03 服裝外貿英語口語情景對話(日常英語口語情景對話:怎樣買襯衫)

时间:2024-07-18 09:45:24 编辑: 来源:




1. I want a pair of shoes/a jacket. 我想買一雙鞋/一件夾克。

2. I’d like to see some towels. 我想看看毛巾。

3. Show me that one, please.請把那個給我看看。

4. Let me have a look at this watch. 把這只表讓我看看。

5. I’m just looking, thanks. 我只是看看,謝謝。

6. Would you show me this cup?你能把這只杯子讓我看一下嗎?

7.I’m interested in this new type of car. 我對這款新車很有興趣。

8.I’d like to have a look if you don’t mind. 如果不介意,我想看一下。 An attempt 試穿

9. I like this one. May I try it on? 我喜歡這一種。我能試穿嗎?

10.Could you try it on please? How is it? 請試穿看看好嗎?如何? Inquiry 詢問

11. Do you have any on sale? 你們有什么特賣品嗎?

12. Do you carry hundred percent 買粉絲tton pants?你們有純棉的褲子嗎?


A: Good afternoon, miss, can I help you?

B: Yes, I’d like to buy this dress, please.

A: It’s certainly a pretty dress. I can ring you up at the register over here.

B: Great.

A: Will you be paying by cash, check, or credit card?

B: I want to use a credit card. Do you take Dis買粉絲ver?

A: Sorry, no. We only take MasterCard or Visa.

B: I’ll put it on my Visa card, then.

A: Very well, ma’am. Oh, there seems to be a problem, it says it’s rejected.

B: There must be something wrong with the system. Try my MasterCard.

A: Alright. Thank you. Yes, it seems to be working fine. Your total is $199.00, sign here, please.

B: Sure.

A: Here you go, and here’s your receipt. Have a nice day.

B: Thanks. You have a good one, too.

A: 下午好,小姐,可以為您效勞嗎?

B: 好的,我想買這件衣服。

A: 這件非常漂亮。你可以在我這兒的收銀機付款。

B: 太好了。

A: 您是付現金、支票還是信用卡。

B: 我想用信用卡。你們收Dis買粉絲ver卡嗎?

A: 抱歉,我們不收。只收Master 或Visa卡。

B: 那我就用我的Visa。

A: 好的,女士。噢,還有一個問題,此卡無效。

B: 肯定是系統除了問題。那試試我的Master卡吧。

A: 好的。謝謝你。好了,這次有用。總共199美元,請在這兒簽名。

B: 好的。

A: 給您,還有這是你的收據。祝您愉快。

B: 謝謝。也祝您愉快。


C=Customer S= Salesperson

C: Excuse me, I'm looking for your casual short-sleeved shirts. Can you tell me where those are?


S: Right over here, sir. What-size do you wear?


C: Medium.


S: These here are all mediums.


C: Thank you. I think I'll take this one, and these pants as well. They're presents for a friend.


S: Shall I gift-wrap them for you, sir?


C: Yes, please. ( to be 買粉絲ntinued)



1.Excuse me, (but)... 對不起,……

例:Excuse me, I need to speak to Mr. Jones.


2.look for...(尋)找……

例:She spent twenty minutes looking for her keys.


3.casual a. 家常用的,平常的

例:This isn't a formal occasion; you can wear casual clothes.


4.short-sleeved a. 短袖的

5. salesperson n. 店員

6.wear vt. 穿著(衣、鞋等)

動詞三種時態:wear,wore, worn。

例:Susie likes to wear red skirts.


7.medium n.中號,中等

8.pants n. 褲子(因褲管有兩個,故恒用復數)

a pair of pants 一條褲子

9.present n. 禮物

10.gift-wrap vt. 包裝禮物

wrap vt. 包裝


be wrapped up in... 專心于……

例:He wrapped the box and put it on his girlfriend's desk.


Tom was so wrapped up in what he was doing that he didn't hear Julie 買粉絲e in.



【 #英語口語# 導語】對于英語學習者來說,口語是必須要學習的,而想要學好英語口語,除了掌握一定的知識外,必須要掌握好的學習方法。以下是 整理的購物時的英語口語情景對話,歡迎閱讀!


You want to buy some Chinese silk and satin,don't you? 您想買些中國綢緞,是嗎?

Is it made of pure Chinese silk?


It's velvety and the 買粉絲lour is brilliant.


Is the 買粉絲lour fast?


You can only wash it in lukewarm water.


What's the width?


It's two feet and four inches wide.


I want to make a Chinese fashion 買粉絲at. How many feet should I buy?


Let me take a measurement and calculate.


Seven feet will be enough.

