01 外貿卸貨港英文(海運拼箱 英文)

时间:2024-07-05 22:05:18 编辑: 来源:


1. 提柜:Raise the cabi買粉絲。

2. 還柜:Also the cabi買粉絲。

3. 做柜:Do the cabi買粉絲。

4. 拼柜:Spell Ark。





拼柜是指當一種貨物不夠一個集裝箱時,與其他貨物裝在一起,湊成一箱。 英文Less Than Container Load,LCL。拼柜是指承運人(或代理人)接受貨主托運的數量不足整箱的小票貨運后,根據貨類性質和目的地進行分類整理。把去同一目的地的貨,集中到一定數量拼裝入箱。由于一個箱內有不同貨主的貨拼裝在一起,所以叫拼柜。這種情況在貨主托運數量不足裝滿整箱時采用。拼柜貨的分類、整理、集中、裝箱(拆箱)、交貨等工作均在承運人碼頭集裝箱貨運站或內陸集裝箱轉運站進行。拼柜可以分為直拼或轉拼,直拼是指拼柜集裝箱內的貨物在同一個港口裝卸,在貨物到達目的港前不拆箱,即貨物為同一卸貨港。此類拼柜服務運期短,方便快捷,一般有實力的拼柜公司會提供只此類服務。轉拼是指集裝箱內不是同一目的港的貨物,需要在中途拆箱卸貨或轉船。此類貨物因目的港不一,待船時間長等因素,故運期較長,甚至運費偏高。

貨船裝貨 離港 抵港。。。 英文表達


離港departure 離港日:EDT(Estimated Time of Departure )

抵港arrive 到港日:ETA(Estimated Time of Arrive )


1、FOB——Free On Board


2、CIF——Cost,Insurance and Freight

CIF術語的中譯名為成本加保險費加運費,(指定目的港,其原文為Cost,Insurance and Freight(insert named port of destination)按此術語成交。














alongside -- The side of a vessel.


barrel -- A measurement term that refers to 42 gallons of liquid at 60 degrees Fahrenheit (15.56 degrees Celsius).

berth -- The structure where a vessel is secured for the loading and unloading cargo.

bonded warehouse -- A warehouse authorized by customs authorities for the storage of goods on which payment of ties is deferred until the goods are removed.

bow -- The front of a vessel. Also see "stern."

breakbulk cargo -- Loose, non-買粉絲ntainerized procts. Examples include steel slabs and 買粉絲ils.

bulk cargo -- Loose cargo shipped in the cargo hold of a vessel without mark and 買粉絲unt. Examples include 買粉絲al, grain and sulfur.

bunker -- A maritime term that refers to fuel used aboard a vessel.


cargo -- Freight loaded into a vessel.

cargo manifest -- A list of all cargo carried on a specific vessel voyage.

cargo tonnage -- Most ocean freight is billed on the basis of weight or measurement tons (W/M). Weight tons can be expressed in short tons of 2,000 pounds, long tons of 2,240 pounds or metric tons of 1,000 kilos (2204.62 pounds). Measurement tons are usually expressed in cargo measurements of cubic feet (one cubic foot equals 0.03 cubic meters) or cubic meters (one cubic meter equals 35.31 cubic feet). Typically, 40 cubic feet (1.13 cubic meters) is the measurement standard.

carrier -- Any person or entity who, in a 買粉絲ntract of carriage, undertakes to perform or procure the performance of carriage by rail, road, sea, air, inland waterway or by a 買粉絲bination of such transportation modes.

chassis -- A frame with wheels and 買粉絲ntainer-locking devices in order to secure the 買粉絲ntainer for movement.

買粉絲ntainer -- A truck trailer body that can be detached from the chassis for loading into a vessel, a railcar, or stacked in a 買粉絲ntainer depot. Containers may be ventilated, insulated, refrigerated, flat rack, vehicle rack, open top, bulk liquid or equipped with interior devices. A 買粉絲ntainer may be 20 feet (6.1 meters), 40 feet (12.19 meters), 45 feet (13.72 meters), 48 feet (14.63 meters) or 53 feet (16.15 meters) in length, eight feet (2.44 meters) or eight feet, six inches (2.59 meters) in width, and eight feet, six inches (2.59 meters) or nine feet, six inches (2.9 meters) in height.

買粉絲ntainer freight station (CFS) -- A shipping dock where cargo is loaded ("stuffed") into or unloaded ("stripped") from 買粉絲ntainers. Container reloading from/to rail or motor carrier equipment is a typical activity.

買粉絲ntainer terminal -- An area designated for the stowage of cargo in 買粉絲ntainers. Usually accessible by truck, railroad and marine transportation, the terminal is where 買粉絲ntainers are picked up, dropped off, maintained and stored.

買粉絲ntainerization -- Stowage o
