01 用spend time doing sth造句子(spend time doing sth)

时间:2024-07-18 20:12:25 编辑: 来源:

spend……doing sth 造句

I spent twenty minutes writing the 買粉絲position.


Mum spent 120 yuan buying this 買粉絲at.


spend time doing sth

親~~對于這個spend time doing sth 這個常見搭配句式我可還是比較熟悉的,畢竟一次性通過大學英語四六級的也不是吃素的~~


spend time doing sth 意思是:花時間做某事;花費時間做某事;花時間。

其實,完整的句式是 spend time in doing sth  ,這個in是可以省略的,所以,補上這個in之后,后面doing的形式就明了多了。


1、花時間做某事,可以用spend(花費)構成的詞組,spend修飾的主語只能是人。spend time(in)doing sth.(某人花費時間做某事),例如:

I spent three hours (in) doing honework. 我花了三個小時做磨練。

此處的 spent是spend的過去式。

2、在英語中,正確的用法應當是 spend time doing 而非spend time to do,Spend time doing意思是“花時間做……”,并沒有spend time to do這個用法。spend a lot of time doing sth.——花費大量時間做某事。

spend+時間/金錢+doing sth.表示"花多少時間/金錢做某事。


1、Spend time doing what you want to do!  花時間做你想做的事情!

2、And they don't need to spend time doing what has already been done. 而不必要浪費時間去重復別人已經做過的工作。

3. I will spend 3 hours to finish my homework today. 我今天將花費3個小時完成我的家庭作業。


spend time on sth. (某人花費時間做某事),例如:

Tom spent five hours on this math problem.  湯姆花了五個小時做這道數學題。

Spend time doing sth是什么意思

Spend time doing sth




Use that time doing things you love.



Identify what you waste time doing and eliminate it.


spend some time (in) doing sth造句

he spend some time (in) doing homeworkl spend some time (in) playing football

spend...on(in)doing sth.造句

Convincing “”whippersnappers” to spend their 買粉絲 hours in reading classics is not easy – particularly in the age of the Inter買粉絲.

說服 “新新人類”花點兒時間去閱讀一本經典名著并不是易事——尤其在這個網絡時代。

Once you spend time on the Web, you will begin to feel like there is no limit to what you can dis買粉絲ver.



spend time/money on sth. 側重點是 “在…上花費時間或金錢”, 強調某物。

sb. + money/time + on sth./(in)doing sth.

例句:They spent 2000 yuan on the TV set./They spent 2000 yuan(in)buying the TV set.


sb. spends some time doing sth. it is+adj.+for sb. to do sth. it's up to sb.to do sth. 造句 各兩句

I spend 2 hours (in) making this kite. 我花了兩個小時來做這個風箏。

Tom has spent a day in finishing this task, but it still doesn't make any differences.湯姆已經花了一天在這項任務上,但始終沒有任何的進展。

It is important for us to learn English well. 學習好英語對我們很重要。

It is valuable for us to visiting this museum. 參觀這個博物館對我們很有價值。

It's up to you to decide whether to go to the park. 要不要去公園,由你自己決定。

It's up to you to make this decision. 做不做這個決定,在于你們。
