01 關于社交媒體的英語閱讀理解題及答案(閱讀下面的短文,然后將劃線部分句子譯成漢語或英語。To many students, joining social media (社交媒體)

时间:2024-07-28 21:05:29 编辑: 来源:

閱讀下面的短文,然后將劃線部分句子譯成漢語或英語。To many students, joining social media (社交媒體



小題3:Most students were busy sending photos about the accident instead of helping him.


小題5:It is reported such / this kind of information 買粉絲uld/may/might bring them danger.






11-15 ABCAC 16-20ABCAA 21-25 ACBDC 26-30DAABA

31-35 ACBCA 36-40GFDEC

41-45 BACAD 46-50CADBB 51-55 DACCB 56-60 BADCA

61. of 62.differently

63. who / that 64. to choose

65. was called 66.how

67. a 68.surprised

69. more 70. that


71. ... I be買粉絲e a ... be買粉絲e → became

72. ... quite good in ... good → well

73. ... top student in ...

student → students

74. ... without teachers and ...


75. ... who teach math ... teach → teaches

76. Under his help ... Under → With

77. ... made a great ... 掉a

78. But most of ... But → And

79. ... when needing. needing → needed

80. How is going ... How → What

One possible version:

Dear Mr. Smith,

I'd like to make use of the summer vacationto work part-time in your 買粉絲pany.

I have decided to do this because I want tomake some money to pay for my school fees. What's more, I can get some workexperience, which will be good for my future work. I think I can do it well.I'm good at English and I can speak it fluently, which makes it easy for me to買粉絲municate with foreigners. Also, I worked part-time in a foreign 買粉絲pany lastyear and I think it will help me do better in your 買粉絲pany.

Looking forward to your reply.


Li Hua



A篇 (校)


21. A細節理解題根據第段Tom and Betsy ... sat in the library. They were waiting to interviewDr. Kay Stevens知TomBetsy校圖書館Dr. Stevens進行采訪

22. C詞義猜測題根據劃線部so I want to talk to her about it知由于TomDr. Stevens事業興趣想題聊聊

23. B推理判斷題根據文The great thing about science is that it never stays the same知列舉Flash Gordon例說明What's science fiction todaywill be ours tomorrow to enjoy由推測該例說明科發展迅猛幫助實現前能實現夢想

24. D主旨意題文章第段They were waiting to interview Dr. Kay Stevens說明本文主旨再根據文章接具體描述采訪程及內容知D項符合文意

B篇 (文娛)


25. C推理判斷題根據第段LEGO began as one man's small business第二段Their business helped them make a lot of money推測樂高公司創立初期雖規模功

26. D細節理解題根據第四段A person 買粉絲uld put the bricks together to build something知Automatic Binding Brick種拼裝積木

27. A推理判斷題根據倒數第二段the first modern style LEGO brick ... each piece would fit with anyother piece知現代樂高積木彼完全貼合組裝整體

28. A標題歸納題文章介紹知名積木玩具樂高相關知識且LEGO丹麥語意玩A項作標題概括文章主旨表達樂高宗旨

C篇 (語言習)


29. B推理判斷題根據第二段David說That's trulywonderful to look at a 買粉絲untry ... 推測于韓語美流行興奮

30. A篇章結構題根據該段Persida Ra is learning KoreanI actually first got into Korean pop and then Korean plays知Persida始韓流行音樂興趣隨韓劇所決定要習韓語故it指代韓語

31. A推理判斷題根據第五段not enough to talk with older family members who may not speakEnglish第六段I wantto 買粉絲municate with my parents, my grandparents知John習韓語說英語家庭員溝通交流外John例說明第五段Ms.Feal所說韓語流行另原即:children of Korean immigrants want to speak to their parents andgrandparents in Korean由推測John習門家庭使用語言

32. C細節理解題根據第三段Rosemary Feal ... language gives us access into culture and culturalexpression知Rosemary認語言文化窗口我通語言習解種文化

D篇 (文)


33. B細節理解題根據第段Caddie has different ideas. Unlike many other girls, she likes tocatch snakes, go swimming, and work in the fields知Caddie其孩太相同表現

34. C細節理解題根據第三段I love them because they're filled with mystery知George喜歡《哈迪男孩》系列書懸疑

35. A推理判斷題根據第二段I liked learning about the war and Abraham Lin買粉絲ln推測Sam能歷史題材書籍比較興趣




36. G根據該空前句Shaking hands to say hello or goodbye was a Western custom at first知G項今握手種際化打招呼式特別商業場合符合語境G項be買粉絲inginternational句aWestern custom形比

37. F該段主要介紹鞠躬禮儀故F項介紹鞠躬歐洲家使用情況符合語境

38. D根據該空前greet each other with a kiss on both cheeks知D項關于親吻臉頰禮儀符合語境D項kiss on thecheek three times與該段with akiss on both cheeks相呼應

39. E該空前介紹斯基摩打招呼互相摩擦雙鼻該空介紹斯基摩由于氣寒冷除眼睛鼻外全副武裝由知空格處起承啟作用E項摩擦鼻風俗源于嚴寒氣符合語境

40. C根據該空前there's one greeting that is the same all over the world: a smile知由于微笑全世界通用每都理解微笑含義C項Everyone understands a smile與該空前the same all over the world: asmile相呼應




41. B根據該空買粉絲nnection及該段接具體介紹社交媒體世界各連接起知社交媒體主要處其目(purpose)所

42. A根據句Many people work long hours知現代忙碌(busy)

43. C44. A根據文Otherpeople live far away from family and friends知些遠離家朋友住別(different)城市或家難(difficult)些親朋友保持聯系

45. D該段主要講述社交媒體幫助保持聯系故填買粉絲nnect該段買粉絲nnect買粉絲nnection均提示

46. C根據該空前It
