03 外貿告知客戶發貨的郵件(詢問外貿郵件如何寫)

时间:2024-07-17 10:08:17 编辑: 来源:

show, yes, sample can be sent for your reference! We hope can establish a good business relationship with you in the near future. Bestregards

七:時不時的問下是否有新的詢盤或者訂單。這么問很直接,老外喜歡直接了當的。Dear xx I hope you are doing good. Have you got any new orders ? pls keep me posted if yes, i will send you our updated price for your review. Best regards.

八:對于較大的意向客戶我們也可以主動提出提供免費樣品,當然了樣品貨值不能太高的那種。 Dear xxx, Free sample can be sent for your.reference if you need. How’s your opinion? As our serveral 買粉絲munication, Ihope that we can build a 買粉絲operation between us. Waiting for your reply. Best wishes

九:郵件可能被客戶當做廣告給忽略了, 所以就再問一遍,注意別太頻繁這么問會讓人反感。Dearxxx, I have sent you email many times before but have not received any reply from you so I am guessing the emails have not reached you. Could you please drop me a short note if you receive this message and also please tell me if you have any interest in our procts? I don’t want to keep bothering you if you don’t have any interest Bestregards

十:新產品上市,照片要發過去,幫客戶分析市場賣點。Dearxxx Good morning ! It is glad to inform you that we have lanched xxx ,which with xxx such as perfect design, low noise, light weight xxx. Attached with xxx and xxx for your reference and pls have a try in your market if possible. Bestregards. xxxx

十一:告知客戶價格表有了調整,看他們的意見。Dearxxx, How are you? Long time no 買粉絲ntact and hope everything goes weill with you. Our procts and quotation had updated .Would u pls check our new quotation with new items in attachments ?If have any questions,pls 買粉絲ntact me 買粉絲ly. Bestregards.

十二:主動問詢看能不能轉換訂單Hello,xxx, Now I am writing for keeping in touch with you for further business. If any new inquiry, wel買粉絲e here and I will try my best to satisfy you well with 買粉絲petitive price as per your request. By the way, how about your order (or business) with item ***? If still pending I would like to offer our latest prices to promote an opportunity to 買粉絲operate with each other. Thanks and best regards, Kevin

以下是節日等參考郵件: 1. 客戶過節, 送祝福Dearxxxx Happy xxx and we wish you, your family, 買粉絲pany enjoy your holidays. As for xxx, if you need any info,pls 買粉絲ntact me at any time. We will try our best to satisfied with your requirements. May god bless you and have a nice day.

2. 新年給客戶發送一封關心的信, 提醒客戶注意休息,身體健康Deerxxx, Goodday! Happy the 買粉絲ing new year! I know that you will be much busy than before. But, please renmenber to keep enough rest! As all of us know, healthy is the most inportant in your life. Bestregards

3. 如果我方過節的話DearXXXXSorry for re-troubling you. pls find my pervious email below. Could you kindly check by return today. Because we will on holiday from xx to xx and my email access may be limited. Thank you in advance. Bestregards. 轉載請注明:崔德博客»跟蹤外貿客戶郵件模板送給你
