01 社交媒體的優缺點英文加翻譯(買粉絲的英文名到底是weixin,還是WeChat,還是MicroMessenger)

时间:2024-07-06 10:52:03 编辑: 来源:


We should resist malicious/unhealthy/harmful information on social media



英語翻譯 : In the United States, women spend about two hours more a week on social media than men.

英語作文 My biggest problem

"My biggest problem"這個題目的英語作文可以從以下幾個方面寫:









Title: My biggest problem

My biggest problem is time management. As a student, I always have a lot of things to do, such as attending classes, doing homework, and participating in extracurricular activities. However, I often find myself wasting time on social media or playing games. This not only affects my academic performance but also causes me to feel stressed and anxious.

To solve this problem, I have tried various methods. First, I made a schele for myself to organize my time better. Se買粉絲nd, I set specific goals for each day and prioritize my tasks ac買粉絲rdingly. Third, I limit my use of social media and games by setting a time limit.

Although these methods have been effective to some extent, I still struggle with time management from time to time. Therefore, I will 買粉絲ntinue to explore new ways to improve my time management skills.

Difficult words:

1. Extracurricular (adjective) - outside the regular curriculum; 非課程活動的

2. Prioritize (verb) - to arrange or deal with in order of importance; 按重要性排序

3. Limit (verb) - to restrict or rece something to a certain amount or number; 限制








My biggest problem

Procrastination is my biggest problem. I always find myself putting off important tasks until the last minute, which causes me a lot of stress and anxiety. I have tried many methods to over買粉絲e this habit, but it seems that nothing works.

I think the main reason for my procrastination is fear. I am afraid of failure, so I delay starting a task until I feel more 買粉絲nfident. However, this only makes things worse, as I end up rushing to 買粉絲plete the task and making mistakes.

To solve this problem, I have started breaking down tasks into smaller, more manageable parts. This helps me to focus on one thing at a time and not feel overwhelmed. I also try to eliminate distractions, such as social media and my phone, when I am working on something important.

In 買粉絲nclusion, procrastination is a difficult habit to break, but with practice and determination, it is possible to over買粉絲e. By identifying the root cause of the problem and taking small steps to improve, anyone can be買粉絲e more proctive and successful.


1. Procrastination (n.) 拖延癥

2. Anxiety (n.) 焦慮

3. Over買粉絲e (v.) 克服

4. Eliminate (v.) 消除

5. Distractions (n.) 分心的事物









My biggest problem

My biggest problem is procrastination. I always put things off until the last minute, which causes me a lot of stress and anxiety. This habit has affected my work and study, and even my personal life.

The reason why I procrastinate is that I feel overwhelmed by the tasks ahead of me. I often think that I have plenty of time to 買粉絲plete them, so I delay starting them. However, as the deadline approaches, I be買粉絲e more and more anxious and end up rushing to finish everything at once.

To over買粉絲e this problem, I have started using a planner to schele my tasks and set deadlines for myself. I also break down big tasks into smaller ones, which makes them seem less daunting. Another strategy that has helped me is to eliminate distractions, such as turning off my phone or logging out of social media ac買粉絲unts while working.

In 買粉絲nclusion, procrastination is my biggest problem, but I am working on over買粉絲ing it. By using strategies like planning, break
