03 年貨大集圖片手抄報(英語暑假小報簡單又漂亮)

时间:2024-07-06 10:15:05 编辑: 来源:



1樓 The Chinese New Year is a festival whose Chinese are most important.The history of the Chinese New Year is very long.Stanza front stick in an on the face the New Years Day of the implied meaning of the yellow word in red paper in top send message by word and the god of wealth resembles with hang deep red lantern etc.. The Chinese New Year is a close relatives the festival of the family reunion.The not far a long distance in child that leave the house returns to the home.The family rounds to sit together a mpling, use the mpling symbol family reunion.The beginning of January is on thering is fiesta 買粉絲oking stove etc. rites before;In the stanza make New Years visit the child New Years Money, friend etc. 春節是漢族最重要的節日。

春節的歷史很悠久。節前就在門臉上貼上紅紙黃字的寓意的新年寄語及財神像和掛大紅燈籠等. 春節是個親人團聚的節日。


正月初一前有祭灶等儀式;節中有給兒童壓歲錢、親朋好友拜年等。Maria790發表于:2012-01-23 20:27:192樓 Spring Festival is the most important festival in China . 春節是中國最重要的節日 It's to celebrate the lunar calendar 's new year . 它是為了慶祝農歷新年 In the evening before the Spring Festival ,families get together and have a big meal . 在春節前夜,家人聚在一起享用豐盛的一餐 In many places people like to set off firecrackers . 在許多地方人們還放鞭炮 Dumplings are the most traditional food . 餃子是最傳統的食物 Children like the festival very much ,because they can have delicious food and wear new clothes . 孩子們非常喜歡春節,因為他們可以吃好吃的東西和穿新衣服 They can also get some money from their parents. 他們也可以領到壓歲錢 This money is given to children for good luck . 給孩子的這些錢是為了(來年的)好運氣 People put New Year scrolls on the wall for good fortune . 人們也用貼年畫的方式來乞求好運 The Spring Festival lasts about 15 days long . 春節持續近15天 People visit relatives and friends with the words “Have all your wishes ”. 人們拜訪親戚朋友時會送上一句"萬事如意" People enjoy the Spring Festival ,ring this time they can have a good rest . 人們享受春節,在這段時間他們可以好好休息一下江琴榕發表于:2014-01-18 15:40:533樓 1.I like the Chinese new year better than any other festival. This is a time especially for rest and joy. I need not study. I wear good clothes and eat good food. I have a good time from morning till night. I am as happy as a king. 我喜歡中國新年比喜歡其它任何節日更甚。



我和上帝一樣快樂。 2.春節是中國民間最隆重的傳統節日。

在夏歷正月初一,又叫陰歷年,俗稱“過年”、“新年”。春節的歷史很悠久,它起源于殷商時期年頭歲尾的祭神祭祖活 動。

按照我國農歷,正月 初一古稱元日、元辰、元正、元朔、元旦等,俗稱年初一,到了民國時期,改用公歷,公歷的一月一日稱為元旦,把農歷的一月一日叫春節。 Lunar New Year , the most solemn of traditional Chinese folk festivals. First day of the first lunar month in the traditional Chinese lunar calendar, known as the Moon, monly known as "New Year" and "New Year." The long history of the Spring Festival, which originated in the Shang period the year draws to a close servicemen and the memorial activities. Ac買粉絲rding to Chinas Lunar, the first day of the first lunar month yen ancient name, Yuan-chen, a 買粉絲py, is Emperor, the New Year Day, which is monly known as Day of the Republic. switch to the Gregorian calendar, the calendar on January 1 as New Years Day, January 1st called the Lunar Spring Festival. 3.Spring festival is ing.Spring Festival is on the traditional Chinese festivals.People used to call it "the Lunar New Year".It always starts between january the first and february the twentieth. Shortly before the festival ,Chinese people are busy shopping . They buy vegetables,fish,meat and new clothes and many other things.They clean the houses and de買粉絲rate them. 春節到了,春節是中國的傳統節日,人們習慣上成作農歷年.這個節日總是在每年的一月初到二月中旬之間. 春節前的一段日子,中國人早早地開始買年貨.他們買蔬菜.魚和肉.新衣服和種種其他的東西.他們打掃房屋,把自己的家布置一新.圖片的話在百度圖片一搜可知,無法復制。

手抄報 我的快樂暑假


列文;我的暑假,好像一個神秘的百寶箱,酸甜苦,樣樣不缺。要聽聽嗎?跟我來! No。

1酸 雖說是放暑假了,家里應該安靜安靜,可媽媽卻帶來一個表弟。一天,爸爸媽媽上班去了,留下我和表弟在家,正好,我在看電視,那表弟竟然跟我“正大光明”的搶遙控器,本來我是讓著他的,后來竟然說我膽小,我肺都要氣炸了,一個“餓狼吞食”,把遙控器搶到了手。

“你們在干啥”暈!媽媽難道會輕功,我還沒來得及想時,媽媽一看滿臉委屈的弟弟,就不分青紅皂白的說了我一頓,我鼻子一酸,竟然哭了。 No。

2 苦 這一天就光跟弟弟吵架了,作業當然沒做了,回家自然被爸爸訓了一頓,訓歸訓,作業還是要補的。都怪表弟,這回好了,補作業到深夜,好困啊!算了,誰讓我只顧看電視了,唉,自作自受! No。

3甜 終于盼到那一天啦!哪一天啊?你一定會問。這還用說嗎?我生日耶!別人過生日都是在飯店里過,或者是家長送一大堆禮物,我的爸爸媽媽卻從來不這樣,而是——一天不做作業!這大概就是所謂的苦盡甘來吧!看來,我還得好好謝謝表弟呀! 這樣,是不是超酷呢?沒錯,這就是我超酷,超炫,還帶點調皮的暑假生活! 快樂暑假 經歷了殘酷的末考以后,便迎來了快樂的暑假. 那種雨后見彩虹的感覺,真好!平時緊迫的學習生活壓得我喘不過氣來.使我不得不放下那刀光劍影的小說,不能再做Jay最瘋狂的Fans.以前的死黨們大多都各奔東西,尋找各自的夢.已經很久沒在一起了…… 雖然說書中自有黃金屋,為了夢想不得不好好地投入學習,但卻也失去了不少快樂,心里難免有些遺憾. 放假了,天都由我作主!一定要痛快的享受! *** 如酷暑般狂熱, *** ! 我又可以捧起我曾經至愛的小說,如饑如渴,被故事里的情節感動,激奮,逗樂……好佩服作者的智慧:寫盡人生百態,人性的善惡,生活的哲理,人生的意義.情感是那樣的豐富,故事是那樣的逼真,觀之如身臨其境,妙哉! 早聽說Jay的 *** 作電影《頭文字D》將在暑假公演,大好良機怎容錯過,當然是第一時間去搶購,然后盡情欣賞偶像超酷的飄移和他浪漫而又遺憾的戀情"陪"他度過一個豐富多彩的暑假.酷透了! 放假了, 當然少不了和闊別已久的死黨們好好聚一聚!俗話都說:士別三日,理當刮目相看.果然一點兒也不假.看,個個都變得高大威猛,英俊瀟灑,以前大手大腳的"粗魯漢",現在都成了風度翩翩的紳士了.也許是環境所逼吧.還有,他們球技的突飛猛進更是令人大吃一驚呵.這些小子,不簡單啊! 世間萬物在變,只有我們的友誼永不變!天涯和海角,今天或以后,空間與時間只能更拉近我們之間心的距離! 業精于勤,荒于嬉.玩的痛快,學得有勁.學與玩完美的結合,沒有象學校那枯燥無味的學習,而是開學的學,感覺多好!沒有束縛卻還有不變的壓力:高二了,高考還遠嗎 壓力就是動力,玩得瘋狂而不放縱. 知了也睡了,安靜地睡了.忙碌之余,享受這寧靜的夏天,那
