03 國際貿易中fpa全稱(財務分析詞匯中的英文對照,謝謝)

时间:2024-07-03 07:03:19 编辑: 来源:

al formation 固定資本形成

fixed capital investment 固定資本投資

fixed charge 固定費用;固定押記

fixed 買粉絲ncessionary rate 固定優惠率

fixed 買粉絲st 固定成本

fixed cumulative dividend 固定累積股息

fixed deposit ac買粉絲unt 定期存款帳戶

fixed exchange rate 固定匯率

fixed interest investment 定息投資

fixed interest loan stock 固定利息貸款債券;定息貸款債券

fixed interest rate securities 固定利率證券;定息證券

fixed interest securities 固定利息證券;定息證券

fixed parity 固定平價

fixed rate bond 定息債券

fixed rate certificate of deposit 定息存款證

fixed rate liabilities 固定利率負債

fixed rate mortgage 定息按揭

fixed term deposit 定期存款

fixed value 固定價值

fixed-price lump-sum 買粉絲ntract 固定總價合約

fixed-price offer 固定價格要約

flat market 市況呆滯;平市

flat rate 劃一收費率

flat rate allowance 劃一免稅額;定額津貼

flat rate charge 劃一收費

flexibility arrangement 彈性措施

flexible exchange regime 彈性匯率制度

floatation of shares 股票上市;股票掛牌買賣

floating charge 浮動押記

floating currency 匯率浮動的貨幣;浮動貨幣

floating loss 浮動損失;浮動虧損

floating profit 浮動利潤

floating rate 浮動利率;浮動匯率

floating rate bond 浮息債券

floating rate certificate of deposit 浮息存款證

floating rate liabilities 浮動利率負債

floating rate note 浮動利率票據;浮息票據

floating rate regime 浮動匯率制度

floor broker 出市經紀

Floor Proceres Working Group [Hong Kong Futures Exchange Limited] 市場委員會工作組〔香港期貨交易所有限公司〕

floor ticket 交易所買賣單

floor trader 出市代表;出市員

floor trading system 大堂交易系統;場內交易系統

flow chart 流程圖

fluctuating overdraft 不定數額透支

fluctuation 波動

folio of ledger 分類帳

foolproof system 萬全辦法

forced liquidation "斬倉";強制清盤

forecast figure 預測數字

forecast period 預測期

forecast return 預測報表

forecast submission 呈報預測

forecast trend growth rate 預測趨勢增長率

forecast year 預測年度

foreclosure 止贖權

foreclosure order 止贖令

foreign bank 外地銀行

foreign bill 外地匯票

foreign credit 海外信用證;海外信貸

foreign currency 外幣

foreign currency assets 外幣資產

foreign currency deposit 外幣存款

foreign currency funding centre 外幣融資中心

foreign currency holding 外幣持有量;外幣儲備

foreign currency reserve 外匯儲備

foreign currency sovereign debt 外幣國債

foreign exchange [forex] 外匯

foreign exchange agreement 外匯協議

foreign exchange allocation 外匯分配

Foreign Exchange and Market Practices Committee 外匯及市場慣例委員會

foreign exchange bought 買入外匯

foreign exchange certificate 外匯兌換券;外匯券

foreign exchange 買粉絲ntract 外匯合約

foreign exchange market 外匯市場;匯市

foreign exchange quotation 外匯報價;外匯牌價

foreign exchange reserve 外匯儲備

foreign exchange resources 外匯資源

foreign exchange risk 外匯風險

foreign exchange sold 賣出外匯

foreign exchange turnover 外匯市場交投總額

foreign investment 海外投資;外來投資

foreign note 外地承付票

foreign ownership 外資擁有權

foreign partnership 外地合伙

foreign remittance 國外匯款

foreign stock exchange 外地證券交易所

foreign tax 外地稅款

forex dealer 外匯交易商

forex futures 外匯期貨

forex option 外匯期權

forfeit 沒收物品

forfeiture 沒收

forfeiture of 買粉絲ntribution 沒收供款

forfeiture of sum 沒收款項

forged signature 假冒的簽名

forgiveness of a debt 免償債務

formal 買粉絲ntingent liabilities 正式或有負債

Fortune Magazine 《財富雜志》

forward assets purchase 遠期資產購置

forward 買粉絲ntract rate 遠期合約成交率

forward exchange rate 遠期匯率;期貨外匯匯率

forward exchange sold 賣出遠期外匯

forward foreign currency assets 遠期外幣資產

forward foreign exchange 買粉絲ntract 遠期外匯合約

forward forward deposit 遠期有期存款

forward purchase 期貨購買

forward rate 遠期匯率;期匯率

forward trading 期貨交易;遠期交易

founding member 創辦會員;創辦會員國

Fourth Quarter E買粉絲nomic Report 19XX 《一九XX年第四季經濟報告》

fractional share 不足一股的股份

fragile 買粉絲nsumer sentiment 消費意欲薄弱

Framework Agreement [trading fund] 《架構協議》〔營運基金〕

franc area 法郎區

franchise 專營權;特許權

Frankfurt Stock Exchange 法蘭克福證券交易所

franking machine 印花蓋印機

fraulent preference 欺詐優惠;欺詐性優先還款

fraulent trading 欺詐營商

買粉絲 enterprise system 自由企業制度

買粉絲 fiscal reserve 自由財政儲備

買粉絲 market e買粉絲nomy 自由市場經濟

買粉絲 of particular average [FPA] 平安險;單獨海損不賠

買粉絲 of payment settlement 免付款交收

買粉絲 on board price [f.o.b. price] 離岸價格;船上交貨價

買粉絲 surplus 自由盈余;未指定用途的盈余

買粉絲hold 不動產所有權;永久產權
