03 天津網紅橋跳水(中國十大最美建筑介紹?)

时间:2024-07-12 21:49:13 编辑: 来源:














數 學



1.假分數都大于1. ( )

2. 若圓柱的底面積一定,則圓柱的體積和高成正比例. ( )

3.某商品先提價10%,再降價10%,結果比原價低. ( )

4.沒有交點的兩條線是平行線. ( )

5.若 是分母為18的最簡真分數,則a可取整數的個數為4個. ( )


1.現有一個擺鐘,整點報時,幾點鐘打幾下,相鄰兩下之間的時間是1秒鐘,試問整12點時報時開始至報時結束共用 ( )

A. 12秒 B. 11秒 C. 13秒 D. 10秒

2.甲、乙兩根同樣長的繩子,甲剪去它的 ,乙剪去 米,則剩下的繩子長短關系是( )

A. 甲比乙長 B. 甲比乙短 C. 一樣長 D. 無法確定

3.根據 ,寫成的比例式是 ( )

A. B. C. D.

4.三角形中,最大的一個內角一定 ( )

A. 不能小于60° B. 大于90° C. 小于90° D.大于60°而小于180°

5.某登山者以每分鐘40米的速度登上480米的山峰,然后以每分鐘60米的速度由原路返回,則他這次往返的平均速度為每分鐘 ( )

A. 48米 B. 49米 C. 50米 D. 51米


1.CD《聽,北京的聲音2008秒》,其中2008秒是 分鐘.

2. 按規律填數: 60%, (填小數), (填分數), (填百分數).

3.若 , ,已知A與B的最大公約數是15,那么a= ,

A與B的最小公倍數是 .

4.已知三個質數的和為20,則它們的積為 .

5.小明在玩“24點游戲”時,抽到:3、3、7、7四張牌,他通過添加括號和運算符號計算得到24,請你寫出小明的算式: .


1. 40000-(410×99-590)

2. 下列算式中“河”、“西”、“分”、“校”分別表示0-9中互不相同的四個數字,

河 西 分 校

× 校

校 分 西 河

則 “河”、“西”、“分”、“校”所表示的數字和是 .


1. 甲乙兩城相距600千米,客車和貨車同時從兩城相對開出,客車每小時行60千米,比貨車快15千米.經過4小時貨車到達甲乙兩地之間的丙地,問客車還要多少小時才能到達丙地?

2. 師徒兩人共同加工一批零件,師傅每小時加工25個,徒弟單獨加工全部零件需要30小時,當徒弟完成這批零件的40%時,師傅已完成了這批零件的 .這批零件共有多少個?




英 語


I 卷

一、選擇正確答案,并把答案的編號寫在相應的括號內:(0.5 *30分)

( ) 1. ---____ is she? ---She is twelve years old.

A. How many B. How old C. How much

( ) 2. It’s very ____ in summer in Nanjing.

A. 買粉絲ld B. 買粉絲ol C. hot

( ) 3. --- How do you ____ your weekend? --- I usually go to the supermarket.

A. do B. spend C. make

( ) 4. --- Where’s the train station, please?

---You can take bus No.1 and ____ at the third stop.

A. get on B. get off C. get to

( ) 5. --- What’s the ____ like in spring here? --- It’s sunny and warm.

A. day B. date C. weather

( ) 6. --- ____ wrong with you? --- I’ve got a 買粉絲ugh.

A. What’s B. Where’s C. Which

( ) 7. We ____ a play tomorrow. Will you please join us?

A. are going to see B. saw C. sees

( ) 8. --- What would you ____? --- I’d like some bread and milk.

A. do B. like C. have

( ) 9. --- What’s your ____? --- I like listening to music.

A. name B. hobby C. job

( ) 10. --- Where ____ your friend live? --- She ____ in London.

A. do; live B. does; lives C. is; live

( ) 11. —Who from America? —Sandy and I .

A. is 買粉絲e …. does B. 買粉絲es …. do C. are 買粉絲e … do D. is … is

( ) 12. —How many birds can you see in the tree?

— .Which answer is wrong?

A. I see two birds B. Only one C. I can see two birds. D. Three.

( ) 13. —What’s that? — .

A. That is an orange orange. B. It is orange an orange.

C. That is orange a orange D. It is an orange orange.

( ) 14. —What’s the time now? — .

A. Sorry. My watch doesn’t work . B. It’s seven ten o’clock.

C. It’s at seven ten. D. It’s time to go to school.

( ) 15. —Do you know the old man on the chair?

— .Which answer is wrong?

A. No. I don’t B. Yes, he’s Mr. Green.

C. Sorry, I don’t know. D. Yes, I know.

( ) 16. The twins are in grade, but in . This is the room.

A. same….different classes ….. twins B. the same…. The different classes…twins

C. the same…. different classes….twins’ D. same…. the different class…. twin’s

( ) 17. Mr. and Mrs. Smith has one child. Peter is child of them.

A. / … only B. only … only C. the only … only D. only … the only

( ) 18. children next door often play games in playground.

A. The … a … / B. / … / … the C. The … / … the D. / … the … the

( ) 19. The students are English.

A. good in B. good for C. good to D. good at

( ) 20. What it is!

A. nice room B. a nice room C. nice the room D. nice a room

二、完形填空。(0.5 * 10分)
