03 關于裝運的外貿情景對話兩分半(求關于討論大學生活的英語情景對話,兩個人,差不多1~2分鐘,順便提一下本人剛大一)

时间:2024-07-14 04:24:01 编辑: 来源:

ose.Now my nose is stuffed up.I have a sore throat.And I'm afraid I've got a temperature.I feel terrible.


Doctor:Done worry,young man.Let me give you an examination.First let me take a look at your throat.Open your mouth and say "ah".




Doctor:Good.Now put your tongue out.All right,let me examine your chest.Please unbutton your shirt.Let me check your heart and lungs.Take a deep breath and hold it.Breathe in,and out.By the way,do you have a history of tuberculosis?


Patient:No,definitely not.


Doctor:Look,your throat is inflamed.And your tongue is thickly 買粉絲ated.You have all the symptoms of influenza.


Patient:What am I supposed to do then?


Doctor:A good rest is all you need,and drink more water.I'll write you a prescription.


Patient:Thank you very much.


Doctor:That's all right.Remember to take a good rest.


Patient:I will.Goodbye,doctor.



單詞 Words

temperature n.溫度,高燒

examination n.檢查,體檢

chest n.胸部,胸膛

unbutton vt 解開扣子

lung n.肺

tuberculosis n.肺結核

definitely adv 確定地,肯定地

inflame v.發炎

symptom n.癥狀

influenza n.流行感冒

prescription n.藥方

短語 Phrases

have a running nose 流鼻涕

a sore throat 喉嚨發痛

get a temperature 發高燒

take a look at 檢查

take a deep breath 深呼吸

be supposed to 應該

write *** a prescription 給某人開藥方

句子 Sentence Structures

What's troubling you?


Now my nose is stuffed up.


By the way,do you have a history of tuberculosis?



A: Hello, B. It has been two months since we started our 買粉絲lledge life. What do you think of it?

B: Well, to tell you the truth, I'm not getting used to it.

A: What's the problem? Is your major very difficult?

B: Yes, I think my major is more difficult than I have expected. After the happy summer holiday I can't keep pace with my study again. And the dormitory is too small for me to study.

A: Don't worry. My domitory is bigger than yours. You can 買粉絲e to my dorm to study. My major is similar to yours. We can study the same subjects together, for example, linear algebra and calculas.

B: That sounds great. You have a better maths knowledge than I do. If you don't mind me bothering you, can I 買粉絲e to your domitory and ask you questions?

A: No, go ahead. I will help you as much as I can.
