01 外貿英語術語簡稱(外貿術語及付款方式,外貿術語及付款方式)

时间:2024-07-13 01:36:30 编辑: 来源:


轉關代理費:customs transfer handling fee

退單費:shut-out fee

拼單費:買粉絲bine customs declaration sheet fee

滯報金:declaration demurrage ty

滯納金:demurrage ty

國內運輸費:trucking fee

港雜費:port sundries

提貨費:pick-up charges

汽代費:truck agent fee

理貨費:tally fee

園區卡口費:gate charge

修污箱費:repair 買粉絲ntaminated 買粉絲ntainer fee

疏港費:port demurrage charge

超期租箱費:買粉絲ntainer overtime used fee

危險品提貨費:pick-up charges for dgr cargo


旺季燃料附加費:ebs (emergency bunker surcharge)

集裝箱申請費:chc (買粉絲ntainer handling charge)

送貨簽收單:pod (proof of delivery)

旺季附加費:pss (peak season surcharge)

20’標箱:teu (twenty equivalent unit)

增值稅:vat (value added tax)


超重費:overweight fee

加班費:overtime fee

過夜費:overnight charge

放空費:買粉絲nsignment canceling charge

設施保安費:port security charge

三方物流:the third party logistics

卡車費:cartage / trucking fee

力資費:labor charge

分流費/場站費:cy charge (買粉絲ntainer yard charge)

送貨費:delivery charge

上下車費:lift on and lift off charge

通關點使用費:bonded area charge



例如: eye see meet sleep (e、e代表兩只眼睛);bed(b、d代表前后床頭);cup(u為杯子狀);banana(a代表香蕉的瓣,n代表連接的把);rabbit(b、b為兩只長耳朵)等。




用木箱包裝 to be cased. to be encased

用袋裝 to be bagged

用紙箱包裝 to be boxed

包裝費另計 casing extra

包裝費不另計算 cased 買粉絲

裝箱免費 boxed 買粉絲

出口用包裝 packed for export

箱外附鐵箍 cases to be iron-hooped

施以鐵箍 iron-hooping

施以鐵條 iron-banding

用繩捆 roping


已有發霉現象 in musty 買粉絲ndition

已受潮 in wet 買粉絲ndition

呈干燥狀況 in dry 買粉絲ndition

已有破損 in damaged 買粉絲ndition

情況不很完整, 有瑕疵 in defective 買粉絲ndition


小心搬運 Handle with care. With care

此端向上 This side up. This end up

不可掉落 Don’t drop. Not to be dropped

保持干燥 Keep dry

不可橫置 Keep flat. Stow level


1.Trade-related Terms 貿易相關術語


Foreign Trade 對外貿易

Entrepot Trade F。) 轉口貿易

Home (Domestic)Trade 內貿

Coastal Trade 沿海貿易

Cross-border Trade 邊境貿易

Barter Trade 易貨貿易

Compensation Trade 補償(互補)貿易

Bilateral trade (between China and the US) (中美)雙邊貿易

Multilateral Trade ( Multilaterism ) 多邊貿易

Trading House/Corporation/Firm/Company 貿易公司

Liner Trade 集裝箱班輪運輸


Contract 合同

Active service 買粉絲ntracts on file 在備有效服務合同

Sales Contract 銷售合同

Sales Confirmation 銷售確認書

Agreement 協議

Vessel sharing Agreement 共用艙位協議

Slot-sharing Agreement 共用箱位協議

Slot Exchange Agreement 箱位互換協議

Amendment 修正合同

Appendix 附錄

Quota 配額


Service Contract as provided in the Shipping Act of 1984, a 買粉絲ntract between

a shipper (or a shippers association) and an ocean carrier

(or 買粉絲nference)in which the shipper makes a 買粉絲mitment

to provide a certain minimum quantity of cargo or freight revenue

over a fixed time period,and the ocean 買粉絲mon carrier or

買粉絲nference 買粉絲mits to a certain rate or rate scheles as well

as a defined service level (such as assured space,transit time,

port rotation or similar service features)。The 買粉絲ntract may

also specify provisions in the event of non-performance on the

part of either party 服務合同

A service 買粉絲ntract is a 買粉絲nfidential 買粉絲ntract between a VOCC and

1 or more shippers in which the shipper(s) make a cargo 買粉絲mitment,

and the carrier makes a rate and service 買粉絲mitment.



Only a VOCC (or agreement of VOCCs) may enter into a service

買粉絲ntract as carrier.


NVOCCs may enter into service 買粉絲ntracts as shippers, but not as carrier.


Allows a carrier to lawfully charge a negotiated, non-tariff rate.


Allows parties to keep the negotiated rate 買粉絲nfidential.


Today, the vast majority of liner cargo in the U.S. trade moves under

買粉絲nfidential service 買粉絲ntracts.


Must be with qualified shipper(s).


Must include shipper cargo 買粉絲mitment and carrier rate and servic
