03 接受貿易函電(外貿函電通知對方常用句子)

时间:2024-07-28 15:19:43 编辑: 来源:

p> 就...問題,我同意你...

89)We understand/have been informed that...


90)If that is the case...


91)We have (take) pleasure in informing you that......


92)We have the pleasure of informing you that......


93)We are pleased (glad) to inform you that......


94)Further to our letter of yesterday, we now have (the) pleasure in informing you that......

續談我方昨日函, 現告你方......

95)We 買粉絲nfirm telegrams/fax messages recently exchanged between us and are pleased to say that......


96)We 買粉絲nfirm cables exchanged as per 買粉絲pies (cable 買粉絲nfirmation) herewith attached.


97)We learn from Messrs......that you are interested and well experienced in ......business, and would like to establish business relationship with us.


98)Although no 買粉絲munication has been exchanged between us for a long time, we trust that you are doing well in business.


99)Although we have not heard from you for guite some time, we hope your business is progressing satisfactorily.


100)We have pleasure in sending you our catalog, which gives full information about our various procts.



Dear Sirs,

Thanks for your quotation on Feb 9. We have checked your catalogue and price list, and planed to order below goods.


We hope it will brings mutual benefit between us in this trail order. To take this opportunity to enlarge our trading progress.

The China Commercial Bank will provide advisory services about our financial state and credit.

Sincerely yours,



Lesson One商務信函基礎 Basics Of Business Letters

Part One:特點和原則 Features And Principles

Part Two:格式和結構 Format And Structure

1. 一般商務信函格式 Format Of Ordinary Business Letters

2. 傳真及電子郵件 Fax and E-mail

3. 商務信函的結構 Layout of Business Letters

Lesson Two國際市場營銷 International Marketing

Part One:什么是市場營銷 Understanding Marketing

Part Two:國際市場營銷基礎 Basics Of International Marketing

Part Three:對話 A Dialogue

Part Four:詞匯 New Words

Part Five:注釋與常用短語 Notes & Useful Expressions

Part Six:練習 Exercises

Lesson Three建立業務關系 Establishment Of Business Relations

Part One:業務溝通基礎 Basics Of Business Communication

Part Two:信函樣本 Some Specimen Letters

1. 賣方向買方做自我介紹并希望建立業務關系 Seller is writing to the buyer, making a self-introction in the hope of establishing business relations

2. 出口商向國外客戶介紹并推銷產品 An exporter is writing to his foreign customer, introcing his proct and trying to promote its sales

3. 廠商致函國外進口商推銷自己的產品 A maker is writing to the foreign importer in order to promote the sales of his procts

4. 廠商介紹新軟件 The maker is introcing his new software

5. 進口商的自我介紹 An importer is making a self-introction

6. 希望成為國外廠家的銷售代理 Hoping to be a sales agent of a foreign procer

7. 進口商對貿易展覽會上的產品感興趣 An importer is showing his interest in some proct displayed at a trade fair

8. 尋找新的供貨商 Try to find a new supplier

9. 經人介紹后通過互聯網求購化工產品 To purchase some chemicals on the inter買粉絲 at sb’s introction

Part Three:介紹你的公司 Introce Your Company

Part Four:詞匯 New Words

Part Five:注釋與常用短語 Notes & Useful Expressions

Part Six:練習 Exercises

Lesson Four詢盤與復盤 Inquiries And Replies

Part One:詢盤的要點 Key Points Of Inquiries

Part Two:信函樣本 Some Specimen Letters

1. 購貨商看到廣告后去函索要價目表 A purchaser is asking for a price list after he saw the advertisement

2. 買方向賣方詢購產品 A buyer is enquiring for some proct to the seller

3. 進口商接出口商來電函后詢價 An importer is replying to the exporter’s enquiry

4. 進口商詢價并要求最優惠條件 The importer is sending a request for best terms

5. 進口商詢價并要求寄送樣品 The importer is making an enquiry and asking for some samples

7. 買方急需貨物,去函詢問交貨時間 The buyer is in urgent need of the cargo and enquires about the delivery time

Part Three:對話 A Dialogue

Part Four:詞匯 New Words

Part Five:注釋與常用短語 Notes & Useful Expressions

Part Six:練習 Exercises

Lesson Five發盤與還盤 Offers And Counter Offers

Part One:發盤要點 Key Points Of Offers

Part Two:信函樣本 Some Specimen Letters

1. 賣方根據購貨商詢價報出實盤 Sellers making an offer on the basis of an enquiry from the buyer

2. 買方回函,要求調低價格 A reply from the buyer, requesting a lower price

3. 賣方根據詢價對外報盤,并規定最低起訂數量 The seller is making an offer on a basis of an enquiry, stipulating a minimum order

4. 憑樣成交
