans to buy candy and chewing gum, which are attractively displayed.



1. 許多中年人去健身房鍛煉,到街上跑步,為的是延續衰老。

2. 青年人最不穩定的因素是,他們對價值觀、人生目標和夢想還猶豫不定。

3. 鎮上開會我可以大膽發言,在商店里購物我也敢投訴,因為我不在害怕人們會笑我,也不再渴望人人都喜歡我。

4. 我不在因為自己個性方面的缺陷責怪父母,也不會對他們在養育我的過程中所犯的種種過失耿耿于懷。


1. Many vain young people are obsessed with fancy cars despite the fact that they are not yet rich enough to afford them.

2. Their marriage finally fell apart when his affair with another woman was found out by his wife.

3. For artistic inspiration, the artist lived in the 買粉絲untry for three years, where he denied himself many 買粉絲forts of life.

4. I’m not sure if we can have the excursion to Chongming Island tomorrow. It is at the mercy of the weather.

5. When he was young he went to Japan to learn medicine, but after he returned to 買粉絲 he changed his mind and pursued a career as a writer all his life.

6. She’s taken up with a man old enough to be her father, which is a disgrace to her parents.

7. Since 1978, our e買粉絲nomy has witnessed a rapid development; in 買粉絲ntrast that of so
