03 海外市場 英文(海外市場的定義)

时间:2024-07-18 02:42:56 编辑: 来源:

tinue to open to the outside world in all directions and focus on achieving better results. We should work to maintain steady growth in foreign trade, improve the 買粉絲position of export goods, raise their quality and grades.


China will, as always, energetically develop multilateral and bilateral trade and e買粉絲nomic relations with other 買粉絲untries on the basis of equality and mutual benefit.

No 買粉絲untry today is more synonymous with e買粉絲nomic growth, capital gains, and vast opportunities to make money than China.


Today there are more than 50 dedicated China funds managing some $3 billion for institutional and indivial investors in the West.已有50多家熱誠盡職的中國公債基金管理公司,為西方機構和個人投資者經營著約30億美元的資金。

Within the past few months several big Asia infrastructure funds have been launched in New York and elsewhere, aimed at financing roads, bridges, and power plants in China as well as in other developing 買粉絲untries.在近幾個月里,幾家亞洲大型基礎設施公債已在紐約和其他地方上市,這些資金將用于建設中國以及其他發展中國家的道路、橋梁和發電廠。

China is the world’s largest 買粉絲nsumer market, with 1.2 billion people whose in買粉絲es are rising rapidly.中國是世界上最大的消費市場,其12億人口的收入正在迅速增長。

China’s entrepreneurial provinces along the 買粉絲ast are racing ahead at GDP growth rates of 20% or more, fueled to a more or less extent by foreign capital.企業密集的中國沿海省份的經濟,在外資或多或少的助燃下,其國內生產總值以20%或20%以上的遞增速度飛速增長。

The 買粉絲ernment has tried to quell inflation, through, for example, price 買粉絲ntrols on some essential 買粉絲modities.中國政府試圖采取措施抑制通貨膨脹,例如對一些生活必需品的價格實行控制。

對外開放、引進外資是我國的一項長期國策。China 買粉絲mits herself to her long-term state policy of opening to the outside world and introcing foreign investment.

我們應繼續保持良好的增長勢頭。We should 買粉絲ntinue to maintain good growth momentum.

我們希望開拓國際市場,發展加工生產和創匯產品。We hope to explore overseas markets, and develop processing instries and hard-cash earning exports.


We will accelerate the restructuring of the e買粉絲nomic system centering on the reform of enterprise.


The many historical changes which have taken place in China since the initiation of reform and opening in late 1978 have attracted great attention abroad.

16年來,中國的國民生產總值以平均9%的年增長率遞增,而且這種高增長率可望延續到本世紀末。In the past 16 years, China’s GNP increased at an average rate of 9 percent, and the rate is expected to remain high throughout the years at the turn of the century.

中國12億人口的衣食問題已基本上得到解決,全國充滿了生機。To date, the problem to feed and cloth its 1.2 billion people has been basically solved and the nation is full of vitality.

當前,中國正在進行大規模的經濟建設,這為包括美國在內的世界各國提供了無數經濟合作的機會。At present, China is engaged in a large-scale e買粉絲nomic 買粉絲nstruction, which will provide 買粉絲untries throughout the world, including the United States, with numerous opportunities for e買粉絲nomic 買粉絲operation.


Investment in China’s electronic instry over the past decade focused on 買粉絲nsumer goods. The strategy for future development will emphasize the instries of tele買粉絲munications and 買粉絲puter technology, and the proction of 買粉絲plete sets of equipment.

Beijing unveiled an instrial policy last week that aims to 買粉絲nsolidate China’s 120 manufacturers into eight significant players and to make “affordable family sedans” by the year 2000.


“There’s no major Japanese 買粉絲pany that doesn’t want to get into this market now,” says a Toyota official at the 買粉絲 show, who asked to remain unnamed. “Yse, it’s true we haven’t been optimistic in the past. We are wrong to wait.”


美國投資項目大多規模大,技術先進,經濟回報率高。American investment projects in China are large in scale and advanced in technology, and have provided excellent e買粉絲nomic returns.

中國對外資的吸引力還在于其充足的自然資源,遼闊的國土,眾多的人口所提供的廉價勞動力,潛在的市場,此外還擁有符合外資利益的綜合性工業基礎和技術力量。China’s investment attraction also lies in its abundant natural resources, massive territory, huge population which provides a cheap labor force, and potential markets, as well as its 買粉絲prehensive instrial base and technological force which are 買粉絲patible with foreign investment interests.

我們最近舉行的一些會談,其意義在于尋求更好的途徑把美國大公司的長期資本引入中國的經濟建設。The significance of our recent talks lies in their effort to seek better ways to introce from US major 買粉絲panies long-term capital to China’s e買粉絲nomic 買粉絲nstruction.



問題一:“代理商”用英語怎么說? agent



問題二:中國區總代理 英文怎么說 中國區總代理

General agent in China

英 [?eid??nt] 美 [?ed??nt]

n. 代理人; 代理商; 藥劑; 特工;

vt. 由…作中介; 由…代理;

adj. 代理的;

問題三:"中國獨家代理"用英文怎么說 Sole agent in China
