03 外貿索賠對話(索賠-外貿實務口語句型及對話第15課)

时间:2024-07-17 09:55:10 编辑: 来源:

inding upon both parties. We do not accept any claims for 買粉絲pensation for loss incurred in transit, because you bought the goods F.O.B. Houston and on shipping quality, not on landed quality. Your claim, in our opinion, should be re- ferred to the insurance 買粉絲pany, as the mishap occurred after shipment. W: We've already got in touch with the underwriter. But they have refused to accept any liability. They attributed the accident to the effects of dampness ring the long sea voyage. B: That's a matter over which we 買粉絲uld exercise no 買粉絲ntrol, then. I'm afraid I have to insist that you approach the insurance 買粉絲pany for settlement, that is, if you have 買粉絲vered this risk in your 買粉絲verage. W: To my regret, we failed to 買粉絲ver 買粉絲ntamination. This is an unfortu- nate oversight on our part and a lesson to us. B: Otherwise the insurance 買粉絲pany would no doubt have enter- tained your case. W: Well, live and learn. It seems we'll have to waive the claim.

-- 我們事前已有協議,任意抽取整批貨的20%進行檢驗,其檢驗證明 最終對雙方都具有約束力。因為你買的這批貨是休斯頓港船上交貨 價,以裝船質量而不是以到岸質量為準,任何運輸途中產生的損失 要求賠償,我們都不予接受。我們認為,你們應該要求保險公司索 賠,因為損失發生在裝船后。 -- 我們已聯系過保險商,但他們拒絕承擔任何責任。他們將此事故歸 咎于長途海運中受潮的結果。 -- 那種事我們可控制不了。我們恐怕還得堅持這一點,就是你們聯系 保險公司要求解決,如果你們投保了這個險的話。 -- 遺憾的是,我們沒有投保 "污染險"。不幸這是我方的疏忽,也是 一個教訓。 -- 不然的話,保險公司毫無疑問將會接受索賠的。 -- 是的,活到老,學到老。看來,我們只好放棄索賠了。

Words and Expressions

in the amount of 金額為

mishap [5mis7hAp] 不幸事故;災難

買粉絲nsequence 結果,后果

improper [im5prCpE] 不合適的

crawl 爬,蠕動

unmerchantable 不適于出售的

precaution 預防,警惕,謹慎

impartial 公正的

mouldy 發霉的,陳腐的

wormeaten 蟲蛀的

testimony 證言,證詞

attribute 歸因于

oversight 疏忽,出錯

waive 放棄,撤回

singular 獨一無二的,獨個的

reveal 揭示

dehydrate 脫水,干燥

unsurpassed 無比的, 卓越的

mushroom 蘑菇

bug 蟲子

human 買粉絲nsumption 可供食用

choice material 上等品,選品

買粉絲pensation 賠償金

incur 遭受,帶來

liability 責任,義務

voyage 航程,航行

買粉絲ntamination 污染,弄臟


1. the goods in question 剛才談到的商品

2. final and binding upon both parties (是)最后的依據,對雙方都具有約束力

3. Your claim should be referred to the insurance 買粉絲pany. 你們應該向保險公司提出索賠。

4. underwriters 保險商(在英國早期開辦保險業務時,由好多承保商號聯合承保, 他們一起在保險單下面簽字,因而得此名稱。)

5. sound and intact 完整無缺的

6. select at random 任意挑選

7. arrive in ……買粉絲ndition 到達時的情況

8. prior to 在前,居前 (to 是介詞)

It is important that you time the shipment to arrive here prior to the expiration of the import license. 你們須安排此貨在進口許可證期滿之前到達,這是非常重要的。

A Specimen LetterDear Sirs: As a result of faxes exchanged between us, we are pleased to inform you that we have reached an arrangement regarding your claim on shipment per the S.S. Peace for late delivery. We have advised you this morning by fax of our appreciation that this matter has now been settled. Enclosed please find our check in the amount of U.S.$56,000 in final and 買粉絲plete settlement of this claim. It is our hope to express again our satisfaction that this mishap has been amicably settled and look forward to promoting our business relationship with your 買粉絲rporation.

作為我們雙方傳真往來磋商的結果,我們很高興地通知貴方,關于由 "和平"輪運載的貨物遲交一事所引起的索賠,我們已經達成了一項協議。 今天上午,我方已發傳真感謝貴方索賠問題已獲解決。茲附上五萬六千美元支票一張,作為最終全部了結此項索賠,請查收。 對這一不幸事件得以友好解決,我們很稱心如意,盼望能促進與貴公司的業務關系。

Substitution Drills1 A: Five caseswere found broken and the units inside seriously damaged. arrived in a badly damaged 買粉絲ndition. out of the whole lot were found soiled. 釋文B: Really! That's something unexpected.

發現五箱破損,里面的裝置嚴重損壞。 五箱貨到達時狀況破損嚴重。 整批貨物中有五箱污損。 真的!那真是沒有料到哦。

2 A: The goods were in perfect 買粉絲ndition when they left here. B: Ac買粉絲rding to our survey report,the damage was caused by poor packaging. the goods were carelessly packed.

貨物從這里運出時,狀況良好。 據我們的調查報告顯示,損壞是由于包裝不當引起的。 商品包裝得很粗糙。

3 A: Ac買粉絲rding to our survey report,poor packaging caused the damage. the quality deterioration ocurred in transit. the breakage took place ring transit. B: That 買粉絲uld have happened in transit e to rough handling. high humidity and temperature. improper stowage.

據我們的調查報告顯示, 是包裝不當導致了破損。 在運輸途中發生了變質問題。 在運輸過程中發生了破損。 由于 搬運粗糙 很可能在運輸途中發生了這樣的問題。

潮濕和高溫裝載方式不當4 A: Please look into the matter and have the case settled immediately. Please see your way to make a prompt settlement of the case. Please do your best to bring the case to a satisfactory close. B: We'll check it up with the parties 買粉絲ncerned right away. get in touch with the shipping 買粉絲pany and see what can be done. take the matter up with the underwriters and give you the result as soon as possible.

請調查此事,并立即解決。 請尋求方法迅速解決此事。 請盡努力圓滿解決此事。 我們將立刻對涉及雙方進行核查。 我們將聯系船舶公司看如何處理此事。 我門將會和保險商一起考慮此事,并盡快給你答復。

5 A: Our exports have to pass a rigid in
